Wouldn’t this give Manuel Mallia a thrill

Published: October 1, 2013 at 3:47pm

The 60th anniversary of Communist rule in China, celebrated in Beijing in September 2009. I was there (inadvertently, having forgotten, unbelievably, about the Big 60) and it was as intimidating as it was clearly intended to be – in a frightening, creepy and sinister way.

But this is nothing compared to the seemingly endless parade of rocket-launchers, heavy weaponry and clockwork-looking soldiers one evening when all ‘foreign guests’ received notes under their doors instructing them not to go out on the streets. We watched the scary show from the rooftop bar: a veritable parade of evil might that was almost cartoonish in its effect, and make no mistake about it.

7 Comments Comment

  1. Angus Black says:

    Ms Sai (Mizzi) Liang is, after all a worthy Ambassador for Malta in China representing a government with similar ideas about freedom of expression.

    Soon a note will be slipped under doors of any families identified as not giving a contribution to the Labour Party at pre-election time when canvassers plied the streets making note of who gave and who did not.

    Although the note will not warn Nationalists not to venture out, it will probably say for them not to bother applying for jobs, grants, scholarships, etc since Malta Belongs to Them and nobody else.

  2. Alexander Ball says:

    I worry about the day they get democracy.

    Who will make all the cheap electronics then?

  3. ciccio says:

    I would expect the Minister of the Army and the Brigadier to celebrate the commemoration of this event involving the Chinese army.


  4. caroline says:

    Speaking about notes pushed under doors, this morning at about 6.30 a man was taking photos of each house in our street. When asked what he was doing, he said that it was an order from MEPA. He did have a ID card hanging off his shirt. But why does MEPA want a photo of my house?

  5. Min Jaf says:

    No matter how impressive the parade, China’s military structure has an inherent flaw – too many Chinks in its armour.

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