A man of principle: the prime minister of Mauritius pulls out of hosting the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) and in this video interview published on Saturday, he says why
November 18, 2013 at 1:48pm
In this context, Malta rushing in to say it will host instead looks absolutely terrible – precisely because it is.
Muscat’s stupid, unthinking offer not only undermines Mauritius’s principled position, but it makes Malta and the Maltese look like a bunch of animals who don’t give a damn about the terrible crimes against humanity which have horrified Mauritius and the Mauritians, and against which they are taking a stand.
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Malta is certainly becoming world known but not for the right reasons unfortunately.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
What, then, should one expect of utter idiots?
They’re not idiots, they’re mercenaries with no moral restrictions.
It’s no different to Muscat calling on the PN administration to exploit the trouble in Egypt diverting tourist traffic to Malta.
Remember this.
And if we ‘stand to gain economically’, what’s holding him from letting container loads of weapons through our ports?
When he can’t keep the names secret.
The amendment to the law to publish the names of those who apply and obtain citizenship is a masquerade.
If Gaddafi’s son applies for citizenship using a fictitious name, say Paul Pott, then it is only Paul Pott who would appear to have acquired citizenship.
Drug trafficking, illegal arms trading, money laundering and all that will happen or continue unimpeded.
The local organised crime syndicates must be rubbing their hands in glee.
Do they never think things through? It’s unbelievable how one after another, we find that behind every announcement or decision, there’s a heavy political price to be paid.
Sometimes I get the idea that these clowns think that governing an EU member state is like running a club down in the garden shed.
Their political philosophy is based on the Enid Blyton school of thought. I, for one, had no doubt they would be bad at the job, but I would never have imagined that we’d be plumbing these depths, and so soon.
They are not fit for purpose and so no matter how much they think things through, they never get it right.
Another case of fools rushing in.
Where does our PM Joseph Muscat stand on this issue?
Mauritius is also trying to diversify its economy to decrease its dependency on tourism. It is currently trying to tap into attracting international institutions (IFIs) to set up regional offices in the island, increase the financial services since the Asian economy is booming, and increase its conference center facilities.
In order to do this, Mauritius is aiming to maintain and boost its international reputation. The move by Mauritius to de-link itself from Sri Lanka needs to be analyzed in this context. It is all a matter of image and perception.
I don’t blame Muscat. I blame those idiots who voted for him.
Christ almighty mate! What do you mean, by “I don’t blame Muscat”. Of course I blame Muscat. The bloke is way out of his league in the political arena.
He reminds me of the boy emperor of China or Tutankamen the boy King. Can’t anyone see that he’s just a boy trying to play a man’s game?
[Daphne – Except that he’s not a boy is he. He’s 40.]
‘He reminds me of the boy emperor of China or Tutankamen the boy King’
More likely that kind hearted kid the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
Pontius, what I mean by,”I don’t blame Muscat” is, that if those idiots who voted for him didn’t do it, then he wouldn’t be in the position to do what he’s doing.
A PM who is not aware of what is going on in Sri Lanka, is a PM without any international agenda. No wonder his foreign minister seems to have gone into hibernation.
Horribly, just as Muscat sought out and played on the Maltese electorate’s vices, I would say that he is applying the same criteria and tactics in his foreign policy, if one can call it that.
His Chinese partners have a miserable record in the field of human rights.
They are Mugabe’s main supporters.
I have heard that Mugabe’s personal secret diamond funds are, under this Labour Government, now passing through Malta.
Would John Dalli have had any notion of this in June 2012?
The Chinese are also said to have financially backed Mugabe’s return to absolute power in August 2013.
Who has Joseph Muscat embroiled himself or the Labour Party with and what does their agreement – written or unwritten -state?
The foreign minister was in Sri Lanka with the prime minister.
Joseph Muscat’s only foreign policy is to sell EU citizenship to individuals from outside the EU for Eur650 “Big Ones.”
This man has stature, Joey can’t even spell it.
What if this conference turns out to be a total fiasco with Mauritius, Canada, Britain, Australia and probably New Zealand besides others boycotting it.
Are they going to blame their lack of understanding of what’s happening around them to your and the PN’s magic wand again?
No! This time Joseph Muscat would not have to plead ignorance once more. He will produce a mercenary argument that the fewer Commonwealth members who would accept the invitation the cheaper it would be for Malta to host the meeting with a reduced attendance.
However, up to now the mentioned countries do not have a valid reason for boycotting the Malta venue – except of course an increased aversion to be seen in the company of the Sri Lankan government.
I disagree.
I don’t think cancelling CHOGM makes sense.
If action on this issue is needed, and it is, then action should be taken: Possibly suspend that country’s membership.
Just cancelling the meeting is a cop-out.
Just compare this interview given by the Mauritian PM to that bloody awful ‘smell de koffeeee’ debacle, conducted by our own PM just a few short months ago.
The sense of gravitas and moral conviction of the former, and the cock-sure display of misplaced self-importance and backwater ignorance by the latter.
Muscat is an international embarrassment, and this week has been a bit of a double-whammy, what with this and the epic IIP eff-up.
I only ask will Malta ever recover from this disaster?
The stand of Prime Minister Rangoolam, in this specific instance, is most commendable indeed. This being said, Mauritius has yet to boycott other international fora of which it is a member, especially the African Union and SADC, since many of the other member states of these 2 organizations are known for systematic violations of human rights.
Also, let us not forget that 70% of the population of Mauritius originated from the Indian sub-continent, including a sizeable Tamil minority and i presume the pressure from the Mauritian public opinion could not be ignored. All in all, PM Rangoolam did the right thing.
Joseph Muscat has tarnished a reputation which the country enjoyed during the last 10 years. I have lived on the other side of the world and when you mention Malta, there used to be that mutual respect based on the fact that we had the best reputation ever.
Muscat has achieved his goal…he has prostituted Malta in no other better way and the Financial Services are hanging on a thread. We will lose everything if we carry on like this.
The Prime Minister of Malta laps up what the Prime Minister of Mauritius had just rejected. And his followers applaud enthusiastically.
Joseph Muscat must have thought that CHOGM will bring “investment” to Malta like the sale of citizenship and passports.
Of course, there will be money going into the pockets of persons selected to provide the necessary services and infrastructure.