Will somebody please define ‘negative’ for the benefit of Joseph Muscat’s trolls?
They’re out in force on timesofmalta, dissing the Opposition for its (too weak) criticism of the government’s sale-of-passports Cannink Plenn.
PN = Negative Party
Imma dejjem negattivi possibli
Maaa, how negative
PN is always negative
More negative comments from PN
I paraphrase, but you get the gist.
These trolls, jerks and idiots really need to learn the meaning of negative. Negative is somebody like the prime minister, who had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the European Union, ran a five-year campaign to get us to vote NO, and even now thinks it’s a lousy idea to the extent that his way of using it to Malta’s advantage is to sell EU passports for hard cash – ghax majtezwel hux get something out of the EU membership we didn’t want.
Negative is somebody like Joseph Muscat and his troglodyte cabinet colleagues, who think that a good future for Malta is built on selling passports for cash while the real citizens of Malta leave school at 16 and then proceed to assemble PV panels on the cheap from parts made in China by the oppressed and enslaved.
Negative defines people who see how Malta has been changed for the better and beyond all recognition by 25 years of Nationalist government (bar 22 months of gross Labour negativity) and STILL insist on voting Labour and saying that the 1970s and 1980s were better and that Mintoff was the greatest leader of all time.
The Labour Party is one hell of a giant negative sink-pit and you really have to be the sort of blind troll who voted for KMB in 1992, not to see that.
PL = Partit tal-Lanzit.
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Let us stop calling it the very confusing “PL”.
It is “MLP”, the acronym for the real name of the party: “Mintoff’s Livid Peasants”.
This is an example of a ‘positive’ PrimeMinister. Stamping his feet, all over the place. Now ridiculing Malta also on CNN.
“We are not exactly a military super power.”
But nor are Bulgaria, Romania, Belgium, Ireland, Luxembourg, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Cyprus, Greece, Denmark…
And what about this line:
“You know, no one comes with a passport or with an identity card or a driving license,” Muscat said. “So unless there is a detention period, it is impossible for us to make sure that amongst those genuine people who are fleeing from war, there isn’t some threat to security.”
Course not. The migrants surely haven’t been to Henley & Partners before coming to Malta. If he is selling Maltese passports at euro 650,000 each, how does he expect the African migrants to come in with a passport? On the other hand, shady persons from shady places with euro 650,000 to spare can buy a Maltese passport and there is little doubt that they will present themselves in Luqa with it in their hands when they come to claim benefits in Malta.
The man is as ridiculuous as he is a political hypocrite.
The CNN journalist is totally confused and unamused.
So true Daphne.
Positive is seen as negative and vice versa
PL = Partit tal-Lanzit
Priceless, impayable.
”….fined €4,600 after he pleaded guilty to hunting a protected bird at is-Salib tall-Gholja last Wednesday.
Allan Farrugia also admitted holding a short-toed snake eagle circaetus gallicus, keeping protected birds, having 75stuffed protected birds and carrying out taxidermy operations.”
Oh sure, anyone criticizing the government should be described as being ‘negative’, there was never a secret agreement with the hunters and the government is pro the protection and sustainability of wildlife! The above offences number what, eighty birds (because the number of kept protected birds is not specified). That translates into about a Eur50 fine for each bird!! LM20 each!!
Of course the article fails to say whether the accused was licensed to hunt and if the firearms were legal!
So the definition of ‘negative’ is simply all those who do not follow the same piper!
PL = Partit tal-Le
Speaking of troglodytes, here’s Il-Guy. Surely the Times photographer is having a laugh here?
Negative is Kenneth Zammit Tabona believing he has anything to say.
Negative is Astrid shouting down the proposal for St.John’s then going on to hug trees with their roots causing mayhem to its foundations.
Negative is Joe Mizzi doing his bloody best to keep his voter base isolated down south
Negative is chaining this country’s economy to a phantasmagorical power plant which can only be switched on in two year’s time. Forgetting everything else in the process.
Poses a la Mussolini seem to be in fashion this autumn.
Just try and criticise anything Muscat and his cohorts do and you are branded as “negative”, “against the national interest”.
It seems that Partit tal-Lanzit has the monopoly on what constitutes “national interest”.
“Negative” is a favourite deprecatory term that any Labourite can throw about with gay abandon without any need to switch on any functioning brain they may have so as to produce intelligent reasoned arguments.
“Positivity:” when the things you want to do are so bad that you have to deceive yourself and others.
A “Positivity High” produces the same chemical effect on the brain for the need to have that switch function.
My wife caught me in bed with a Bulgarian stripper and her Russian boyfriend and she lost it. Man, she is so negative.
It made no difference when I told her I was being paid. She is so frigging Nationalist in her mentality.
It takes a very warped mind to equate “negativity” with “warning”.
It is even more dangerous when people’s thinking process also views the word “negative” in the same way puritans view the word “sin”.
When “warnings” are labelled “negative” and the word “negative” carries with it the consequences of “sin”, it’s like driving a car heading for a brick wall but you re afraid to hit the brake or change direction because something bad will happen.
For the sake of credibility, Dr. Demarco should have made it clear that whenever the PN is elected back to power these citizenships will be, ipso facto, declared null and void. Anything short from this declaration is empty talk.
I agree, but can he actually do that?
Don’t forget that by introducing these new citizens Muscat is also getting himself guaranteed votes from very rich people who might very well be funding his party AND profiting from any horrid arrangement that Malta will be trapped in.
Let’s face it, one of the main problems with politics in Malta is the existence of democratic values in one party and the complete disregard for them in the other.
Labour’s dream is that there is only the Labour Party forever. That is why they see the very existence of an opposition as a threat to the unity of the country. Don’t believe me? Look at how they speak about the PN and its supporters. Better still, look at their election campaign, ending the politics of red and blue because really all they want is red only.
They want a weird type of government where you can disagree with them but still have to work with them, and they can forever “unite” the country under their rule, a bit like Ghaddafi.
The likelihood of that happening is zero, though, because there are far too many people who understand the importance of an opposition and will vote against the PL and for the PN on that basic principle alone, regardless of whether or not they fully agree with the PN’s policies.
However, Muscat may well achieve what Mintoff wanted but failed at miserably, by getting rich people to owe him one and securing his votes that way.
We’re going to end up with voters who have no interest in Malta and will only care about themselves and their business.
If the PN threaten to revoke their citizenship when in power, those rich people will just vote labour, and then call the shots themselves.
You cannot revoke citizenship. It goes against every rule in the EU, UN and European book.
All hell had broken loose when some far-right parties in Europe suggested that dual citizens should have their citizenship revoked if convicted of serious crimes. It’s not something you do in civilised democracies.
Residency is different. This is why anyone with an ounce of sense has had alarm bells going off since day one on this passport for sale business.
Manuel Mallia is bending over backwards. Such dedication.
Negative is when in the election campaign one says that the problem of out of stock medicine for the ‘pharmacy of your choice’ scheme will be a thing of the past, then seven months after one is elected, the problem is of unprecedented proportions and one’s minister of health says that it ‘might’ be solved in four years.
Telling the PL to act positively is being negative.
Telling the PL that unemployment is on the rise is being negative.
Telling the PL that Joseph exited the EU meeting like a lost soul in purgatory is being negative.
Telling the PL to organise the new transport cooperative SUQ HA MMORRU is being positive.
Do you think that all this is going to last 5 years?
Short answer: NO
That’s a good photo of the ‘fat frog’.
The iced bun recipients at PBS can’t even organize the proverbial piss-up in brewery.
Muscat must have been miffed.
Got to love the emphasis on the fact that he was on time, for once.
All very well to be all negative about the EU when he has his pension sorted from such a young age because he was an MEP.
If we get kicked out of the EU I hope they cancel any right he may have to a pension.
Negative is saying the truth about how Malta is going down the tubes.
Negative is being Labour.