Totally unacceptable xenophobic, racist incitement by the Labour Party’s ‘equal opportunities officer’ – of all people
October 4, 2013 at 6:40pm
Left click on the image to read what Rachel Tua, the Labour Party’s equal opportunities officer who was given a prominent visual role in the election campaign, wrote on her Facebook timeline.
Completely unacceptable.
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And totally unacceptable reporting.
The man in question is not a “suldat zaghzugh” but a Royal Marines Cadet. Because the report makes it sound – totally intentionally, I suspect – as if a member of the AFM was assaulted while carrying out his duties at a detention centre for illegal migrants.
Cadets are not soldiers, you numpties. And the Royal Marines are Royal Marines, not “Marines Inglizi”. Idiots.
If these are the journalists who inhabit the PN’s media production centres, then god help us all. They should be sacked. It’d be cheaper for the party anyway.
Those journalists are going to the docks.
I haven’t finished. That was just the “epitizer” to my rant.
The fact that the young man in question is (or was) a Royal Marine Cadet has about as much bearing on the story as the fact that I am a candlestick-maker. In other words, none whatsoever. He wasn’t assaulted during a Cadet exercise, he wasn’t assaulted while wearing his uniform, he wasn’t assaulted on Cadet Corps premises, and he wasn’t assaulted because he is (or was) a Cadet.
I would expect this level of baffling stupidity from Super One or Maltastar. They are past masters of the art of neither here nor there and subtle mentalism. But a PN news website?
I don’t know, Cheechow, I just don’t know. They must have read a lot of Praspar ta’ Kuncett u Marinton in their childhood.
Congrats on your new job by the way.
Which job exactly, Baxxter?
I have been appointed on so many boards by the Gvern tal-Moviment (in an attempt to shut me up) that I think I should account for at least 1% increase in the rate of gainfully (or should that be ‘painfully’?) occupied.
What an ignorant woman.
Oh, but she “loves animals”. What a retard.
And what may I ask is not correct and is not exactly what the majority of us agree with?
[Daphne – These matters are not decided by the majority, Mr Loporto, and therefore, the majority view has nothing whatsoever to do with it. There was a time when the majority view did decide these matters, and because the majority thought as you did, that women are of inferior status, the majority of women had no vote, few rights, and were considered little better than servants, well-kept or otherwise.]
Mr Loporto,
Save me from replying to stupid and intolerable arguments. This site is not suitable for certain people. May I ask you to refrain?
Mr.Loporto… not bother with these kind of people.They are smart and infallible and the rest of us (all 99%) should go hide because you should not dare go against their narrow-minded opinions.(If they have any reasonable ones anyway !)
David, we may not be infallible, but at least we are intelligent enough to know that it is ridiculous to judge a whole “race”, nation or continent on the actions of just two people.
The tragedy is that people like you think ours is the “narrow-minded” opinion.
Oh look! The troll is back.
The principle of ‘non refoulement’ would be your answer.
Look it up if you don’t know what this means. Which you probably don’t.
What is not correct is judging a whole continent on the actions of two people.
What is worrying is that apparently the majority in Malta think and act that way.
There has to be more to this story. You rob from old ladies not from a soldier.
My thoughts exactly. I get the feeling that there’s more to it than meets the eye.
Absolutely disgusting comment.
What do the European Socialists have to say about this statement from their progressive and liberal comrades in Malta?
This matter should also be brought up in the European Parliament and a condemnation should be forthcoming from European groups.×348.jpg
Ghandha habta taghmel xi haga hekk dik…
As H.P.Baxxter said he is a cadet and not a soldier. Those of us who know him personally are not surprised at this outcome. We could see it coming. Please do not victimise his aggressors simply because they are immigrants.
Victimise his aggressors ? Are you serious ?
You type of people make me sick. If white guys attacked a coloured person they are racists.
But because two, not one but TWO immigrants attacked and hospitalized a white person for whatever reason you make out the aggressors to be the victims.
Its people like you that make people racist.
Actually, Chris Mifsud, race has nothing to do with this. If the report is accurate, two men attacked and robbed another man. It’s not the first time that Maltese people attacked (and killed) young or old people to rob them, so why should the colour of the skin or their nationality be relevant?
Chris, why did you assume that racism was implied? Ron could be alleging that the cadet has an aggressive disposition.
Fights unfortunately break out regularly – in night-spots like Paceville, in crowded places like a bus terminus, in sporting and cultural events like football matches and village feasts, etc.
Only an idiot, or a demagogue, would disparage a whole section of society (in this case immigrants) on the basis of a single incident.
What is it then that the press has not reported?
Relating to the Lampedusa tragedy, the BBC reports that: “A day of mourning has been declared, with flags flying at half-mast and a minute of silence observed in all Italian schools.” In all Italian schools!
Meanwhile, in Malta we have these characters spewing out ignorance and callousness, like nothing on earth. They are shameful and they shame the rest of us.
She is not spewing anything.She saying it like it is because that is the reality.If it was the other way round….I would only imagine the number of insults going against the soldier for being racist and other related jibberish.
She is using the incident to spew venom against all refugees and asylum seekers. And by defending her, so are you.
Incidentally, I think she deleted her post. I wonder why.
Hey dumbo, think about this.
What course of action would you recommend if the perpetrators were honest to goodness, born and bred Maltese?
A crime is a crime it is irrespective of who perpetrates it, comments “send them back” and all similar are nothing but racist or xenophobic, the issue that prompts them is secondary, an excuse to justify them.
Hu go fik, Dr. Joseph Muscat.
Why are so many supposedly well-schooled people like Tua (a lawyer) insufficiently literate?
This may seem incidental to the whole issue but I don’t think it is.
People’s writing style usually reflects their thought processes and if someone writes in a chaotic, ungrammatical, anything-goes manner, it’s likely that that’s how they think.
This is more evident when the writing is a semi-spontaneous outburst, like we have here, rather than a prepared script.
Regarding the implications of what she’s written, Rachel Tua is a Labour councillor and a Labour Party official so, up to a point, her position might be taken to represent that of her party unless the latter officially dissociates itself from what she has expressed.
Zero tolerance always, you bigoted ass.
Using Ms Tua’s logic, we should not respect the Maltese people since most crimes in Malta are committed by Maltese
How quickly the Maltese forget that till just some years ago they were invading the shores of Australia, Canada and the UK.
And for this Tua I can’t understand how she serves on the board of a government authority with an international client base.
Not only invading, but also causing trouble. A Maltese immigrant to Canada hijacked an airplane for instance (with hilarious results).
So, are all Maltese people hijackers?
There is something not quite right with that Rachel Tua.
Yes, she’s as thick as two short planks. Hang on, no, that’s not fair to the planks.
Utterly disgusting.
Whatever happened in the Royal Marines Cadet case, it is totally unacceptable to project a real or presumed guilt on an entire category.
What is this country coming to? I could hardly believe my eyes: “… why on earth should we respect them …” – how about because they are human beings?
By the way, Ms Tua, in what way do you suggest that we show our disrespect?
Finally, by Ms Tua’s own argument, all you labour voters out there are xenophobic racists.
Nice to know that some would hate one on the basis of his place of birth (or perhaps of residence) rather than the person he is, even before they get to know him. At least this is what the title of this group suggests to me, but then considering that ‘mijn’ is not even a Maltese word, as far as I know, I could be mistaken.
Can you imagine this happening in the Maltese parliament?
“I richiedenti asilo devono essere protetti: se vengono protetti i collaboratori di giustizia tanto più devono esserlo coloro che fuggono dalle guerre”; “Doveremo anche riconsiderare i rapporti con i paesi di transito, “dove spesso non c’è alcuna cultura dei diritti umani”.
Did anyone get the other side of the story?
Equal opportunities officer! Could not have chosen a better person. She should be promoted to Chairman – on a fast track.