What a joke – he must have been really good at selling investment products for Alfred Mifsud

Published: October 1, 2013 at 10:14pm

You can just picture him there at his desk, bluffing with pensioners getting ready to invest their life savings. Same difference, really.

“Hemm jien naghmel tajjeb ghalikom.”

Yes, r-i-g-h-t.

8 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Micallef says:

    The Times reports

    “Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said this evening that he was ‘convinced’ that Sai Mizzi Liang, the Energy Minster’s wife, would get results for Malta following her appointment as envoy of Malta Enterprise in Asia”

    Convinced – of course why wouldn’t he be.

    • canon says:

      I hope she does when earning so much money. But how are we going to know about the results?

    • Last Post says:

      “JIEN KONVINT …. (li Pietru Pawl Busuttil huwa nnocenti.)

      Joseph Muscat jahseb li bhalma cittadini komuni gew ippruvati li kellhom ragun wara li l-kaz ittella’ l-Qorti, hekk issa jahseb li ghax jghid li hu KONVINT minn xi haga, allura hekk hu fil-fatt.

      Muscat konvenjentement jinsa’ li l-partit tieghu fil-gvern (u issa hu ukoll) kemm il-darba nstab hati ta’ atti irregolari u kriminali u allura l-konvinzjonijiet tieghu huma biss duhhan.

  2. It-Tezi ta' Mario says:

    Muscat’s convinced because he’s already bound by agreement with China. The rest is detail, and Sai Mizzi Liang will help her boss make it happen. And, no, I didn’t say her boss is Muscat.

    • We are living in Financial Times says:

      What is Nair’s relationship to Patricia Hills, London Executive Assistant to Edward de Bono, who is registered at the same address as Pradeep Prenyan Shivshankar Nair’s UK registered businesses at 135 (b), Holland Park Avenue, whilst her husband Richard Hills is listed with “Shiv Shankor” at 135(a), Holland Park Avenue?

      Is the Malta connection pure coincidence?

  3. Brian says:

    Kemm hu purcinell…. nisthih bhala PM ta’ Malta!

  4. AE says:

    This is an excellent piece:

    What an absolute hypocrite Muscat is. How does he have the gall to speak the way he did at the UN when he took the action he did a few months ago? So at the UN he has a different audience than the bigots and racists in this country. How do the latter feel now reading/listening to this speech? Does it sound like the same man?

    There is no doubt in my mind that Muscat’s decisions in government will be populist ones. Not decisions which are needed for the country but those designed to ensure that he remains PM. So much for all his accusations at Gonzi li ‘ iggranfat mas-siggu tal-poter’.

    One would be forgiven for thinking that his strategy team are just focused on giving the majority of people what they want, regardless how inhumane, dangerous (stirring up the racist sentiment), or costly (MTA’s budget being used to give free tickets to joseph calleja’s concert instead of marketing Malta as it should be doing) his actions may be.

    Whilst Muscat may continue to dupe the majority on these islands, his reputation on the international stage is another thing all together. He cannot ‘stamp his feet’ the way he did and then give a speech like this. His are but hollow words and will be seen as such. The sad thing is that he drags Malta’s reputation down with him too.

  5. kev says:

    Serrahtli mohhi, prim. Kont qed nixtri d-deheb u issa se nbiegh kollox u nerga’ nibda nfaddal il-flus tal-karti.

    Ghax ghad li l-ewro se jixpakka, issa hemm Gvern Gdid jahseb ghalija.

    Ejjew ilkoll naghmlu gabra ta’ kull xahar biex Gvern Gdid ikun jista’ jhallas il-penalijiet fuq id-dejn akkumulat, dejjem jizdied, ma jonqos qatt u qatt.

    Gvern Gdid. Ghax b’hekk inkunu serfi denji lejn dejn perpetwu… sa ma nigu salvati minn dawk li hakkmuna, bi flus digitali, b’gideb super-fin, bix-xinxilli li ahna nhobbu nemnu ghax cwiec bqajna daqs l-ohrajn li bhalna gew aljenati.

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