Il-Guy: “the foreign newspapers are lying”

Published: November 14, 2013 at 7:26pm


It's 2013 and those two awful goons in the centre of this 1980s Labour mass meeting photograph are our cabinet ministers Leo Brincat and Karmenu Vella. Whoever preserved them in aspic didn't do a brilliant job, because they're both badly shrunken like Aztec enemy heads.

It’s 2013 and those two awful goons in the centre of this 1980s Labour mass meeting photograph are our cabinet ministers Leo Brincat and Karmenu Vella. Whoever preserved them in aspic didn’t do a brilliant job, because they’re both badly shrunken like Aztec enemy heads.

Il-Guy, the tourism minister resurrected from the Labour cabinets of government of Dom Mintoff (1980s), KMB (1980s) and Alfred Sant (1990s) to join the cabinet of government of Joseph Muscat (2013) had this to say when The Malta Independent asked him about all the dreadful press coverage Malta has been receiving.

Tourism Minister dismisses harm to reputation claims

Many argue that the scheme is not in Malta’s best interest and all this negative publicity is harming the country’s reputation. But Tourism Minister Karmenu Vella thinks otherwise. When asked this morning on the issue, Mr Vella insisted that “not all that is written in newspapers is necessarily correct or true.” When asked if he thinks that all these news reports are wrong, the Minister replied that he does not agree with their opinion. He added that these reports will not harm Malta’s reputation.

What does anyone expect, really? If Labour had to root around in its skip to form its cabinet, this one was rolling around at the bottom, stuck to decades of gunge. The fact that anyone thought him fit for purpose and voted him into power is shocking in itself, but that’s Malta for you.

In any case, this is not about tourism, is it. The damage that this kind of coverage causes – because it is linked to the sale of passports and the perception that Malta is on its uppers – is to financial services. That was the proper minister to ask, and no doubt he will be asked.

But I would bypass the ministers altogether and go straight to key financial services operators. Who knows – even though we’ve got a stop-at-nothing Labour government, they might not be too afraid to speak.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

    I happen to have a large interest in the financial services sector. Could you elaborate and why this is most affected please?

  2. Ed says:

    If online versions of these newspapers were not readily available, I’m sure they’d have considered banning them from being sold in Malta, just as they did a few years ago.

  3. Makjavel says:

    U issa nibdew nisimghu fuq indhil barrani, u li kullhadd kontra taghhom. Perit, ir-road map printjajta, jew spiccatlek l-inka?

  4. xejn b' xejn says:

    Said the Minister who so far has been sitting pretty on a comfortable Ministry which was structured and organised by the P.N government.

    Politics of assassination rather than politics of persuasion. This amateur government will retain power until its little bubble remains in tact, but, eventually it will burst and the journalists are the ones which should help.

    Some minor changes are already happening e.g. The Malta Independent picking up on its readership is one of them. People are fed up of being fed Lejber propaganda and are looking for alternatives.

  5. TROY says:

    What the flippin’ hell does this sawn-off dinosaur know about the power of the press?

    These foreign papers are having a field day and he’s in denial.

    • ciccio says:

      Joseph Muscat said the Citizenship Sale scheme would bring Malta out of “pre-history.”

      Strange. The law has been passed, but this dinosaur is still sitting on the government benches.

  6. Dissident says:

    Who is the Pringles-like face in between the two of them? looks familiar

  7. Min Jaf says:

    The financial services operators will hold their tongue. They depend directly on Henley & Partners to get their hands on any crumbs that might fall off the IIP table.

  8. Jozef says:

    He calls a press conference about a new scheme and refuses to divulge details.

    Labour, se non ci fossero bisognerebbe inventarli.

  9. H.P. Baxxter says:

    There’s an old saying in the fashion industry: If wait long enough, it will come back in fashion.

    That chunky knitted sweater worn by our Leo is this season’s hot item. I shit you not. All the boy bands and alternative rock heartthrobs are wearing them.

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