You know what I like to say: those who have bought you will not hesitate to sell you

Published: October 27, 2013 at 7:41pm

Louis Grech

It looks like the government’s knives are out for Louis Grech, with an engineering of his ‘resignation’ being discussed all over town.

But it’s all par for the course, isn’t it.

Louis Grech colluded in and acceded to the knifing of Anglu Farrugia in the last two months of the electoral campaign – it would not have been strategically possible without Grech’s prior agreement to replace him.

And now it looks like they’re going to do the same thing to him, because he’s quite clearly dead meat. The man never appears anywhere, and is largely invisible and inactive despite being deputy prime minister and ‘minister in charge of implementing the electoral manifesto’.

He was brought in at the 11th hour for one reason only: image. Grech is/was a favourite with the tal-pepe/tal-flus/attaparsi tal-flus/attaparsi tal-pepe crowd, who voted for him and Edward Scicluna in droves in the 2009 EP elections, where they had previously voted for Arnold Cassola, and deprived the Nationalist Party of that other seat.

But as predicted by this website, he’s turning out to be worse than useless – all talk and no action as usual, except that now he isn’t even bothering to talk.

The man is old. He is ill, and he was always lazy to begin with, even when he was hale and hearty. Yes, of course he should be got rid of, but Muscat’s ‘user’ attitude is just unbelievable.

17 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    His ministry’s advertising for senior staff. Crutches? Or replacements?

  2. Gahan says:

    When the prime minister went on a Norman Hamilton Cruise of Eastern Mediteranean and the Black Sea , he was replaced by nannu Karmenu Vella Il-Guy wasn’t he? So Il-Guy is the natural choice for deputy prime minister.

  3. Angus Black says:

    Last April I had predicted Grech’s departure sooner or later, but for other reasons, not ‘back-stabbing’, but this is Labour for you. They never do something gracefully, do they? Ghasar u armi.
    He will eventually issue a statement giving health reasons for his premature ‘resignation’ and the Hon. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Malta will accept it ‘with much regret’.
    They are so transparent, aren’t they? So predictable, so much BS!

  4. imbellah says:

    Why doesn’t the PM do like Minister Mallia and make about 3 or more Deputies as there are in the police corps. The more the merrier isn’it and for that matter by now we are used to the PL lot.

  5. SPAM! says:

    So much for the children’s allowance they are so proud about.

  6. AE says:

    Muscat will have to offer him one hell of an iced bun. Golden handshakes are Grech’s speciality.

  7. Glormu says:

    Kif ma ssemma xejn li s-sur Joe Caruana (ex tal-Ghammieri) minn Chief of Staff ta’ Varist lahaq Permanent Secretary minflok Dr. James Calleja? M’hijiex sigriet ghax issemmiet kemm il darba minn nies fl-education u f’emails u ittri ufficjali. Imma la harget stqarrija, la giet updated il-pagna tal-gvern, xejn. Napprezza update fuq dan is-suggett.

  8. Tabatha White says:

    Now let’s see, who hasn’t been rewarded enough yet….?

  9. disgusted says:

    They arrested Norman. God help us.

  10. Osservatore says:

    Very ‘night of the long knives’ isn’t it?

    Like ALL MEPs turned MPs, his latest career choice did not do him any favours.

  11. bob-a-job says:

    Norman Vella has received his reward – He’s just been arrested

  12. Zambitoo says:

    I hope that before he leaves he keeps his word of getting ‘out of stock’ medicines by courier service! And with the present tens of ‘out of stock’ medicines, he needs all the local courier service companies! Hope you keep your word before you vanish into oblivion!

  13. manum says:

    There was a time when reading Daphne’s blog was entertaining, but now something tells me that the situation is turning for the worse. The government is sleazy and reading all this is making me seriously sick. Labour did change in these past 25 years, but for the worse. That didn’t seem possible, but it is.

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