Friends with benefits: Lydia Abela yet again

Published: November 12, 2013 at 3:02pm

Lydia Abela

The Labour party’s executive secretary, Lydia Abela (who is married to the Presidents son, Robert), has been made secretary of the Coooperatives Board, which advises the government, The Malta Independent reports.

This appears to be where the Labour Party stores some of its cabbages, for the board includes ex Labour MP Rita Law and failed Labour candidate Lorna Vassallo, both of legendary intellectual ability.

Mrs Law used to run keep-fit classes for fat housewives, and Miss Vassallo used to write a column for The Times that was so amazingly indecipherable after her many dictionary-raids that it actually acquired a cult following in which we all used to email each other and try to work out what she meant.

There’s another ex Labour MP on that committee, too – Joe Abela.

11 Comments Comment

  1. Shame! shame! Shame – Dr. Emy Bezzina please note – crieki fic-crieki tac-crieki – it suits so well.

    • mm says:

      There is one good thing about having Labour in government: it teaches all those chattering idiots what corruption, friends of friends, nepotism, cronyism, evil cliques and tal-klikka really are.

  2. Augustus says:

    That’s one way how to keep the President doing the PM’s bidding.

  3. ciccio says:

    From what you describe, it seems that the Cooperatives Board itself is a cooperative of failed Labour MPs.

  4. curious says:

    B’kemm il-halq jieklu il-familja Abela?

  5. Rumplestiltskin says:

    One last chance for the President to do an honourable thing: refuse to sign the ‘sale of citizenship’ act into law.

  6. Osservatore says:

    I was invited to a breakfast business meeting organised by the Cooperatives Board next week. Already rather surprised to be on their radar but then again, my name appears on certain lists from time to time as does with other professionals, I was even more surprised to receive an e-mail from the same Board again reminding me of the event.

    Out of curiosity, I decided to look into the programme of the event. Lo and behold, a few very familiar names cropped up – Chris Cardona, Lydia Abela, Yana Mintoff Bland. Of the other names addressing the meeting, some I know are Labour supporters, as for the remaining couple, I simply assume they are probably switchers or otherwise Labour by association.

    Needless to say, the line-up of speakers puts such a political tangent on the subject matter, that it totally extinguished the little interest that I may have had in attending this event.

  7. charlie says:

    Lydia Abela is also the legal advisor of the Cooperatives Board…li jfisser li minn hawn biss qieghda tiekol b’zewgt ihluq

  8. botom says:

    Lydia Abela does not have to worry about washing her family’s clothes. Her laundry is taken care off by the Presidential staff.

  9. Not Henley and Partners says:

    Do you agree with selling Malta’s citizenship?

    5 quick questions:

    Please complete and circulate.

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