Tonight’s top comment – which pretty much sums up the general sentiment

Published: October 9, 2013 at 10:50pm

Posted by Anthony:

Il-gvern Malti ser jibda jinnegozja il-passaporti.

Ma nifilhux naqghu aktar ghan-nejk ma’ ta’ madwarna.

Mintoff qed jitqalleb fil-qabar.

Lanqas hu, ta’ hanzir li kien, ma waqa’ daqshekk fil-baxx.

Hekk ried il-poplu Malti.

U hekk gara.

Poplu tan-nejk.

Pajjiz qahba.

24 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    Is there a commission for the middleman?

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Poplu tan-nejk.

    Pajjiz qahba.

  3. Ghar u Kasa says:

    Somebody ring KMB and Sammy Meilaq, let’s see what they think.

  4. CV says:

    Hekk hu!

    But there must be something we can do.

    Com’on all you lawyers, experts of the law. How is this possible! Is not this country protected from a maverick PM by the Constitution, by the EU?

    I will never forget my father’s cry for joy “Hlisna minnhom” that special night in May when PN won the ’87 election.

    We cannot let this country go back to being the backwater is we grew up in.

    • Victor says:

      I agree with you totally.

      I will never forget that day in May ’87 either. I thought I was going to die of a heart attack, even though I was quite young then.

    • Deep throat says:

      Unfortunately we did not ‘hlisna minnhom’ in 1987 because unfortunately and perhaps magnanimously The newly elected PN Government did not make a clean sweep of the administrative top echelons.

      Good number of shady characters in the Civil Service even got promoted. We did not at least have a public admission of wrong doing from persons who trod on us especially in the 1980 – 1987.

      These same people and there unpunished ‘modus operandi’ and their ‘frame of mind’ have come to haunt us back. What a pity that this has come about because a good number electors within disparate groups and many of them with conflicting interests aka hunters, environmentalists, bird catchers, speculators, egoists, opportunists, etc decided that their interests would be best served by having Joseph Muscat in government.

  5. Mikiel says:

    Why hasn’t any journalist thought of interviewing KMB yet? No wonder the first thing he did was remove Lou Bondi, he would have been hounding him by now.

    • butterfly says:

      Well, he gave him a position on a committee and he fell for it. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

  6. Il-Kajboj says:

    I would sell my passport for much less just for the sake of not being part (even if involuntary) of this scum anymore.

  7. Joseph Caruana says:

    Issa Vassalli jsalli, Xerri jistmerr
    li l-kotra saret merħla u r-ragħaj qatlu l-imerri.
    Il-kotra ta’ Kajjina, issa Ġakbina.
    Għal-lira tberbaq id-dmija ta’ mifdija.
    Is aħbi jdek Kajjina!


  8. U l-Kotra Qamet says:

    Le m’ahniex pajjiz tan-nejk u l-anqas pajjiz qahba. HUMA tan-nejk u qhab.

    Ghamlu 25 sena jigdbu biex fl-ahhar ‘serqu’ l-gvern. Ma nhalluhx ibieghna lill-barrani. Malta TAGHNA BISS.

  9. wardaddoqq says:

    Is the sale of passports in the Labour Party’s electoral programme? Has anyone bothered to check?

  10. Zaren says:

    U min nesa, issa reġa’ qed iġarrab. F’sitt xhur tefgħuna 30 sena lura. Ħasra li aħna tqannejna b’dawn il-Makkjavellisti mikluba għall-poter ħakkiemi u l-flus. Poplu li kellu ragħaj u beżaqlu u sallbu, poplu mogħża.. iva mogħża…xejn aktar..ried bidla, għax hekk il-moda, kulħadd hekk kien qed jgħid, dak eċitament. U l-qagħda tal-lum miskina, tmexxija bbażata fuq il-gidba, issa anke min appoġġjahom, qed jipprotesta, eżempju klassiku, it-Times of Malta, li tant xerrditilhom propaganda, u tant sawtet lill-gvern ta’ qabel. Niftakar meta fl-era soċjalista, ħarquha u ġabuha daħna. Dakinhar protestajt, imma llum nistqarr, kif jistgħu nies li ġarrbu dan kollu, jmorru lura għall-ħama u d-dlam. Issa inutli nibku biki tal-kukkudrilli, dan riżultat ta’ dekadenza qawwija, poplu bla direzzjoni.

    Kollox kien imbassar u webbsu rashom. Niftakar fl-episodju ta’ Lazzru u l-għani, meta marru fejn jixirqilhom wara ħajjithom, l-għani talab biex lazzru jġiblu qatra ilma, imma kien tard wisq u l-għani talab biex almenu jmur jgħid lill-qraba biex jindmu, imma kien imwissi li qrabatu għandhom il-profeti u qajla jisimgħuhom, aħseb u ara kemm ser jisimgħu minn Lazzru…..u l-għani baqa’ jitqalleb fin-nar. Hemm tama li dal-poplu jitgħallem……_???

  11. The average wo/man in the street may have been naïve, but I can never exonerate the columnists who supported Muscat before the election, and now continue to support him by excusing, justifying and downplaying his blatant arrogance and deceit.

    Are they too timid to admit that they were wrong, or are they happy to be accomplices by their failure to censure him, as they did in the days of Mintoff and KMB?

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