If this had not really happened, we wouldn’t have been able to make it up
November 11, 2013 at 4:17pm
Anyone who didn’t know this to be true would find it hard to believe that it is anything other than a comic sketch for the Maltese equivalent of the The Fast Show.
A North Korean troupe singing ‘naghtu risposta lil kulhadd..ma taghmlu xejn mal-Perit Mintoff’?
But it really happened: this was the Malta Labour government’s official visit to the murderous regime of North Korean dictator Kim Il Sung in 1984.
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Thank you, Dr Fenech Adami.
Dak is-show fic-CINA SAR mhux North Korea ! Mintoff kien maghruf u rrispettat kullimkien, hlief dawk li kien ikollhom idahhlu idejhom fil-but biex jaghtuna li kien haqqna ! U dan kien jaghmlu fl.interess tal-poplu Malti KOLLU ! Ghax KULLHADD gawda mil-Welfare State li bena Mintoof, inkluza Daphne u l-familja taghha !
[Daphne – No, actually it was North Korea and it says so right there in the title to the video. I remember Joe Sammut, the former Ombudsman, once telling me about it at some reception or other. He had been VERY impressed by the whole thing. And I clearly remember him telling me it was North Korea, because he used it as an illustration of how amazing the North Koreans are in training people to do things – in this case, sing Ma Taghmlu Xejn Mal-Perit Mintoff. Maybe they also sang that song to him in China.]
That’s Korean costume, not Chinese.
You really should get to know your friends better, Eddy.
And the accent at the beginning, that’s definitely North Korean.
Mintoff’s tie at 2.15 is the same one here:
Eddy, you need to get your facts right. Stop wearing those red blinkers.
This is so spooky, sinister and eerie.
Takeover completed.
What’s next?
Wait till the Chinese take over…
No. Robots raising an ‘hosanna’ to their great leader’s greatest of friends.
How true rang the words ‘ma taghmlu xejn mal-perit mintoff’. One could neither come across a decent piece of chocolate nor find a decent job – and still less aim for a decent career.
The North Koreans understood Mintoff’s love for culture and the arts.
Can’t wait to hear them sing the ‘Taghna Lkoll’ song. They, or more likley their daughters, are probably rehearsing as we speak.
And this has been uploaded on YouTube by the Għaqda Duminku Mintoff because they are actually proud of it.
I felt physically ill half way through. How can some illiberal fools really idolise such disgusting individuals?
The need to control others and to oppress your opponents really is the preserve of Socialist/Fascist ideologies and I will fight tooth and nail to make sure these totalitarians do not take away the liberties our ancestors fought so hard to win for us.
Kif hallejtni imbellha.
‘Ma taghmlu sei’ – imma kien gabna ottu.
The important point is that there are still active members within the Labour Party, in government, in other official appointments, and in the media who consider those as “a golden age”.
Words fail me. I had never seen this.
What next? North Korean criminals singing “A New Tomorrow” with a Maltese passport in hand?
I remember it all too clearly. I just hope the younger generations understand it and its context of 1984 North Korea and Maltese suppression. Furthermore they see this in the light of Labour and China in 2013.
Where are the ‘switchers’ ? How could they forget what this man put us through. Did they imagine that Labour had changed?
Look what lovely regimes PL rubs its shoulders with:
Daphne, this made my day. I’ve been asking for this for ages. Finally! Thank you.
It’s a 3-minute song. Perfectly in line with the Eurovision rules. Perhaps we should send it as Malta’s entry for the 2014 contest in Copenhagen.
The douze points from Russia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Belarus and Turkey are guaranteed.
Just up Mintoff’s street. A bunch of servile women.
Anki l-Korejani kienu jinkuna lill-Maltin dak iz-zmien. Ghax veru kaz li konna ma naghmlu xejn mal-Perit Mintoff, ghax ma kienx hawn fejn tahdem. Hlief f`xi fabrika tac-cekcik.
It has just occurred to me that perhaps Joseph Muscat’s reason for wanting to be Prime Minister, what he really fantastises about before he falls asleep every night, is to be put on the same pedestal that China, North Korea and Libya offered his idol Mintoff.
Daphne…I’m speechless.
Ippermettili nesprimi ruhi bil-Malti: Jaqq.
And now let us look forward to the Chinese navy being anchored in Grand Harbour.