When liars are also stupid, they get caught out

Published: October 28, 2013 at 12:58am

Times of Malta reports:

Former TV presenter Norman Vella is being investigated by the police over an allegation that he took a photo of two senior government officials as they passed through passport control.

Speaking to timesofmalta.com this evening Mr Vella, who works as an immigration officer at the airport, confirmed that he was being held by the police at his place of work.

He is being accused of taking a photo of Kurt Farrugia and Ramona Attard, communications coordinators at the Office of the Prime Minister and the Home Affairs Ministry respectively, at the airport today. The two officials were on their way to London Heathrow.

A government source said Mr Vella was caught on CCTV cameras by the police taking a photo in an area where photos cannot be taken.

In a brief statement this evening, the police said they are investigating an alleged breach of airport security regulations by an immigration official.

They said the official took photos of passengers in a restricted area, for which the police are responsible.

The police said that after they examined CCTV footage, the official was asked for an explanation.

Mr Farrugia said neither him or Ms Attard were aware of what happened and only got to know about the incident on their arrival in London.


Now here’s the thing. Kurt Farrugia and Ramona Attard say they knew nothing of this until they landed at Heathrow. Oh, what rubbish. But anyway, what do you expect from people trained and moulded by the Labour Truth-Twisting Machine, Super One.

How is it obvious? Well, we might AT A STRETCH be persuaded to believe that the police were glued to the CCTV cameras, saw somebody with a mobile phone, somehow decided that he was taking a picture, and realised that it was Norman Vella from Immigration.

BUT there is no way on earth they could have known WHO he was taking a picture of, still less that it was specifically Kurt Farrugia and his lady friend Ramona Attard.

Even if they had been able to see all this and work it out, they certainly would not have rushed out to perform an immediate arrest. God knows how many people get caught on camera fiddling with their phones, as is their right.

There’s more: Norman Vella says he didn’t take any pictures; he certainly didn’t send me any; AND THE POLICE, IT HAS SINCE BEEN REPORTED, DID NOT FIND ANY ON HIS PHONE.

So if there were no pictures taken, then his arrest couldn’t possibly have been made because the police caught him on CCTV camera taking them.

You’d have to be one hell of a sucker not to work out that it wasn’t the police who took this initiative after spontaneously seeing something on CCTV that didn’t happen, but they acted on report.

That report didn’t necessarily come from Kurt and his lady friend Ramona. But it certainly came from one of their friends or colleagues who decided that it was Norman Vella who told me about their flying out together to meet the rest of the ex Super One crowd.

As for Kurt Sansone and Times of Malta – that man really has an agenda. When I rang him up earlier tonight to set him straight on this blog and the photographs that don’t exist, which he claimed were uploaded here, he said to me “But this is serious.” Yes, I said, imagine the police confiscating a person’s phone, a repository of personal information, without justification or a warrant. No, he said, what’s serious is an immigration official taking pictures of people.

This when Norman Vella had denied taking the picture, I had said to him straight and plain that I hadn’t been sent any, and there was Kurt Sansone, taking the police’s word for it as gospel truth because it suits his Labour agenda.

Oh come off it, Kurt, I said. Now you’re going to tell me that all those Arriva stories you print come straight from Arriva’s PRO.

You’d think a journalist would come down on the side of journalism and basic civic liberties – imagine the police running around confiscating people’s phones like that – but no, not when it’s Kurt Sansone and it’s Labour we’re talking about. Then this paragon of progressive, liberal freedom thinks the police are justified in taking a man’s phone that’s full of personal information, so that a bunch of coppers bored in the station and sit about reading his private emails, cloning his contacts and copying his personal stuff.

Some people love China a little too much.

18 Comments Comment

  1. James Jones says:

    Kurt Sansone is a disgrace to journalism

  2. beingpressed says:

    Since when do police watch CCTV at the airport. Isn’t this done by airport security?

  3. Rahal says:

    Oh Joseph the merciful.

    Joseph is harassing Norman Vella viciously in an attempt to break the man psychologically.

    But didn’t Norman say Joseph had threatened he would pay him back twice over, hitting him below the belt?

  4. George Grech says:

    Nassumi li Peppi Azzopardi jaghmel XARABANK fuqu.

  5. rjc says:

    Recently one was inclined to think that The Times was beginning to see the light, at least judging by some of its editorial commentaries.

    However, with people like Sansone still hovering in there it’s better to think again. Once planted in there, their agenda can only be that of their masters.

  6. Antoine Vella says:

    The police should make public the video they claim to have, showing Norman Vella taking photos. Their credibility is in question.

  7. ciccio says:

    Kurt Sansone should know that the public interest is a fundamental democratic principle like public security. He works in the media, so he should know this.

    What does Kurt Sansone think about the Edward Snowden and Julian Assange revelations to the world? Does he think that those revelations should never have been made because they threaten the security of the US?

    There are many other documented instances where public security is not allowed to repress public interest.

  8. Paddy says:

    Kurt Sansone would make a great spokesman for a Fascist movement.

  9. Gaetano Pace says:

    TYPICAL. VERY VERY TYPICAL. The POLICE know very well that contraventions do not entail arrest. They are using the methods of Mintoff’s day. SO WHAT HAPPENS? THEY SAY THAT THEY ARE ACTING ON THE PRETEXT OF AN INVESTIGATION OF A CRIME. Therefore the suspect becomes liable to arrest.

    Then follow all the fuss, police cars, armed policemen, arrest, confiscation, six o’ clock/eight o’ clock/eleven o’ clock news and all. Worse than this was the other tactic. THE COMMISSIONER USED TO WALK IN AND tell his subordinate officer that HE the commissioner has confidential information that So and So is dealing in drugs, or weapons, or smuggling, or even a COUP D`ETAT.

    The subordinate told of such serious allegations would be left with no alternative but to commence the investigation.


    This is what the new Labour movement should be considering next once it has now dealt with that milestone of legislation regarding civil union. This is what we should be agitating for because it involves the safeguarding of our rights at the roots.

  10. Carmel Grima says:

    Kurt Sansone mhux serju fl-opinjoni tieghi. F’artikolu li kiteb fuq it-Times fil-11 ta’ Ottubru 2009, gideb meta qal li ragel mil-Mosta mar Kastilja u beda jispara, u ta wiehed x’jifhem li spara fuq Mintoff.Skond l-Inkjesta kemm Filletti u kemm Muscat Azzoppardi, PC Sammut qal car u tond li Karm Grima qatt ma spara, li l-anqas kien armat imma hedded li jmur igib arma ghax ghandu dritt jara l-Mintoff f’pajjiz demokratiku; li dahluh f’kamra maghluqa u ghal taparsi qalulu li Mintoff gej ikelmu;li Dom Montoff kien f’kamra f’wing iehor ta’ Kastilja jiddiskuti ma delegazzjoni minn North Korea sat-3.30 pm u li Il-maggur Thewma kellu ordni stretta biex joqtol lil Grima ghax kellu ittra sensittiva hafna fuq il-Lorry Sant li kienet se tikxfu fuq ghaqdiet sigrieti li kien imdahhal fijhom;Thewma mas-security officer u il-body guard ta’ Mintoff bexqu il-bieb u tlitt idejn , bil-pistoli f’idhom bdew jisparaw indiskriminalment fuq Grima u laqtuh bi tlitt bullets imma ma mietx u ghalhekk komplew ituh bil-butt tal-pistoli go rasu biex joqtluh imma x’hin semghu il-passi tal-fotografiku tat-Times harbu; ittiehed l-isptar fil-karozza privata; u wara saru erba’ attentati ohra fuq hajjet Grima. Dan Kurt Sansone evada li jsemmi anzi ma qalx li ironikalment, kien Dom Mintoff li salvalu hajtu meta qal fuq ir-radio li min imiss lil Grima irid jghatih kont ta’ ghemilu!

  11. AE says:

    And where the hell is Kurt Sansone’s editor? Does he have an agenda too?

  12. Mandy says:

    When, pre-election, I said publicly that having Labour in power would mean us going back to the 1970s/early 1980s, I was laughed at.

    To those ‘friends’ and acquaintances who derided me, themselves convinced that that was “a new movement and times have changed” , I hate to say “I told you so, but …”.

  13. Watchful eye says:

    After these illustrious seven months, and KURT SANSONE from Times of Malta still fanning.

  14. Francesca says:

    I feel the same way, Mandy. I wonder what all those people are thinking, who I used to spend time with and then realized aren’t worth even looking at anymore after their stupidity during election time.

    Did they not see this coming like the rest of us did? I hope they are proud of themselves. They definitely aren’t bragging all over Facebook like they used to.

    Eight months down the line and they’ve already run riot. In five years time our country is going to be in shambles. Viva Labour.

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