Anyone for a bit of cow slow salad with their cum shaft?

Published: November 1, 2013 at 6:21pm

At the university canteen (of all places) – I imagine that’s coleslaw:

cow slow

21 Comments Comment

  1. MM says:

    Is that a justification why it has tuna inside and not beef? The cow was slow. Hilarious.

  2. Matt says:

    Would love some tomatomo with that as well, please.

  3. Antonia Pace says:

    What a shame! I’m sure even an 8 year-old can spell Mediterranean…. if not, dictionaries are always a help; assuming one knows what a dictionary looks like.

  4. helen says:

    Fresh from the English Department.

  5. Gorg Borg says:

    tomatomo – sounds delicious.

  6. Beauchamp says:

    And that’s not even a ‘ftira’.

  7. Joseph says:

    Choped parsley anyone?

  8. TinaB says:

    The cow slow sounds divine.

  9. Denis says:

    Got help mi plis

  10. Denis says:

    Good thing the cow is slow, a fast one would cost double that.

    • ken il malti says:

      The cow was too slow getting to the abattoir so tuna chunks are the requisite form of protein at the university, which explains Franco Debono’s fondness for tuna on toast.

  11. imbellah says:

    I tink det dey ar priperink 4 d in flaks of ciniz stewdentz .

  12. C Falzon says:

    Tomatomo ? Is that a Japanese delicacy?

  13. Aunt Hetty says:

    He can’t spell ”Mediterranean;; either.

  14. Robert Barathian says:

    Tomatomo ? Are they already teaching Mandarin down at the university ?

  15. Connor Attard says:

    I saw this label a few weeks ago, and it took me a few seconds to realise what they actually meant by ‘cow slow’ since it was so absurd-looking and out of place.

    But then a few sound bites of how most Maltese folks say ‘coalslaw’ sprang into mind, and that’s exactly how some of us pronounce it: ‘kow slow’, ‘kowl slow’, ‘kowslo’ and many other variations. It’s a phonetical transcription in Maltese.

    Honestly though, I’d send this picture to the canteen manager (run by JM Catering Services) to have these labels corrected. What sort of impression does it give?

    Naqra positive thinking imma, kif għallimna Joseph: their crispy chicken baguettes are wonderful.

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