The problem with these Laburisti is that they completely lack sophistication and, like cheap wine, they really don’t travel well. Look at that hick Jeffrey, in this video in Germany.

Published: October 29, 2013 at 11:00pm

Look at this – it’s totally unbelievable. The Leuphana University/Lueneberg (Germany) held an ‘orientation week’ earlier this month. The working theme was: Future. City. Life! The general subject was city development, with a focus on three future-related trends: demographic change, digitalisation of culture and sustainable habitat. Projects were developed for a futuristic sustainable city under the fictional name of Leinwig.

Evarist Bartolo, as Malta’s education minister, was invited to participate in the opening speeches on Monday, 7th. He must have wangled an invitation for his sidekick and partner in crime these last five years, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, because the following day, there he was, among the “renowned international guest speakers” who had been given the brief to talk about “what the city of the 21st century should look like” and “a city worth living in”.

He was billed as the ‘executive chairman of the Malta Council of Science and Technology’ (extraordinary, isn’t it, how he managed to force out the real scientist who was CEO and then eradicate the CEO position completely, making himself executive chairman – a village dentist and Botoxer in charge of the Science Council).

So I imagine that those 1,600 German students and their professors were expecting, from the chairman of the Malta Council of Science and Technology, a proper talk about the city of the future in terms of environmental sustainability, work-life balance, commuting, space and population issues, and so on.

Instead, what they got is a man speaking for 17 minutes about himself, what he did in the Maltese parliament, the Catholic Church in Malta, Napoleon, the Knights of St John, how Gonzi was humiliated, how ‘the man in the red tie’ is the new PN leader shown here in a photograph being handed the PN defeat report, how the archbishop described his divorce bill as a bolt out of the blue, how the divorce referendum/issue which he engendered brought down the Nationalist Party, what a resounding victory Labour won…it’s just unbelievable.

The man is a hick. A total hick. He has all the sophistication and sense of context that you would expect of a village dentist whose entire social circle is made up of savagely aspirational members of the until recently stricken classes with newly acquired money and very little proper education. He just hasn’t a clue. The self-obsessed speech he would have given in Malta, he flew to Germany and gave there, to a bunch of people who don’t give a damn about the stunts he pulled off in parliament and the machinations of Maltese politics. He was there to talk about the city of the future, and instead he talked about What Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Did In Malta Last Year And The Year Before That.

I can only cringe, really cringe, and that’s because he wasn’t speaking in his own name and nobody at that university knows who he is and what he is. All they know is that this is the man in charge of Malta’s Council of Science and Technology, talking utter bollocks about himself and his petty political life. How is that science?

Also, you will notice that while he acts the big-shot on Super One TV and in other Maltese forums, when taken out of his comfort zone of Maltese hamalli tal-flus, Super One, Medasia, Marrakech, Is-Serkin, Maltese journalists and Maltese politicians, he’s as nervous as a sackful of weasels and totally insecure. A hick from the sticks, talking about himself. How embarrassing – for us.

94 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    Maybe Lara Boffa wrote that speech.

  2. La Redoute says:

    Jeffrey’s philosopher is so famous he doesn’t even know his name was Heraclitus.

    [Daphne – Oh come on. He probably thinks a Heraclitus is something Natius Farrugia will wax into a Brazilian for any woman who pays him.]

  3. Ernestoabroad says:

    Is he on talcum powder? WTF? Lolol.

  4. edgar says:

    Managed to watch 2 minutes then had to rush to the bathroom to throw up.

    • viva n nort koreja says:

      Same here.

    • Rumplestiltskin says:

      Better than me. I just managed 1:13.

      What on earth was the man thinking – speaking about his private member’s bill in a forum discussing Cities of the Future? He made the Malta Council for Science and Technology, and by extension Malta, appear to be a joke. These people are so caught up in themselves that they believe anyone else gives a damn as to their perceived personal ‘achievements.’ So utterly pathetic and sad.

  5. Ta'Sapienza says:

    What a tosser.

  6. Edward says:

    Did Jeffrey have to make us out to be such island-minded xenophobes? I really can’t stand it when people in Malta fall back on their post-colonial mindset just to make themselves out to be something special.

    What the hell is he on about, standing up to the PN? Lord, what does he want, an award?

    And enough with this whole “the Church is evil and oppressive”. It is the Church that has been on the front line of the immigration issue, helping out whenever and wherever it can, helps the sick and the destitute, and does tons of good in the country. Like all institutions it has its flaws, but seriously, this whole cry baby attitude has got to stop.

    The PN has been made up of liberals and conservatives alike, all working towards the success of Malta, and have spent 25 years rebuilding the place. They were the first to have an openly gay MP (much to Cyrus’s annoyance, I hear) and gave the Maltese something people in other wealthy countries don’t have – free tertiary education.

    What a down right hypocrite Jeffrey is.

    • La Redoute says:

      The topic was cities of the future. Jeffrey should have bunked off, citing the fact that, as a life-long village dweller and after an entire career in rotten teeth and petty politics, he knows zilch about the subject.

  7. Freedom5 says:

    OMG this reminds me of a Benny Hill clip, where he was supposed to deliver a lecture about Euthanasia and instead spoke about Youth In Asia.

  8. Matt P. says:

    After a continuous, ten-minute facepalm, I went to a far more interesting talker here:

  9. gosh says:

    OMG that is utterly embarrassing, for us.

  10. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Preaching to the choir here, I’m afraid. Many a pepe scientist was seduced by Pullicino Orlando’s posturing. You’d be hard pressed to find a PN voter among MCST’s target community.

  11. Snoopy says:

    How can I ever face my German colleagues? I hope that this Youtube video gets lost among all the other tedious and useless ones.

  12. viva n nort koreja says:

    It’s like turning up to a conference on botany and getting some speaker giving an out-of-context navel-gazing self-aggrandising speech on his personal achievements as a banker.

    I once had to endure a Maltese speaker turning up to an event and, instead of giving an intelligent talk on the relevant subject, giving an embarrassing presentation on Malta to the international audience.

    This talk came after several excellent presentations by people from normal countries where they are not so convinced that everyone will be so thoroughly enthralled to hear about their country instead of hearing about the actual topic.

    Any country, please invade. This is painful.

    • Mike says:

      Over the last few years I have attended an international conference which takes place annually in the US, and that specialises in my field of research. Twice I have come across other Maltese scientists originating from the University of Malta. Twice I have felt embarrassed to be Maltese.

      Once after pocketing the monetary part of a travel award, the Maltese ‘dott’ failed to turn up to the award ceremony, without of course giving any due notice. A second time a group of delegates presented a poster to the forum, the whole thing was badly written, badly presented and the questions badly answered. The science was also atrocious.

      But what else can we expect when the executive chairman of the Malta Council of Science and Technology, to which scientists have to apply to get funding from, isn’t a scientist.

      He has no grasp of the scientific method and yet he chairs the council that decides what science gets funded. What else can we expect when the university applauds mediocrity and drives those with ambition away from our shores.

      And then the Maltese wonder why they have a brain drain.

  13. Joe Fenech says:

    Perfect setting for JPO to present all his scientific and technological papers and books. Top class.

  14. David Buttigieg says:

    I never realised what a poor command of English he has.

    My goodness, is it possible he doesn’t realise just how big a wanker he is? I shudder to imagine what must have been running through the guests’ minds.

    If Alfred Sant deserves credit for anything, it’s for being the first to see him for the nasty little shit he is.

  15. janni says:

    Ara vera ziblu dan ir-ragel. X’ medjokjarita ta’ bniedem. Insomma good riddance to bad rubbish. Issa qieghed mal-partit taz-zibel bhalu. Water finds its own level.

  16. RCG says:

    Would have been more to the point if he had talked about the disco in Mistra, or what his friends have approved for building on the ridge above it.

  17. pablo says:

    Our very own Jeffrey of Arc.

  18. Dave says:

    Groan. “And here is a picture of me celebrating” wonder if it was the pic of him on the bar table.

  19. Aunt Hetty says:

    That isn’t nerves; that’s Dutch courage. Exactly how much did he drink to steady his nerves before taking the microphone?

  20. mark says:

    Ma ghalhomx kemm kien ser jdahhal mil progett tal-Mistra, dal-Gakbin.

  21. Mr Meritocracy says:

    How delusional this guy is.

    And that’s being polite.

  22. gorg says:

    What a jerk.

    Don’t know how I managed to listen to the whole speech. It must be the blonde in the background who kept me wanting.

    • observer says:

      You could have pressed the ‘mute’ button and kept feasting your eyes on that excellent masterpiece. Believe you me, it would have been much more enjoyable.

  23. Gullible's Travels says:

    This speech, and the context within which it has been given, confirms to me what a waste of space this guy is and if any proof was necessary that the guy is really nuts, this is actually it.

  24. Bubu says:

    In the meantime the R&D budget that should have been made available to the MCST has been cut back by almost half a million euros. According to Evarist Bartolo,.the minister responsible, in parliament yesterday, he didn’t really know why the cutback was made as it’s a matter of routine to cut off half a million euros to a state entity on a whim.

    I wonder if the much esteemed executive chairman cum hysterical primadonna even knows about what happened to his funding. Perhaps he’s too busy drowning his sorrows in earl grey.

  25. gozitano says:

    This dork mentioned three persons as being charismatic: Evarist Bartolo, Deborah Schembri and Pope Francis. I think it’s time for him to get a lifetime achievement award for managing to stay out of the Priory Clinic this long.

  26. Random says:

    I think the facial expression of the young blonde girl behind JPO says it all. Her tense smiles of embarrassment and raising her eye brows.

    • C Falzon says:

      She is probably involved in some way organising the event and seems to me embarrassed at how things turned out and wondering where they had gone wrong. I mean inviting the chief of a country’s Council of Science and Technology should be a safe bet, shouldn’t it?

    • Kevin says:

      Yeah, I noticed her laughing furtively after looking at JPO. Well done young lady. She’s managed to size up JPO in just a few seconds.

  27. Timon of Athens says:

    Sorry, don’t have the patience to listen to such crap, but judging from the comments above, the guy really is a circus clown.

  28. anthony says:

    For my sins I stomached just over two minutes.

    Mistra would have been a far more relevant topic.

    The problem with these cretins is that they really believe that audiences are audiences. They have no insight whatsoever.

    They must be convinced that what they can tell a TVM audience with an average IQ of 55 they can dish out to a group of intellectuals with an IQ average of 110 or more.

    In doing so they just embarrass and demean Malta.

  29. just me says:

    Besides a complete lack of sophistication, this speech shows a lack of scientific knowledge. It shows incompetence and proves clearly that Jeffrey is not fit for the post he occupies.

  30. Galian says:

    And for his reaction to this article go to his Facebook page … pathetic.

    [Daphne – No, not pathetic. Unbalanced. The man has a real problem. And he spends so much of his time consorting with scum that it has shored up his belief that abnormal behaviour is the standard – which it is, where he hangs out.]

  31. Ivan says:

    Wow! Takes sheer talent to be rambling inside the first minute.

    It’s “…ON the bible”.

    All very relevant to Science. There is so much stupid in this raving mad speech that I’m scared to listen to the end.

  32. lino says:

    The girl in yellow managed to interpret for deaf people, every detail of the speech, using only facial expressions. A real professional.

  33. canon says:

    I can imagine what the Germans were thinking while hearing JPO: “Dieser Mann spricht Quatsch”.

  34. Katrin says:

    If it’s any consolation, the Leuphana University does not enjoy a good reputation and is rather famous for political correctness.

    Those who study and lecture there learn as from starter week onwards to not ask critical questions and work by the rule. Neither Bartolo nor JPO would have left any impact on first year students, who struggle to survive the tight syllabus, not to mention their rather bad command of English at this stage.

    There would have been blank stares, but for the wrong reason.

    And by the way, it’s Lueneburg.

  35. J. Borg says:

    You truly have to be a basket case to speak about this stuff to the audience in question. What a nutter! As for the motivation for this, I have no doubt that it was nothing more than pure laziness — because this kind of crap needed no preparation whatever. This way he got to go on a nice boondoggle of a trip…

    What is really painful about this, and everything else that is said by the sad lot that we are currently being governed by, is that I am starting to feel the way I used to when travelling during the ‘glorious’ Mintoff years — ashamed to say I am Maltese, and feeling the need to quite categorically disassociate myself from anything that any Maltese official says. In just six months we have gone back thirty years.

  36. Wilson says:

    This has nothing to do with the subject matter. It is all about me, me and me.

  37. Paddling Duck says:

    Qabza ta’ Kwalita’.

  38. NGT says:

    This could almost be a Graham Chapman sketch.

    • Kevin says:

      Indeed, I was expecting the Colonel to appear any moment after the JPO’s 700th reference to himself and his contribution to Malta.

  39. wardaddoqq says:

    He suffers from megalomania.

  40. H.P. Baxxter says:

    You can trace the path of the quantum of brainwashing here: Daniel Rondeau – Evarist Bartolo – JPO.

    If anyone from the Nationalist Party is reading this, DO YOU understand, now, why is it vital to be present in every socio-cultural milieu, especially the vote-turning ones? Preaching to the lower middle class in the language of the lower middle class will only win you votes from that segment. That’s not where the force-multiplying switchers are to be found.

    Result: Labour walks all over you. Nice going, PN.

    Anyone with their eyes open will have noticed how the intellectuals, the rich expats and foreign diplomats (especially them!) all began to dance to Labour’s tune over the last five years. A Xarabankised PN can never win elections. One conversation at an embassy reception with, say, the Russian ambassador is worth a thousand billboards and a million Euros in social services.

    As for me, I’m settling down for another Labour victory in 2018.

  41. Xejn b' Xejn says:


    Please tell me the video has been edited / voice over/ remade.

    What an ass he made of himself and Malta.

  42. VICTOR CASSAR says:

    He has the monotonous voice of the seriously depressed.

  43. Al says:

    That’s right, that’s right wash our dirty linen in public with a totally irrelevant speech. What a small man. He deserves the Noble Price for Total Pricks.

  44. Rumplestiltskin says:

    For Labour “Meritocracy” is spelled “M-E-D-I-O-C-R-A-C-Y.”

  45. il-Ginger says:

    Aside from the point, but how did this not irritate people. This ‘chap’ called Napolean stayed in Malta for a week not 2 years and he wasn’t kicked out. He left to conquer Eygpt.

  46. not impressed says:

    Seems to me that this stinking scumbag has found his rightful and proper place in the garbage skip that is the Labour Party.

    It seems like he is on his way to finally developing his land at Mistra.

    Expect a lot of ‘agritourism’ – high tech and latest concrete technology of course – in the coming years.

  47. mhasseb bis-serjeta says:

    Ibki Malta.

    Dan it-tuba mar jitkellem f’ismi u f’ isimna lkoll.

  48. Vagabond King says:

    As far as I know someone in the position of Executive Chairman is remunerated substantially more than just a Chairman. I wonder what Franco Debono will say if jPO is paid more than him?

  49. Andrew says:

    Couldn’t make it beyond 02:44

  50. Joe Fenech says:

    Don’t we all love a speech that starts with,

    “ONCE a famous philosopher said….” – and he doesn’t even know his name.

    So very scientific. And educated.

  51. Wow says:

    A real professional has style, is distinctively noticed by his work.

    JPO is all about shoring up his ego by forcing people to look at him while he tells them about himself again, again and again. That speech was totally inappropriate. Who outside Malta knows or cares about his petty behaviour in parliament and outside it? It’s just not relevant. He comes across as an island hick with no sense of perspective.

  52. giraffa says:

    Utterly pathetic. I couldn’t stand to sit through the whole thing. Surely even the crassest of Labour ministers, who we are dumped with for the next 53 months, should be able to admit that this man is not fit for the purpose.

    Now that they have milked him to the full, they should discard him.

  53. just me says:

    There are 3 comments on this video on YouTube:

    Dreamstate87 1 day ago

    He speaks about everything apart from modern cities, the actual theme of the conference.

    Its just embarrassing for the country….

    Booboo Bear 17 hours ago

    Who is he anyway? I have researched his work but it is nowhere to be found.

    Reply in reply to Dreamstate87
    Booboo Bear 1 day ago

    What was this person doing there telling us about his personal nonsense? He is totally incompetent about the topics being brought up during this orientation week. Could he tell us next time where his research work is documented as he doesn’t seem to have written anything scientific. This was a very embarrassing moment.

  54. Last Post says:

    What a horrible embarrassment for Malta.

    Let those who sow the wind reap the whirlwind. Perhaps they’ll learn their lesson, though of course I doubt it very much.

    On a different but related note, I suspect that JPO(S) is somehow involved in the Mistra Village project which has attracted an outcry from Din l-Art Helwa and other NGO|s.

    My suspicion rests on the fact that Mistra and Xemxija would constitute one feudal tract of land and the hereditary owner of one area would probably own the other.

    If this proves to be so then the Mistra Village project is a good iced bun for the would-be owner of the Mistra disco development.

    Perhaps the ‘most investigative newspaper’ on the island would care to investigate this suspicion. Again, I doubt this too.

  55. Kid inhi din. says:

    Wow, it must require Herculean powers to take on the Catholic Church, Napoleon, the Knights of St John, your own party and government. It all sounds very grandiose and anachronistic.

    But the piece de resistance for his academic audience must have been his reference to the bible. He read it ON the bible so it must be true.

    He must be one hell of an amazing scientist with empirical evidence like that.

  56. Stevo says:

    He really sells Malta and Maltese people well……well done

  57. NGT says:

    Someone must have spiked his drinks again.

    Or maybe a ‘PN apologist’ wrote his speech.

  58. First time says:

    I watched all the video, and this chap is really self-centred.

    He used this speech in Germany as a platform to tell an audience that doesn’t care what a martyr he is. He is not capable of speaking about anything else.

    Why didn’t he show them a photo of him celebrating the ‘massive Labour victory’ drunk and shouting on top of a bar, wearing orange pants for two days running.

  59. ciccio says:

    Had he been drinking Earl Grey before this speech?

  60. Joan says:

    What the f**k do the divorce bill in Malta and his personal antics have to do with city development?

  61. Gaetano Pace says:

    Summing it up : APOLOGIA PRO VITA SUA out of subject by leaps and leagues.

  62. Emmett Brown says:

    This is the info on the orientation week:

    “The Leuphana Orientation Week is one of the largest student orientation weeks in Europe. 1800 students work together in teams to create their ideas for a sustainable future. This year’s topic is “Future. City. Life.” under close consideration of the current trends: Demographic Change, Digitalization and Sustainable Habitat.”

    I am still trying to figure out how this talk fits within the topic.

  63. Allo Allo says:

    How insightful. That speech must have really contributed for the development of the futuristic sustainable city. Maybe JPO should now apply for citizenship of Leinwig and emigrate there.

  64. C says:

    Look at the facial expression of the blonde girl behind him…

  65. ken il malti says:

    Was he from the island of Lesbos in the Aegean sea?

  66. ken il malti says:

    The Earl Grey boy speaks better English than Doughboy Joey.

    Corsican born Napoleon was the avenger of the Jesuits, and the Knights got paid back by for throwing out the Jesuits in 1768.

    The French were attacked by the Maltese because they were ransacking of the churches of their gold and silver and not because of Napoleonic divorce laws to the Maltese.

  67. Banana republic ... Again says:

    With Germany being Europe’s leader in scientific research and Malta the EU state with the lowest spend per capita on research, it would have been more opportune and appropriate had Jeffrey gone to listen to what the Germans have to say

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