We’ve been missing the obvious

Published: October 31, 2013 at 12:47am

With our focus on Azeri, Chinese and Russian crooks, I’m afraid we have been missing the obvious. The real pressure for the government to move fast is probably coming from John Dalli’s rather lovely (Gaddafi era) friends in Libya.

That country is now in a state of near-anarchy, with most systems failing and militias taking charge outside Tripoli. The people most likely to want Maltese/EU/Schengen passports right now are rich Libyans, and Emma Corbin/Lady Bird’s friend knows a lot of those.

9 Comments Comment

  1. P Shaw says:

    EUR 650,000 must be peanuts for the Gaddafi regime relics.

  2. ciccio says:

    Maybe that’s what he had in mind when he said “efficient visa process” in February 2012:


    OK, then there is this reporting by Kurt Sansone, so it has to be serious.


  3. Boy on a bike says:

    Which could explain the “multiple wives” clause.

    [Daphne – No such thing in Libya.]

    • Mark Vassallo says:

      Several of the wealthier Libyans I know do have more than one wife. This custom is however not very widespread as it can be very expensive. Each wife has to have her own house and must be treated equally (in financial terms). I do however doubt that such a Libyan would bother to get an EU passport for his wives or daughters – just for his sons.

  4. Jim says:

    It is not very common but it does exist. Now more than before the revolution two years ago.

  5. RF says:

    By withholding the names of these ex-Gaddafi regime applicants, Muscat thinks he can hunt with the foxes and run with the hounds.

  6. zunzana says:

    Libjani u Cinizi kollha jistghu jixtru il-passaport Malti biex ikolllhom access facli ghal-Ewropa. Jien ma nistax nifhem kif l’Unjoni Ewropea ghada ma tkellmitx fuq dan l-abbuz.

  7. jan_f says:

    and this scheme is designed for graft..

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