So now we’re into blackmail and threats

Published: October 3, 2013 at 5:34pm

Just look at this comment on timesofmalta’s board. Quite frankly, it’s obviously not the Nationalist Party which feels itself blackmailed or threatened by Dalli, but the Labour Party and Muscat.

Why else would Muscat bother? Dalli is more trouble to him than he is worth.

POSTED BY: giusti — 03/10/2013 08:45:19 I shall refrain from any comments on the ruling given by the Speaker and will restrict my observations to the case of John Dalli. I have appealed, and will continue to appeal, for all to leave this man alone. He and his family have suffered long enough now. John Dalli’s trial by the media and the public in general reminds me olf the summary justice meted out to the aristocracy during the French Revolution. Unlike those helpless who’s heads rolled under the guilliotine, don’t bet that John Dalli is not holding a keg of dynamite. It would be wise to extinguish the sparks lest the rubble from the ensuing explosion might reveal a Pandora’s box of revelations that could possibly shake the PN Movement from its very foundation. I recall that one time, on a local TV Station, John Dalli had confessed that “naf hafna affarijiet fuq il-PN imam jien gentlom u responsabbli”.

14 Comments Comment

  1. CIS says:

    “naf hafna affarijiet fuq il-PN imam jien gentlom u responsabbli”. Most probably he knows a lot about Joseph Muscat too and that is why Muscat is keeping his enemies closer than his friends.

  2. Jozef says:

    Good to see Simon let Dalli go last week then. Renders Dalli redundant, except, as you rightly say, it does put Muscat in a fix.

  3. Watchful eye says:

    In other words, this Malta Labour Party apologist is extremely worried for the PN. Oh come off it. Since when does someone wish well his adversary? As usual, warped arguments.

  4. Anthony Briffa says:

    “naf hafna affarijiet fuq il-PN imam jien gentlom u responsabbli”.

    Dan il-kumment ghamlu Dalli ta’ bis-serjeta? Dan nesa’ li kien gholi fil-partit nazzjonalista u ministru f’iktar min legislatura wahda fi gvernijiet nazzjonalist?

    Jaf Dalli li skond il-ligi, min jkun jaf b’xi agir kriminali w ma jirraportax il-kaz lill-pilizija, dan jigi mressaq bhala li heba’ informazzjoni biex il-gustizzja ma tiehux il-kors taghha?

    Ghandu risposta ghal dawn il-mistoqsijiet giusti?

  5. Carmelita says:

    Joseph Muscat jaqbilek toqghod attent minn Dalli ghax kif qal li jaf hafna affarijiet fuq il PN imma hu gentlom u responsabbli, hekk ukoll jista jghid ghalih iktar il quddiem.

    Trid biza min bniedem bhal Dalli ghax jinhabb mieghek ghall ragunijiet ovvji, biex dejjem ikollu informazzjoni fuqek u meta jigi il mument iwahhalulek.

  6. Angus Black says:

    Sur giusti (minn Hal Ghaxaq?), fejn tidhol allegazzjoni ta ksur tal-ligi u wiehed ikun akkuzat, gustifikament jew le, l-irgulija tigi haga sekondarja. Fi kliem iehor, ‘survival comes first’. Dan bhal ma gara meta wiehed imdahhal f’kas ta korruzzjoni offra ix-xieda tieghu w akkwista immunita. Ma qadx jghid ‘ghax hekk nixhed, nikxef lill-dak jew l-iehor’, Allura dan li mexa skont ma tippermettilu l-ligi, jew is-socjeta, ghamel hazin li ghen lill-puluzija fl-investigazzjoni taghha?
    Jekk is-Sur Dalli vera jemmen li hu innocenti w ma jisthoqqlux il-gudizzju tal-poplu, allura imissu jmur ghand il-Kummissarju l-gdid u jitolbu bil-hniena biex itellgha l-kas il-qorti biex darba ghal dejjem ikun jista jaghti cans lilu nnifsu jaghti provi li huwa innocenti. Ghalfejn ma ghamilx dan, la jien u lanqas hadd ma jaf u allura jqajjem aktar spekulazzjoni.
    Issa jista jkun ukoll li jekk xi darba jitla jixghed, jinkixfu xi borom li jistghu jaqtghu l-idejn ta min qed jitimghu tant tajjeb, ladarba m’ghadux jigbed salarju mill-UE.

  7. Bubu says:

    If Dalli really knows anything now is the time for the PN to really renounce him and trounce him for all its worth.

    If there are any revelations to be made, better they come out now, while the PN are still picking up the pieces.

  8. Tracy says:

    I couldn’t find the article in the Times in which this comment was given. Can you please refer to it by its title ?

  9. Joseph Ellul-Grech says:

    Whoever left this comment must be a boot-licker with an obligation. As for what John Dalli has said “I know a lot of things about the PN but I am a responsible gentleman”. In my opinion where corruption is involved there are no gentlemen.

    John Dalli is no gentleman. HE IS A DECEITFUL COWARD. He may know a lot about the PN but many people known a lot about him and his corrupt practices. If he was a gentleman he would have insisted on having an investigation into the allegations I have been making about him for many years.

    In The Malta Independent of the 18th October 2010 he was quoted as saying that “he welcomes an investigation” into the false accusations he made against me. I was acquitted of all the charges he made against me and he never had the common sense or decency of a gentleman to apologise. That is the type of gentelman he is. AN ARROGANT AND DECEITFUL GENTLEMAN.

    For those who have not noticed, this political dinosaur has no scruples and has been in the habit of making threats to cover up his wrong doing for many years. He will always sell out to the highest bidder. A person who cannot be trusted. He is a protected sub-species and a bad loser.

  10. M. Cassar says:

    ‘gentlom u responsabbli’


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