Well, the Queen had a Cunard liner named after her

Published: October 1, 2013 at 12:18am

The mother of Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s children has been honoured with a luzzu in the same subculture that produced and sustains Ignatius Farrugia.

Marlene Id-Dentista

10 Comments Comment

  1. Allo Allo says:

    If there’s a ‘Marlene id-Dentista II’ there must be a ‘Marlene id-Dentista I’ somewhere.

    • Min Jaf says:

      That is not a luzzu; it is a qoxra that is rowed in the regatta.

      [Daphne – Ah, the maritime equivalent of a tooth-cap.]

  2. Osservatore says:

    May God bless Marlene Id-Dentista II and all who sail in her.

  3. admin says:

    And the Minister of Tourism has one too:

    Blue Star – Guzi Aquilina (1972-1976)
    Balena – Guzeppi Delceppo (1976)
    Marlene id-Dentista – Toni Cassar (2005 – )
    Giannina – Colin Spiteri (2007 – )
    Marlene id-Dentista 2 (2008 – )
    Mabbli – Guzeppi Delceppo (1974-1976)
    Rikky – Toni Cassar (2005 – )
    Guzi r-Ratal – Toni Cassar (2005 – 2006)
    Karmenu Vella l-Guy – Toni Cassar (2007- )

    Generali – Klabb Regatta Birzebbuga

  4. botom says:

    This is typical labour. Then Labour Minister Wistin Abela named a street in Zejtun after his mother “Triq Felica Abela” and also named an AFM Patrol Boat “Felica”.Old habits die hard.

  5. verita says:

    Even Reno Calleja named a street after his mother in the hamlet of Bubaqra and is described as a philantropist. typical labour antics ‘LEST WE FORGET’

  6. bryan says:

    what is fished for out of that boat? dentici?

  7. Regatta Birzebbuga says:

    L-ewwelnett dik Frejgatina u mhux Luzzu u tintuza fir-Regatta Nazzjonali. L-Onorevoli Marlene Farrugia kienet il-Benefattura ta’ zewg Frejgatini ghall-Klabb ta’ Birzebbuga. L-istess bhall ma huma benefatturi l-Onorevoli Karmenu Vella u s-Sindku ta’ Birzebbuga Joseph Farrugia, kif ukoll hafna persuni ohra. Din il-frejgatina tintuza minn hafna qaddiefa il-bicca l-kbira taghhom zaghzagh u ma nahsibx li hija xi haga sew li tipprova twaqqa ghac-cajt dan l-isport tradizzjonali Malti. Grazzi.

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