Xarabank is tackling the hot issues du jour on Friday

Published: October 30, 2013 at 9:20pm

They’ve rounded up a nice bunch of hamalli Mintoffjani – sorry, no other word will suffice – “biex jiddiskutu”. But it doesn’t say what.

Given that practically every person on that list has half a brain and is equipped with a 100-word lexicon, don’t bother staying in.

35 Comments Comment

  1. Gahan says:

    Xarabank’s programme subjects are not decided by Peppi, I suspect.

  2. Denis says:

    The intellectual clique. Maaaaaaa.

  3. manum says:

    Festa tal-qhab u c-criecer.

  4. ciccio says:

    I have a good idea for one of Xarabank’s editions.

    In recent years, they used to have one edition in every season in which they present something like 5 characters who tell a story and then a “penil” must guess which stories are true and which ones are false. They used to have Chief Justice Emeritus Mifsud Bonnici on that “penil.”

    OK, in one of those forthcoming editions, they should invite Kurt Farrugia, Ramona Attard, Silvio Scerri, Manwel Mallia, the Police Commissioner and the Prime Minister. Each one of them should be asked to recount their version of Norman Vella’s case.

    And then let the “penil” find out the true version.

    I suggest they should also permit televoting.

  5. Louis says:

    Is Peppi Azzopardi afraid to discuss the gaffes the police are making, or is he afraid that he will lose his programme?

  6. botom says:

    I never thought that Peppi would sell his soul to keep his job.

  7. Aunt Hetty says:

    On this evening’s program that preceeds the evening news on PBS, Peppi insisted that no one at PBS ever interfers on the subjects he choses (for his junk tv shows) Go tell it to the marines Pep.

  8. just me says:

    This is a new group on facebook: Irridu Xarabank fuq il-kaz Ta’ Norman Vella!


    I invite everyone to join.

  9. Augustus says:

    And I always thought that Peppi was a hero journalist. Well, I have to admit that I was mistaken.

  10. Gaetano Pace says:

    Gone are the days when our dear friend Peppi used to stand tall and cry loud against censorship. It appears that the censors have mutinied and taken over the ship, for Xarabank is small fry.

  11. Peppinu Mazetta Azzopardi says:

    Kont naghmlu aktar ragel li ma jarax flus biss imma anki jaqbez ghal shabu bhal Norman Vella u ohrajn u b’mod ta rgulija jiehu azzjoni. Nahseb iz-zmien beda jaghmel tieghu Pepp ghax mhux Peppi ta qabel dan.

    • Wormfood says:

      Mindu meta nbidel? Jien dejjem ittimbrajtu bhala xi hadd li iktar mohhu jaghmel it-‘television’ u johloq kontroversji halli jarawh in-nies milli jissalvagwardja l-liberta’ ta’ l-espressjoni

  12. Joe Fenech says:

    In the recording studio, there might be enough neurons to match the IQ of an amoeba.

  13. P Shaw says:

    You are being very generous with the 100-word lexicon for each of these morons in the video.

    The might make it if you add the repeated “aw hi”, “ismghani” u “ha nghidlek jiena'”.

  14. M. Cassar says:

    If nothing else, this state of affairs is showing us what everyone is really made of. How easy it was to criticise when criticism was possible without fear of vengeance.

  15. Lomax says:

    Ignatius Farrugia? Thank God there are some really good movies in theatres this weekend.

  16. verita says:

    For Peppi there is just a saying SILENCE IS GOLDEN Coward

  17. carlos says:

    One would have thought that Norman Vella’s case will be main topic for discussion on Xarabank this week.

  18. Spiru says:

    That’s what my dad always told me, way back in 1987 about Peppi – opportunist. And he’s right, bless him.

  19. socrates says:

    Peppi, Peppi Taghna Lkoll.

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