While everybody else is focussed on the horror of hundreds who drowned…
October 4, 2013 at 12:06am
…Joseph Muscat concentrates instead on pressing home his argument to the European Union.
Listening to him, straight after hearing the sobbing mayor of Lampedusa, was painful and embarrassing. The man lacks empathy, and that is why his face wears so few expressions.
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So he’s an antisocial personality. But that’s not news.
The PN must use its presence in Parliament to force the government to give answers to all of the mess-ups, lies and partnerships with shady criminals without a face that are taking Malta into the Circle of Corrupt nations.
Might as well get the Sicilian Mafia to run the place.
“Might as well get the Sicilian Mafia to run the place.”
Do you think they’re not already present?
I wouldn’t expect any better from a selfish bastard.
Since when is it allowed to call the Prime Minister BASTARD?
[Daphne – Ah, Mr Loporto. It’s a been a while. Perhaps you would prefer it if Liberal were to describe you as a bastard for having voted to make that other bastard prime minister? Still defending John Dalli, are you?]
Since Magna Carta. Now go back to China.
Malta is not yet North Korea, dear Mr. Loporto.
Dear Daphne, I honestly don’t see any connection with being called Bastard and John Dalli.
If you really want to know. We are all innocent until found guilty. So we all have to wait.
As for Liberal calling mew bastard, no big deal,I have been called worse and I still survive.
As for H.P wanting me”” to go back to China”” no need they will be coming here themselves.
Since it’s the best adjective to describe the useless c**t.
It has always been morally justified to call someone who was behaving like a bastard “BASTARD!” whether the bastard was an emperor, a tyrant or a plain common garden non-entity.
How unbearably embarrassing.
And what shocks me is that many people express pride at our PM and his work in the national interest. I can’t read timesofmalta’s comments board anymore.
U l-PM Malti bla ma juri ebda simpatija jghid: “Qed tara x’gara hux”
X’qabza fil-kwalita’.
Had his coffee been strong enough when he took his ‘push back’ stance, he would not repeat his assertion in the face of such a horrific tragedy.
The people of Lampedusa have been hailed as heroes. And heroes they are according to my Catholic faith.
That was the same thought I had after hearing Angelino Alfano emotionally talking to the press outside the hangar where the bodies were being placed compared to the crude comment by Joseph Muscat that this tragedy is a wake up call to the EU.
This is all he could think about, like his statement of a couple of months back ‘smelling the coffee’ and telling the EU Commissioner responsible for immigration to take the immigrants to Sweden.
We were promised a cool PM but what we really got was an ice-old one incapable of feeling emotion, which is why he can’t show it.
His reaction is not only an inhumane one, but a reflection of his being a spoilt, only child who has ‘arrived’, and who still thinks that the world revolves around him and only him.
His head is so far up his own backside that he will never realise how incongruous his words are, especially when spoken immediately after 300 people lost their lives.
Alfano was with those people yesterday, Muscat preferred posing for Al Jazeera at his ‘desk’.
It’s not about him – that’s why he can’t give a damn. Typical case of a strong narcissistic development disorder. People like him should never lead anybody, let alone a country.
The fault for this tragedy lies fairly and squarely with the larger countries hiding behind the backs of stooge humanitarian refugee organizations. These allow themselves to be abused by the larger EU members who refuse to address the problem at source, but instead abuse small islands at the periphery by converting them into detention centres that they then criticize as inhumane and inadequate.
This policy fosters the despicable criminal traffic of refugees that could easily be better controlled by a blockade of notorious departure points. This would be much easier to accomplish than combating piracy on the high seas employed for pecuniary commercial reasons, that are not applied to the humanitarian refugee problem.
The task and purpose of humanitarian refugee organizations is to protect the rights and interests of refugees. Humanitarian refugee organizations are not politicians.
In what sense are they “stooge” then?
They are stooges because they allow themselves to be (ab)used by politicians who are not interested in the refugees’ welfare but are only interested to keep the refugees and the refugee problems as far away as possible from their frontiers – NIMBY.
Again, the task and purpose of humanitarian refugee organizations is to protect and defend the rights and interests of refugees.
To stop doing what they do just because some politicians take advantage of that, defeats their whole noble purpose.
I’m sure several bigots would love to see them pack up and leave, but tough, they’re here to stay.
You may stamp your feet and call them stooges as much as you like. It still does not make it true.
Scientists allow themselves to be used by some terrorists who use their scientific discoveries and knowledge to kill people.
Are scientists terrorists’ stooges? And should we perhaps ban science classes, or science itself altogether?
Some sense, but a blockade, if what you mean is what I understand, is nothing more than a push-back done at about 30 miles southwards. Something some hypocrites here will not even fathom.
A blockade would be a most efficient method to deter refugees from handing over their life savings so as to go on board the sea-borne coffins supplied by criminal organisations and causing disasters on the scale of the Lampedusa drownings.
It’s not that simple, Francis Saliba. A blockade would also be the most efficient method to ensure that those fleeing persecution, torture and death stay put and face the worst.
This is a very sad and unfortunate event and right now the most important and pressing issue is to save as many lives as possible.
But this tragic event and so many similar past events serve to highlight the importance of putting a stop to illegal immigration from the source. If we (Europe) want to avoid similar tragedies in the future we must help Libya with coastal patrols.
We should help the Libyan authorities investigate and apprehend human trafficking rings.
Push-back is a word that some do not like to use and it is not the best option either BUT if there had to be an E.U backed push-back policy it would eventually put a stop to these criminal traffickers.
If nothing is done expect much more loss of human life at sea.
It is unsafe to rely on a speculative interest by Libya to prevent irregular emigration towards Europe when Ghaddafi himself boasted of condoning the illegal traffic as a means to bring about the rapid Islamisation of Europe.
He spoke just like the Lega, except they blamed Kyenge and Boldrini, leading to every talk show to decline the Leghisti’s presence.
Muscat blamed the commissioner, when in reality, he’s currently the obstacle to any preventive measure.
Measures which require joint effort from all countries facing North Africa. Guess what, Joseph’s not playing ball.
Formigoni’s right.
He is so typical of the closed, uncivilised Maltese mentality. Thank God we are not all so. And as Lampedusa has shown, it has nothing to do with being a tiny island between Sicily and Africa.
Thanks be to God that Malta has been spared so far the shipwreck of hundreds of refugees on our shores. If that were to happen there is no reason to suppose that fishing boats, yachts and other pleasure craft would not unstintingly help out in the rescue operation as happened in the sister island of Lampedusa.
You say it as if helping out in rescue operations is a bad thing.
Haven’t you noticed that Lampedusa fishermen are attacking the Italian naval units for responding late to the emergency and the fishermen are being criticised for some of them sailing past the drowning refugees? This is not a case of “uncivilised Maltese mentality” but rather one of “Tutto il mondo e’ paese”.
I agree with you totally. I was shocked when I read it in The Times. How could he not realise that he should have kept his mouth shut?
Sociopaths lack the necessary affect that acts as an internal alarm to the self-preservation mechanism.
Real inspiration for every ordinary Joe who is expected to believe that this is what fresh leadership ideas and meritocracy are and that all that hooha about the evils of the last government was reality.
But everyone is happy in North Korea.
That’s exactly what I thought when I saw the news.
Egoism of an unimaginable magnitude is possessed by our current PM.