Xarabank sinks into the pits: first Sandro Chetcuti’s agenda, and now that sordid little skunk’s

Published: October 6, 2013 at 3:08pm
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, drunk and shouting on the counter-top of a bar full of people celebrating the Labour electoral victory on 9 March. I strongly suggest that Joe Azzopardi discusses this on Xarabank.

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, drunk and shouting on the counter-top of a bar full of people celebrating the Labour electoral victory on 9 March. I strongly suggest that Joe Azzopardi discusses this on Xarabank.

I have just received the following email from an employee at Xarabank:

Għażiża Sinjura Caruana Galizia,

Il-programm Xarabank ta’ nhar il-Gimgħa 11 ta’ Ottubru se jkun dwar is-“Cyberbullying”.

Fil-programm se jkollna l-Istorja ta’ Hannah Smith, it-tfajla li wettqet suwiċidju wara li kienet bullied fuq l-internet. F’dan il-programm mistieden ukoll Dr.Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, li flimkien ma’ persuni ohra jinsab f’alleanza li nħolqot ftit tal-jiem ilu kontra s-“cyber harassment”.

F’dan il-programm fost diversi argumenti, se nqajmu diskussjoni dwar il-blogs, fosthom tiegħek.

Il-programm se jigi rrekordjat nhar l-Erbgha 9 ta’ Ottubru fit-8.30 ta’ filgħaxija.

Ghaldaqstant qed nistiednek biex tkun fil-panel fid-diskussjoni ta’ dan il-programm jew li nirrekordjaw intervista miegħek qabel il-programm f’ħin konvenjenti għalik (mhux aktar tard minn nhar l-Erbgħa 9 ta’ Ottubru f’nofsinhar).

Għal kull klarifikazzjoni li tixtieq mingħandna, nitolbok tagħmel kuntatt miegħi.

Nirringrazzjak bil-quddiem,


Fabian Demicoli


Tel: 21 249 200 / 79 930 650
Email: [email protected]


I replied without hesitation, as under.

Ghaziz Sur Demicoli,

Jekk tahseb li website bhal tieghi ghandu x’jaqsam mas-cyber bullying, ma taf xejn x’inhu cyber bullying. Grazzi tal-invit, imma jien m’iniex interessata nservi l-interessi personali, zmangati u vendikattivi tas-Sur Pullicino Orlando.

Jekk tixtiequ taghmlu hekk inti u l-producers ta’ Xarabank, dak hu l-affari taghkom. Jien, sa fejn jista jkun possibli, nevita kemm is-Sur Pullicino Orlando u kemm dawk li jagevolawh.

Sellili ghal Joe Azzopardi, u ghidlu biex darb’ohra icempilli hu stess b’dan l-invit u mhux jinheba wara impjegat.

Daphne Caruana Galizia

49 Comments Comment

  1. Joe says:

    Prosit Daphne. Tajthom risposta li jisthoqqilhom.

  2. Giovanni says:

    BIG LIKE. As I have been saying that Peppi is becoming PL voice to earn a living.

  3. ciccio says:

    Sur Demicoli,

    Do you think the material in the link below is bullying?


    This is the media making its point, in the public interest.

    Incidentally, in this case, the Times is also defending itself, not only the public interest, because as stated in the Editorial, Twanny tal-Bronka has “filed libel suits against the media, including Times of Malta, which reported the incident.”

    Do you think that the Italian media’s pressure on Berlusconi, for example, which has been going on for years, was bullying or cyber bullying?

  4. Matthew S says:

    Damned right.

    I remember Joe Azzoppardi saying how often he had personally phoned Anglu Farrugia to ask him to be part of the programme before the election.

    He could have phoned you as well if he really wanted you to participate in, what will undoubtedly be, a biased, awful and misinformed discussion.

  5. Osservatore says:

    Good for you Daphne.

    Xarabank sank into the pits several years ago, with a string of panels selected exclusively with the specific intent of skewing the discussion.

    There is no doubt that like other Xarabank programmes before, this was yet another attempt at getting at somebody. That said, I’d have liked to see them even try. JPO must have breathed a sigh of relief when he read the above.

  6. Lomax says:

    Mercenaries, the whole lot of them.

  7. observer says:

    Dieci e lode for the reply.

  8. Nobody says:

    Well done Daphne!

  9. Aunt Hetty says:

    Maybe you should also have told them in no uncertain terms that you are not Peppi’s (or anybody”s)circus performing monkey, and he should revert to other tricks to increase his program’s viewership.

  10. Alex says:

    Today’s Il-Mument makes interesting reading on page 3. It looks like a certain Mark Vassallo, long-time business partner and director at Where’s Everybody, happens to be also a lawyer working for Minister Chris Cardona’s private legal firm.

    Il-Mument reports that since the advent of the Taghna Lkoll reign, Dr Vassallo has been handpicked to ‘serve’ there and there with an evident conflict of interest.

    He has also been made legal representative for PBS… so he may be overseeing the contracts that are awarded to his (and Peppi’s) company, namely Where’s Everybody.

  11. canon says:

    Tghid Joe Azzopardi ser jistaqsi li Pullicino Orlando min tah id-daqqa ta’ ponn minn wara lil Nicky Azzopardi?

  12. Vespa says:

    Sandro Chetcuti didn’t materialise in Friday’s Xarabank, after all. What happened? Instead we had a promotional feature for Labour’s EP candidate Miriam Dalli showing us her newborn baby, quite as though nobody ever gave birth before. But then this baby is the tourism minister’s grandchild.

  13. P Shaw says:

    Joe Azzopardi is a hypocrite and a mercenary.

    Maybe during the program he should revive the document/report on ethics that he produced for the MLP a few years back.

    Or explain how he trained Pullicino Orlando to face down Alfred Sant.

    • Alex says:

      Looks like Peppi’s new friends are Sandro Chetcuti, JPO, Miriam Dalli, Chris Cardona and his partners and who knows who else.

      In the meantime, not a single word from Peppi about the sacking of all PN leaning presenters and journalists from TVM this summer.

      Has Peppi forgotten his former colleagues Pierre Portelli, Joe Mizzi, Norman Vella, Natalino Fenech and Lou Bondi? Shouldn’t he be doing his Xarabank under protest instead of promoting Miriam Dalli and other Labour scum?

  14. Lawrence Attard says:

    Vera wiċċhom imċappas bil-ħara. Sewwa għedtlu.

  15. Tida says:

    Hahahaha prosit, risposta f’waqta. Giusto per appunto.

  16. Alf says:

    Well said. That’s the spirit.

  17. Manuel says:

    Well said, Daphne. Pullicino Orlando believes that he and Cockfighter Debono can insult, bully, undermine, and ridicule others on their Facebook wall, in parliament (when they had a seat there) or their blog (like Debono’s Hu-Go-fik approach).

    Yet when they are criticised themselves, as politicians behaving badly, they go nuts and go all out for vengeance.

    Now Pullicino Orlando has begun a campaign against cyber-bullying, coincidentally a few days after photos of him were published that were taken in Rabat at 5am before a brawl in which he was involved.

    Miskin. Kemm hu mahqur jahasra.

    Jeff Botox no longer has a seat in parliament so he must use a stooge there to do his bidding.

    Will it be his chum and crony Varist, or will it be that naive sucker Owen Bonnici?

    As for Xarabank, if this is how it is going to survive the depredations of a Labour government, then good luck to Joe Azzopardi.

  18. George Grech says:

    Risposta ta’ mara bil-bajd lil ragel bla bajd.

  19. Jozef says:

    Peppi, tinsiex it-tissues. Ghax ghandu x’inewwah.

  20. Emmett Brown says:

    A well deserved and worded answer. One other common mistake, a dentist is awarded a Bachelor, as the title Doctor should not be applied.

  21. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I never thought I’d live to see Joe Azzopardi get his comeuppance.

  22. TinaB says:

    A well-deserved reply. Prosit.

    Now we shall see whether or not Joe Azzopardi has the balls to explain why you did not accept his invitation.

  23. oxo says:

    That’s a truly appropriate reply you gave them, Daphne.

  24. Frankie Tabone says:

    Now that Peppi is communicating with you, maybe he could tell you why he used to meet Franco Debono nearly everyday in the last two years of the Gonzi Government.

    I got this information from Franco himself. If Franco lied to me I am lying too and I apologise in advance.

  25. plebeian says:

    I try to make it a point not to watch Xarabank as it is a very cheap and populist production with an agenda of giving exposure to the people they want and putting to the forefront only chosen topics.. I truly believe that next program is solely intentioned to give a helping hand to a spineless person like JPO. Birds of a feather flock together.

  26. Josette says:

    Just hope that Joe Azzopardi drops his holier than thou attitude now. He’s shown himself to be no better and certainly a lot worse than others by becoming a mouthpiece of the Labour party in government. Where have all his high principles gone?

  27. Quo Vadis says:

    Would love to have seen Joe “Peppi” Azzopardi’s reaction on reading your reply.


  28. angered & disgusted says:

    This is an open letter to Peppi Azzopardi and Fabian Demicoli.

    As a Maltese citizen who wishes the best for my country, I am genuinely angry at you for putting up a programme on cyber harassment and serving the narrow agenda of JPO.

    JPO is campaigning for a law on cyber harassment to shut people up because he does not wish to be told how downright immoral he has been all along, when he abused the vote given to him by PN voters to further his own narrow, personal and/or vengeful interests.

    JPO’s self-serving use of Hannah Smith’s tragedy is immoral because he cares little about this dead girl or anyone else. His only interest is to shut other people up and he cynically uses this tragedy to further his agenda. This is the pits of immorality and yet you stupidly dance to his tune.

    Under normal circumstances, a law on cyber harassment makes sense. But when you have members of the police ready to do the bidding of the party in government, these are NOT normal circumstances. I need not elaborate on this because the evidence is there for all to see.

    The eventual cyber harassment law (because it will certainly become law) will be used to shut people up because the people who ‘attack’ any person close to government will be prosecuted whereas those who ‘attack’ anyone else will be left alone. With a cyber- harassment law, people will be super careful as to what they write on the social media and on online newspapers to the extent that the social media will be full of praise of government and full of attacks on the opposition.

    I am angry at you because you allow yourselves and your programme to be used for this purpose. You profess right to free speech as one of your core values and yet you are accomplices to a law which will be used to suppress free speech.

    Shame on you both.

  29. curious says:

    Don’t forget that they went to interview Hannah Smith’s father in London weeks ago. They must have known that the programme will still be on for this season.

  30. Rahal says:

    Ma kielx bizzejjed Joe Azzopardi taht in-Nazzjonalisti? Issa ser jilghaq sorm dak il-berawt rahli Joseph?

    Vera trid tkun wicc ta’ qahba.

  31. ciccio says:

    Hasn’t Peppi Azzopardi reciprocated the ‘greetings’ yet?

  32. polly says:

    Prosit Daphne risposta ta’ cento e lode……..

    Peppi qed jidher sew li hu opportunist ukoll, ghax issa donnu qed jibza jiftah halqu……..

  33. Nerd of Redhead, dancing OM Trolls says:

    Xarabank is the pits.

  34. carlos bonavia says:

    Brilliant reply.

  35. pale blue my foot! says:

    Well done, Daphne. You tactfully sent them to hell. Keep up the excellent work.

  36. Joe Fenech says:

    If they think that your writing constitutes cyber-harassment, they’re absolutely bonkers and should see psychiatric help.

    If they don’t get satire, they could go on to a French, Italian talkshow or – if English is more their thing – they could watch a programme by the like of Jeremy Paxman (believe me, Daphne is a kitten compared to him).

  37. e.muscat says:

    Another character who only ran for a short way. Will somebody please define what it means to say “he is a man of principle” so that everybody will know that Azzopardi is NOT one.

  38. Victor says:

    Excellent, Daphne.

    Nobody halfway decent would want to mix with that scum.

  39. viva n nort koreja says:

    Another good answer would have been that you do not want to appear on the newly revamped Super Two TV.

    [Daphne – No, that wouldn’t have been an appropriate answer, but an inappropriate one, and childish.]

  40. Dottor Brombos says:

    Why is this programme being recorded on Wednesday at noon?

    Isn’t Xarabank usually live?

    Are they planning to edit JPO’s or some other guests’ words?

    Don’t they want people to comment on their social media and to participate in live televoting as is usually done?

    Looks like they don’t even want people challenging JPO in their studio – the only people who can attend a programme on a Wednesday at noon are housewives, pensioners and the unemployed.

  41. Dottor Brombos says:

    The recording will happen on Wednesday evening, not at noon. Still not live as usual.

  42. Last Post says:

    You just preempted them. I can already see Joe Azzopardi telling his viewers that his programme invited is-sinjura Daphne Caruana Galizia ‘biex tkun fuq il-panel inkella … etc, etc.’

    You did the right thing to publish both the invitation and your reply which is most appropriate given the circumstances of the debate.

    Only the gullible, ignorant and misinformed will swallow the bait that your blog constitutes cyber-harassment.

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