Top comment of the week

Published: October 8, 2013 at 11:54pm

Posted by Edward on this website – OCTOBER 8, 2013 AT 4:34 PM

Dear Laburisti and “swing voters” –

As we can now see the honoraria issue was, to quote your own catch phrase, ” a storm in a tea cup”.

As we can see, it was actually a fair thing to do for our politicians, which was going to be granted to both sides of the house to make the compensation for their work and sacrifices fairer and proportionate.

Muscat just stirred you all up, framing the situation with the bitterness of the politics of Labour’s past to appeal to a mentality that we all thought was long gone: the idea that the PN is for rich people and the elite.

Despite creating a healthy middle class and reducing unemployment to a level lower than many other EU countries, and bringing business and prosperity to our country and steadily raising people out of poverty, you actually thought that the PN only protected the rich and thought only about money.

Despite opening new schools, creating MCAST to give students another avenue towards a better future, and expanding it, you actually let yourselves get carried away by the thought that the PN and the evil klikka wanted to keep people down.

Despite the 25 years of steady, consistent and sound leadership, from a dilapidated quasi-communist country to a country with a middle class, to an EU country and then to the only country in the South of Europe that wasn’t broke, you thought we needed some change in direction, without having that change explained to you.

Didn’t you think it was strange that you were all cheering for things you didn’t know about or have any information on?

Didn’t you think it was strange how you could suddenly be so supportive of a party that for so long has been staunchly against any of the progress Malta has enjoyed?

And didn’t you stop to question why Muscat felt so confident he could slash out so much cash? Or were they all “negative” questions that ruined your “abundance”?

Logic would have dictated that no one would have voted for the PL from the second they mentioned the “golden years”, because none of you would have wanted to go back to that after experiencing such comfort for 25 years and would have put up with a few more clocks or a late bus or two gladly. But no.

The PN spent the whole campaign telling us how little the PL actually knew. They highlighted all the gaps in their information, provided you with facts, figures and proof that what Muscat was promising was not possible. But you thought facts, figures and proof are negative and creating limits to those “infinite financial resources” you convinced yourself of.

So many people tried desperately to highlight all those indicators that told us that Muscat was not being honest or was hiding things, and that his “Positive” religion was dangerous.

Even if we didn’t, it’s all there on the internet for you to read about. But no, we were the ones who were brainwashed.

Well guess what. We were right. Not brainwashed – RIGHT. And you all have no excuses.

19 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Well said, Edward.

  2. Wilson says:

    I would love to be in each reader’s mind, especially, to the ones it is addressed to. And feel the reluctance of those that want to bite their lips but cannot find the strength to even utter a sigh.

  3. Dott Abjad says:

    To me the Honoraria was executed in order to adjust (in the fairest way possible) the remuneration to the job, which, due to a smaller cabinet and the increased workload, was a very natural and logical thing to do.

    Granted that it might not have been publicised as it should have and furthermore, the previous administration’s reaction to Labour’s criticism of it should have taken a different form altogether.

    This ‘lapsus’ provided fertile ground for Labour from which to alienate the electorate from the rationale behind granting the Hororaria and further on from the solid achievements secured by the previous administration.

  4. Alexander Ball says:

    It wasn’t 25 years.

    In fact, if it wasn’t for Sant, we would have joined the EU much sooner.

  5. Jo Saliba says:

    And yet there are -so called Nationalists- who are still gloating over the PN’s loss in the election! And why? Because they feel the PN let them down over a personal issue.

    I feel like exploding when I come across such people. After all that was achieved by the PN, all these narrow-minded individuals worry about is their petty grudge.

    They don’t even worry over their children’s and grandchildren’s future.

    No, “l-aqwa li pattejnielu lil Gonzi”.

  6. tinnat says:

    How can you expect those who so lacked insight before 8 March, that they voted Labour, to suddenly develop that insight now?

    They don’t care about what the PN and DCG say about corruption in this government, friends of friends, Malta’s reputation in the world of business or the EU. Stupid was, and stupid still is.

  7. Calculator says:

    Couldn’t have said it better myself. Well said, Edward.

  8. mm says:

    Please do re-post in 4/5 years time before election. It will have more significance.

  9. francesca says:

    Well, Edward, you hit the nail on the head. What is happening now is no surprise to me. It is what I knew would happen if the Labour Party were voted in. The writing was on the wall and unfortunately some were too stupid to read it and others too damn stupid to even care.

  10. I'm impressed says:

    Spot on. Couldn’t have said it better

  11. TROY says:

    Well said Edward :)

  12. jeremy castillo says:

    Edward, thanks…This post is sheer genius…Totally on the money

  13. Kevin Zammit says:

    It’s sometimes funny how many “Nationalist” voters can be influenced by nice and empty words and how alluring being on the winning side is.

    Joseph used those facts very well in the last election.

    The P.N. on the other hand have the disadvantage that many Labour supporters don’t know how to count let alone understand something complex like “living wage” hence they don’t realise that half of Joseph’s words are bullshit.

  14. silvio loporto says:

    Pity we don’t know your full name, you might have been nominated for the Nobel prize { for stupidity}

    [Daphne – Oh, I’m well aware of his full name, Mr Loporto. He’s a fraction of your age and you haven’t a fraction of his intelligence or insight. You’re upset because it’s people like you who he’s got the sum of.]

    • silvio loporto says:

      AS a matter of fact one could tell that the writer was still a young puppy with no experience of life.

      On the matter of fractions, I wish him well and hope he will manage to achive a fraction of what I did.with my limited intelligence and iinsight.

      • Edward says:

        By “experience of life” you basically mean that I still believe in the importance of social capital, and reject the notion that one should only care about oneself and to hell with the greater good or the long run.

        Mr Loporto, I am well aware of how egotistical and selfish individuals are in this world. One can see how today’s super powers achieved that status by exploiting the resources of other countries, leaving those less fortunate countries in pieces.

        I am well aware of the mentality of, “Who cares what that country does to others, we should just care about our interests”. It is that mentality that drags a country into the worst situations imaginable, and in the long run gives it more enemies than friends, and ruins its reputation, making it harder to do business with.

        It was this mentality that Mintoff, and now Muscat, promoted despite it being the wrong attitude to have. There is no value in being a bully.

  15. Tabatha White says:

    Excellent, Edward. Very well put.

  16. fm says:

    and now thanks to these people we are all in this big mess

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