A completely unprincipled prime minister: he goes to London to sell something he fought against and doesn’t agree with, because his financial backers need passports and he needs money
The brass neck on Joseph Muscat is quite incredible. He speaks as though in a vacuum where his words will not be relayed back to us in Malta, and where we have all forgotten the five-year battle he waged against EU membership and the fact that even now he resents it.
Now here he is, boasting about the achievements of the Evil PN and the wondrous advantages of a Maltese EU passport – THE VERY THINGS HE TOLD US MALTESE THAT WE DON’T NEED AND SHOULDN’T WANT, AND THEREFORE SHOULD VOTE AGAINST.
And I should point out here that “London businessmen” does not mean British businessmen or probably anyone else who will qualify for the scheme, but people whose Russian, Chinese and Azeri clients might want one.
Holders of an EU passport are not eligible.
The Malta Independent reports:
He pointed out that Malta is in the EU, with reciprocal access to the European market, and sharing the common currency of most of Europe. “Soon,” he said, “Malta will be proud to be in the driving seat of the European Presidency and our stunning capital city Valletta will be the European Capital of Culture. Next year we will celebrate our 50th anniversary as an independent nation and our 10th year as a member of the European Union.”
Truly unbelievable. In Malta he continues to shore up and propagate the belief of the ignorant that ‘Jum Il-Helsien’ (when Britain refused Mintoff’s demand to renew its lease on its military base) as the day that made Malta.
But in London, the real world, he boasts about INDEPENDENCE and EU MEMBERSHIP. What a fraud – one of those frauds who tells everyone what they want to hear. More fool those who take him as genuine.
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Muscat propju qahba f’xalata.
Well said.
Couldn’t have put it better.
The Prime Minister of Malta did not want the Maltese to have an EU passport, and he worked extensively against that.
But he wants – and is working relentlessly – so that the crooks from outside the EU will have one.
Is this the sort of Prime Minister the Maltese deserve?
Perfectly said, to add to that he also joined the EU gravy train as an MEP, he wants more gravy now as a PM, he gets no more gravy from the EU.
…hence this passport scheme.
The Maltese electorate actually deserve far worse. They let their politicians act like messiahs, instead of treating them like jumped-up little snot elected civil servants.
Yes, Ciccio, he is the sort of PM the Maltese deserve. Over and over again, until we’re back to fighting pitched battles with thugs in blue and civvies.
And then, when people die and it’s really not going to get any worse, we switch back to having a PM we never deserved in the first place.
Compare Gonzi’s overall results with this clown, but don’t try to understand how we kick out someone who delivers and employ someone who can’t walk, let alone talk.
So he’s boasting of independence and EU membership … I take it to mean that past Labour governments did nothing to boast of.
Course the past Labour governments did things to boast of. There was that visit by Mintoff to Mao Zedong’s China, and then there was the legalisation of sodomy.
This incumbent is going to re-write the whole fable and meaning of Aladdin and the forty thieves.
Those switchers have a gargantuan debt to repay the Maltese nation after these 10 years of this Armageddon.
As I’ve been saying for years now, thank God for Daphne – if it wasn’t for you, 90 per cent of what’s going on with the MLP would have been hidden from view.
And while this is going on, the PN are all geared up to start an almighty fight amongst their own about whether to keep their out-dated, self-afflicting, suicidal, myopic, traditional “values” or join the real world.
Beam me up, Scottie.
Did he forget to mention that next year it will be 40 years since Malta became a Republic and 35 years since the British refused to renew their lease (Jum il-Helsien)?
Ciccio, it IS the prime minister we deserve because we voted for him in droves.
This whole citizenship issue disgusts me. Can we do anything other than complain online?
As usual Joseph is trying to sell a dream; this time to passport switchers.
The words quoted in the final paragraph irk me to no end. The ‘evil’ PN give it their all for Malta to be in the EU and the resentful Labour get to reap the benefits and muck up Malta’s first turn at having a major recognised role in EU and European circles.
Joseph Muscat seems to have become a Nationalist Party supporter.
Unfortunately, a lot of people in Malta do not see him as fraud. I am not referring to the typical ignorant that votes MLP and believes in Jum il-Helsien.
I am more and more convinced that the ‘educated’, professional class and upper middle-class voted for the MLP and Joseph Muscat in particular, because deep down they are corrupt themselves, both morally and if given the opportunity, in a tangible way as well.
Joseph Muscat appealed do their greed, envy and corrupt inner-self and that worked wonders.
The only “positive” thing about Joseph’s selling of passports is that it slightly puts my mind at rest that he won’t pull us out of EU, since EU is the only benefit for a citizenship buyer.
Ikun interessanti li nsiru nafu jekk Michael Falzon ghadux jahseb li l-ghoti tac-cittadinanza ghandux ikun trasparenti u hux ser jitlob spjegazjzjoni dwar dan mill-Prim Ministru ( fast forward to 1:20 )
Integrity means nothing to them as long as they get the money.
More fools those switchers who believed in his promises – and see what they’ve got us into.