Top comment – a succinct description of the mess in which we’ve been landed by greed, savage ambition and blind stupidity

Published: October 29, 2013 at 5:05pm

Joseph Muscat March 2013

Posted by Pablo:

Just more lies and doublespeak from a 40-year-old jerk from the sticks who has got himself deeply involved with sharks who are playing him for all he is worth, and who bought “his” Labour Party and now want him to sell them “his” country.

10 Comments Comment

  1. Crockett says:

    Malta Taghhom Ukoll

  2. qwerty says:

    Qed nisthajlu liebes boots ta xi kmandand dittatur

    • haw' tal-passaporti shan u tajbin! says:

      He always wore those boots. Some people are only realising now. Others excuse him and some others are still on another planet.

    • ciccio says:

      He wears boots routinely. Perhaps there’s something we should be told.

  3. Jozef says:

    So what’s new Pablo?

    Only last time it was Gaddafi and his children’s allowance.

    We got Jamahariya clone passports, compulsory Arabic, port control taken over by the colonel’s military, major restrictions on trade, travel, university access in the name of some blighted cultural revolution, you name it, we had it.

    Journalists were arrested, facts turned to fiction, foreigners frowned upon, parliament reduced to a glorified party congress, corruption became, to all intents and purposes acknowledged and instituionalised.

    At least Mintoff was in your face. Muscat doesn’t simply because he’d be ridiculous in swimming trunks.

  4. It all stinks says:

    Malta ta’ kulhadd barrani l-aqwa jista jhallas. Integrita w investiment mhux necessarji.

    • Jozef says:

      I don’t remember six months going by without headlines about this or that FDI.

      It seems all they have planned is hoping they’ll have a power station in two years’ time with reduced fuel costs.

      Anything else is none of their business. Nothing except the usual cowboys moving in with their dozers. That’s all they understand.

      Muscat himself said so, unless the construction industry is set rolling, nothing will move.

      Brace yourselves.

  5. Joe Fenech says:

    I’d focus onf ‘blind stupidity’. The other two are simply its offshoots.

  6. janni says:

    Partit Laburista Malti = Kommunisti Bastardi Briganti. Anke il-pirates kellhom code of ethics ahjar minn dawn il-Laburisti Maltin.

  7. Oops! says:

    Malta taghhna ilkoll! I’m in! 马耳他我们所有的圆!我在!Мальта круглый наших! Я в! This will be very interesting! Will we be seeing slogans like this now?

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