A tiny fraction of the discussion on Twitter
November 14, 2013 at 10:59pm
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Weeks ago I had posted a link to a leading article about roundabouts in The Economist. I had said that the article shows why roundabouts and parliamentary democracy don’t work half as well in Malta as they do in Britain.
Like that other beautiful British invention, the queue, roundabouts and parliamentary democracy only work when people have a sense of fair play, when they understand when to give way, when they know they have to give a little in order to gain a little and when there is an unwritten consensus not to barge in and act like a brute.
In short, for roundabouts to work, there needs to be (to quote Daphne) a sense of esprit de corps.
Cue Joe Mizzi our transport minister, a man who makes troglodytes look evolved, who in his infinite wisdom has just come up with a great idea to solve traffic problems. Remove all roundabouts (Times of Malta front page article, today).
Thank you for proving my point Mr Mizzi. Ara veru Laburist.
Now our roads will resemble a mob at a Lidl supermarket grabbing cheap barbecues by the dozen early on a summer Thursday morning. Those who muscle in will get through and god help the rest.
It’s quite fascinating how much attitudes to such humble things as roundabouts and queues reveal about people. For Labour, such niceties are nothing more than obstacles which should be done away with. No wonder they hate protocol. Why put a hurdle on your way to the trough?
I think the article should be reread in light of the latest news:
Speaking of this headline.
Here in the Netherlands it seems like they discovered roundabouts in the past decade. Traffic light crossings are constantly being replaced by roundabouts given enough space exists. Roundabouts are the safer option as they automatically slow down traffic, but as you mentioned, drivers need to stick to the given rules. The spirit of the law being that priority should be given (“lent” literally) and not taken by a motorist.