Here we go: the ‘enemy of the state/public enemy’ mindset
Muscat spent some time yesterday or the day before that accusing others of “being disruptive and seeking to harm the country”. This is because we don’t like his brilliant idea of selling passports to raise money to build flats for bums who won’t buy their own (see previous post).
It is the same old, same old Labour method of branding its critics, when it has failed to persuade them to shut up, cooperate or join its bandwagon, enemies of the state or public enemies.
You see, the problem with these Labour politicians, especially their leaders, is that once they are in power they begin to identity themselves with the state. L’etat, c’est moi. From that, they naturally conclude that those who oppose them are opposing the state and that those who seek to undermine them seek to undermine Malta.
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Does Sandro Chetcuti have lots of flats for sale which nobody else wants?
I believe there was something similar, way back, with a block of flats in Wied il-Ghajn.
Daphne, it’s not just the leaders.
According to the venerable Victor Laiviera of Golden Years vintage, Simon Busuttil is guilty of “sedition” when he says that he will revoke citizenship for the various flotsam that will acquire it through the new scheme.
If Simon Busuttil is guilty of sedition for attacking the passport-on-ebay scheme then Joey is guilty of treason for proposing it in the first place.
In days gone by, traitors who sold off their countries were shot.
In days gone by, they were hanged, drawn and quartered.
Or should have been and weren’t. The great mercy, little appreciated, was that the documentary proof was withheld.
@ Aunt Hetty
Sometimes I long for those old days..
No, it’s Laiviera who’s guilty of attempting to stifle the opposition.
As if the PN will ever give up its right to lead, their problem if they can’t get used to it. Never was ‘arrogance’ so necessary.
Which is why they consider it negative, It’s their physiological weak spot.
It is they (Joseph and his ilk) who are undermining the state, with their stupid passport-selling scheme to God-knows-who.
They are a bunch of fascists.
If they are resorting to this language, it means that they find themselves with their backs against the wall, trying to cover their arses. It is strange that they find themselves in this situation already after their first budget.
This is not the language Muscat The Positive was using in the years and months leading to the general elections. Then he posed as a reconciliatory figure (albeit while stoking the flames and plotting trouble).
But they were right with that slogan, which they dropped very quickly: FUTUR LI JAQQ-GHADNA.
I hope the insults being dished out by Labour are not the prelude for violence on dissenting voices.
It seems like the black clouds of the mid-70s and early 80s are gathering again.
You know what,? Joseph made you cry,,,,,and you still have to cry a lot,, as he knows what he is doing. Cheers.
They don’t have to build any flats, they will just have an agreement with Chetcuti or Caqnu and take over some of their blocks of flats. Like that horrid block built by Caqnu in Luqa.