Top comment of the evening

Published: October 30, 2013 at 10:59pm

Posted by Din Ohra:

In evidence, the Commissioner of Police is reported to have refused to say who had filed the report in consequence of which Norman Vella was arrested. He said that the law prohibits him from revealing who filed the report against Mr Vella.

Again, what law? Chapter and verse, please.

The Commissioner of Police should keep in mind that filing a report with the police against a person, is a serious matter with the most serious consequences. If that report is false, the filing is a top criminal offence. The Commissioner has the institutional duty to investigate and prosecute PUBLICLY any person who he has reason to believe has filed a false report.

The filing of a report with the police is NOT privileged information. It is NOT confidential. It is the very basis of PUBLIC criminal proceedings against who has filed it. The victim of a false report to the police has every reason to expect that PUBLIC prosecution. The law protects the victims of criminal offences – it does not shield those who have committed them.

Everywhere, except in a police state.

19 Comments Comment

  1. Aunt Hetty says:

    The commissioner should resign forthwith for 3 reasons a) for the false arrest made in the first place as a result of this false report b) for being caught out publicly bungling this mise en scene c) for persisting in trying to justify his actions.

    • curious says:

      d) For telling or giving the impression to the prime minister that Norman was not under arrest.

      If this was not the case, then Muscat also needs to resign for having said that Norman was not under arrest.

  2. AE says:

    What I know for sure is that we are back to the days when every day we wake up and wonder what the Government has done now. Gone are the days when we lived in peace and politics was off the national agenda. Much as many disliked the PN, they gave us the luxury to get on with life, to enjoy it, to focus on our daily challenges, without having tonworry about the fate of the country at large.

    Now, just as it was in the ’80s, all we can do at home is talk about politics and the daily atrocities which are happening. Some will just stick their head under the sand not wanting to accept that their standard of living and lifestyle is no longer secure. But it doesn’t change the fact that the country is in the hands of corrupt, greedy, manipulative morons. And thanks to all those bloody switchers all we can do is watch as they dismantle this country and at best support the likes of Norman Vella for having the balls to really stand to be counted.

  3. Aston says:

    The exception that proves the rule is the Whistleblower Act, and even that has provisions to drop the anonymity if the report proves false.

  4. Rumpole says:

    Am following the TVM news. It’s already fifth item and no mention of the Norman Vella police cock up. Shame! On the contrary the second item was an item praising the human side of the Police Force. This is “surreal”, Mr Prime Minister.

  5. Neil says:

    Are we expected, or rather bound by law as this guy would have us believe, to defend ourselves against nameless, faceless accusers?

    He’s having a laugh, surely. Another Labour case of: We said it, so it’s now gospel.

  6. anthony says:

    Il-Kumissarju minghalih qed ibellalna r-ross bil-labra.

    Kemm hu sejjer zmerc.


  7. C Falzon says:

    “Everywhere, except in a police state.”

    .. or a PL state.

  8. Joe Fenech says:

    These are incidents one comes across in places like Zimbabwe.

  9. bernie says:

    Nahseb li xi membru tal-Oppozizzjoni ghandu jaghmel mistoqsija parlamentari lill-Ministru Manwel Mallia dwar kemm kien hemm kazi fl-ahhar snin fejn il-Pulizija ressqu l-Qorti lil xi haddu gie mixli li ghamel rapport falz. Dan biex ikun ikkonfermat li meta wiehed jaghmel rapport falz jistghu jinbdew proceduri kontrih peress li dan hu reat.

  10. bernie says:

    Jekk il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija ma jiehux passi fuq dan ir-rapport, li issa hu kkonfermat li hu falz, allura jwassalna biex nifhmu li jrid jipprotegi lil min ghamlu. Il-Kummissarju ikkonferma li jaf minn min sar u kulma qal hu li ma jridx (ghax hu sostna li ma jistax) jikxfu.

  11. David says:

    So, according to the Commissioner, we can all file a false report against the Commissioner, without then being investigated for filing a false report.

  12. Aunt Hetty says:

    Joe Muscat and his stooges are doing a grand job – at reminding switchers of why they should vote PN again at the first available opportunity.This sorry excuse of a frame -up and its subsequent blotch up by the police commissioner himself beggars belief.

    Mr Police commissioner, the people expect you to resign immediately and save further embarrassment to your PM and your country.

  13. mark says:

    L-Oppozzizjoni ghanda titlob minnu fih ir-rizenja tal-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija u tal-Ministru M.Mallia. L-MLP jridu JPATTUHA lil poplu Malti talli halliejhom fuq il-bankijiet ta’ l-Oppozzizjoni ghal kwazi kwart ta’ seklu.

  14. rpacebonello says:

    Where is the minister?

  15. George says:

    Giddieb tal-prima klassi. Not only it is untrue that he cannot divulge who made the report, but when someone, a case in point a woman suffering domestic violence goes to the police reporting that her partner beat her, they refuse to take any action unless she signs a written report. This is to ensure that her evidence is used against the individual. If she does not sign, miskina! But for the Coconut and Ramona, a verbal report was enough to warrant an arrest and confiscation. The Americans call the cops the bulls, and our CoP is full of crap.

  16. In the “golden days” of the Mintoff/KMB administration someone close to that administration but with an independent sense of judgement, lamented to me that a senior person had “prostituted the law” rather than administered it justly.

    Are we witnessing a repeat performance?

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