The Fat Controller goes green and cuts down on electricity consumption

Published: October 1, 2013 at 12:34am

Joe Grima's villa

Joe Grima

Here’s Joe Grima’s villa on the outskirts of Marsascala/Zejtun. Some years ago, it spontaneously combusted just like his radio station, and you can see that nothing has been done to repair that state of affairs.

For quite a few years now, he’s lived in a flat off the Sliema xatt, where he has a reserved parking place for the handicapped on the grounds that he’s way too fat to walk from his car without blowing some kind of gasket – or spontaneously combusting.

When he was last incapacitated, they had to hoist him down with a crane, providing a spectacle for the shoppers below. His girlfriend Lynn Zahra, who shares what’s left of the flat when he’s in it, took offence at my calling her boyfriend fat and marched into the Sliema police station to suggest that action be taken against me.

One of the people who happened to be there sent me a covert recording: “He’s big because he’s got a condition, miskin. She does that to us, she calls him fat, because we’re Laburisti. M’hemmx xi haga li nistghu naghmlu?”

There can’t have been a straight face left in the station.

In any case, the point of uploading this picture of his derelict villa is to show that it was recently floodlit by what appears to be a floodlight connected to the Enemalta power supply.

Goodness knows how and why he sorted that out. I won’t be ringing him to find out. He might tell me to eff myself, just as he did with that nice priest.

10 Comments Comment

  1. Osservatore says:

    Fat fires are amongst the worse. In case of combustion, spontaneous or otherwise, please do NOT throw water as this will result in a boil over, possibly covering you in burning fat and causing the fire to spread.

    Irrespective of political views, you really would not like that to happen to you.

    Putting out a fat fire is best left to professional fire-fighters. I really am not joking.

  2. Last Post says:

    Tant ghandna u se jkompli jkollna minn dawn it-tipi ta’ “arrangamenti” ghal tal-qalba u l-hbieb taghhom li fl-ahhar (jittamaw) li taqbadna ndigestjoni u ma nibqghux niskantaw u nitkazaw bl-abbuzi li jaghmlu.

    Jekk fhimt sew, l-ahhar wahda hija dik tal-Ministru ghal Ghawdex li cahad li gieghel lill-vapur idur lura biex jigbru ghax wasal tard. Fl-istess hin li ghamel din ic-cahda il-Gozo Channel stqarret li d-decizjoni li l-vapur idur lura kien zball min-naha taghha.

    Komplu sejrin hekk u ftit ftit mhux lilna biss tkunu qazzistu bil-hnizrijiet taghkom imma anke lil min tellaghkom hemm. Hekka, Malta Taghna Lkoll ukoll, tarax!

  3. muscatitis,acuta says:

    Am I seeing right? Is he wearing a torn pair of trousers?

    [Daphne – That’s what it looks like, but no.]

  4. C C says:

    If my father had his villa (house) and business burnt to the ground he would be asking for help on the kerb. But some fat 1980s Mintoffian minister is comfortable enough to continue with his life as if nothing had happened, living in his second property off investments. Sick, sick.

  5. botom says:

    Lest we forget this is the same man who called Eddie Fenech Adami, then leader of the opposition, “Pufta” in a Labour mass meeting.

  6. Timothy says:

    How dare you call him fat, Daphne. He’s ‘big boned’. We can’t all be thin and scrawny, you know.

  7. H.Galea (NRK) says:

    “M’hemmx xi haga li nistghu naghmlu?”

    “U mela le – 40 gurnata hobs u ilma kull xaharejn ..imbaghad kellimna.”

  8. Conservative says:

    Didn’t they use to call him “il-Hanzir” when he was minister in Mintoff’s iron curtain days?

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