UPDATE on former Super One (now government secretariat) contingent to London

Published: October 27, 2013 at 6:28pm

This morning’s group of former Super One reporters, now on the state pay-roll, who were flown out to London for a stint of state-funded training, included failed Labour candidate Clifford Galea, who is communications coordinator in the ministry of Twanny Bronka.

This afternoon, another group flew out. They included former Super One reporter Ramona Attard, now on the state pay-roll as communications officer to Manuel Mallia, and former Super One reporter Kurt Farrugia, now on the state pay-roll as head of government communications.

15 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    One-derful. Was this training trip in any way organised by the new ‘management’ at the Maltese High Commission in the UK?

  2. La Redoute says:

    So what was all that fuss about Charles Crowford (sic) being paid eluf kbar (about 1500 pounds) to train Maltese civil servants IN MALTA in the proper use of English?

    Glen Bedingfield, now yet again Muscat’s bridesmaid, has written about this in excruciatingly bad English on Maltastar.

  3. The Observer says:

    Will they also be taking a crash course in English as a foreign language?

  4. Rahal says:

    Orgjata minn fuq dar il- poplu.

    Tal-qalba jahtfu kemm jifilhu. Sejrin lura ghal zmien il-bidu tat-tmeninijiet meta tal-Labour hatfu kemm felhu.

    Jien nghid il-kbir ghadu gej. Wisq aghar.

    • Last Post says:

      BLA DUBJU li l-kbir ghadu gej.

      U biex ir-riha tal-kafe titqawwa ghadni kemm smajt fuq in-NET li NORMAN VELLA (TVHemm) ghadu kemm gie ARRESTAT
      minhabba li (allegatament) ha xi ritratt ta’ Kurt Farrugia.

      Fir-rapport jinghad li l-arrest sar (allegatament ukoll) fuq insistenza tal-istess Kurt Farrugia — l-istess wiehed li bhalissa, a spejjez tal-poplu Malti, qieghed Londra fuq kors tal-ingliz immexxi mill-BBC, skond l-istandards tal-meritokrazija ta’ Joseph Muscat!

      Minkejja dawn l-allegazzjonijiet kollha s’issa ma kien hemm ebda cahda min-naha tal-awtoritajiet responsabbli.

      Min qed jistenna konferma ikun qed jitlob wisq, ghalkemm ma niskantax jekk il-ministru responsabbli mill-pulizija johrog jiggustifika dan l-arrest!

  5. anon says:

    What is the news on the times that Norman Vella is being held at his work place because allegedly he took photos of Kurt Farrugia and Ramona Attard and sent them to you? Xi dwejjaq fix ergajna gejja.

  6. Neil says:

    Kurt’s had Norman Vella arrested!

  7. Qeghdin Sew says:

    Kellhom ragun tar-rapport tat-temp tal-BBC mela. L-uragan tal-bidla se jasal anki fl-Ingilterra fis-sighat li gejjin.

  8. TinaB says:

    Norman Vella investigated for allegedly taking pictures of government officials.


    The 80s are back.

  9. blue says:

    What is their training course? By any chance is it learning the art of misinformation and deceit?

    [Daphne – They could run those training courses themselves. It’s the only thing they’re fit for.]

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