There goes our government’s MoU with the Libyan prime minister
October 10, 2013 at 9:32am
The Libyan PM has been kidnapped. Anybody who took seriously Muscat’s talk about cheaper oil, an agreement with Libya, Labour acts and isn’t negative, blah blah blah really hasn’t got a clue about how very bad things are there.
Positive thinking isn’t a substitute for rational assessment of a situation. I prefer the latter, which is why I rained on Muscat’s Libyan oil parade at the outset.
So, what is our prime minister going to do now? Sit his entire cabinet down and get them to link hands and hum while they think the Libyan PM into freedom?
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They could do that—you know, all that positive energy, it might work. On the other hand, they’re all such a bunch of oily creeps, they could probably meet all of Malta’s energy requirements themselves.
They knew the MoU would be a long shot due to instability in Libya. However, they needed a smokescreen for the Mrs. Mizzi and other issues. Any smokescreen.
The question is how many other smokescreens will be concocted over the next four and a half years?
Tahseb xejn. Issa Manwel jibaghat skwadra “rapid deployment” tal-armata ta’ Malta u f’kemm ili nghidlek jehilsuh. Il-Libjani tant ikunu grati illi jibdew ituna iz-zejt b’xejn, u dawk illi skantaw u mmeraviljaw kif xi ufficjali tal-armata inghataw 3 promotions fi 3 gimghat issa jkollom jibilghu dak li qalu, Obama jibaghat in-Navy Seals u Special Forces jittrejnjaw mal-armata Maltija u jhallasna 40 miljun euro fis sena a b’hekk bejn li nbieghu ic-cittadinanza u bejn MoU ohrajn addio deficit.
Latest news reports suggest the Prime Minister of Libya was not kidnapped but arrested by Libyan Police on suspicion of corruption.
Have the Libyan people and their police genuine cause to have such suspicions because of actions such as the MOU with Malta?
Watch this space……
You underestimate this government. The army is probably already planning a rescue mission. What did you think all those promotions were for?
The Maltese version of Mission Impossible.
Surely you must know that the price of diesel has gone down by 2 eurocents.
Positive thinking cannot work without a positive value framework as the filter through which all decisions are taken.
Joseph Muscat preaches “Positive Thinking” and “possibility thinking” but has changed the value framework through which decisions are taken to a negative one.
Possibilities come into the picture in Lateral Thinking and are intended as a provocation, not the final result. As a stepping stone. As a means of providing random input. The final result should always be refined, tailored and decided upon on the basis of logical thinking with a positive value framework in place.
“There is a difference between creativity and crazytivity,” crazytivity is where there is no logical backtrack.
Logic is based on sound grounded reasoning.
“Why not” thinking is based on possibilities.
Possibilities and poetry form part of the de Bono tool PO.
Joseph Muscat said he would “govern in poetry.”
Does this sound familiar?
So now it’s official. Muscat has been reading your blog.
He’s probably called an urgent “COBRA” meeting in order to instruct the Army Brigadier, whoever that might be at the moment, to stage a rescue operation.
You never know. Maybe our our Special Forces, led by the spanking new Brigadier, will launch a Rescue Mission to save the Libyan PM, to ensure that he keeps his word.
Don’t you think that Muscat will manage to backtrack and come up with some spin or other as to how this was memorandum of understanding “which was never followed up”.
Latest reports say that the gunmen have released the prime minister.
Oh, thank God for that, the Maltese ‘navy’ was already on its way to surround Tripoli.
Please tell us how it is physically possible to SURROUND Libya?
Anarchy reigns supreme in Libya at present.
Please don’t gloat over Mr Zeidan’s misfortunes. He is on our (i.e. western) side and the only thing between us (Malta) and the extremists is him.
Thankfully he has since been released and I wish him good fortune for the future.
Speaking to Al Jazeera from London, Middle East analyst Abdel Bari Atwan said the incident confirmed that “Libya is a failed state”.
“The rebels have the upper hand and the army cannot intervene. It is chaos. This is a huge embarrassment for the government,” Atwan said.
And Muscat boasts about agreements with this failed state.
36000 bitch ha ah ifga fdemmek hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahah le mux ha tarah izjet il pn fil gvern ja zibel
PN: 30 sena minn 32 b’maggoranza warajh. MLP/LP: qatt ma dam izjed minn 10 snin b’maggoranza. Nahseb li l-istorja qeghda kontra t-tbassir tieghek, Mark.