“John Dalli wants the Health Minister out of Mater Dei” – the headline in The Malta Independent yesterday

Published: November 25, 2013 at 10:55am
This is Mary Swan (real name Emma Corbin), who John Dalli  flew to the Bahamas to meet in summer last year, leaving an EU meeting in Cyprus for the purpose. Will she be 'buying' a Maltese passport to save her from the hassle of repeatedly using fraudulent ones, like this one in which she masquerades rather unbelievably as a Filipina?

This is Mary Swan (real name Emma Corbin), who John Dalli flew to the Bahamas to meet in summer last year, leaving an EU meeting in Cyprus for the purpose. Will she be ‘buying’ a Maltese passport to save her from the hassle of repeatedly using fraudulent ones, like this one in which she masquerades rather unbelievably as a Filipina?

And I thought: what a nerve. The brass neck on that man is just unbelievable. That the government led by Joseph Muscat is working towards his rehabilitation in the public eye is even worse. What has he got on Muscat that Muscat would not only risk this association with an internationally disgraced man still under investigation by the EU Commission, but enthusiastically embrace it?

To say nothing, of course, about the way Dalli was saved from prosecution by the immediate removal of Police Commissioner John Rizzo and his replacement by Peter Paul the Government Puppet.

Dalli is right that the health minister should not be ensconced in an office in the hospital itself. But it is not for him to say that. Everybody reasonable and sensible has said it already; it was said the day the Health Minister had himself filmed in that office, complete with statwi tal-festi, back in March or April. It is the prime minister who should be giving these orders, not a man who should properly be in jail with his brother the drug smuggler (is he in jail, or has he got away with it, too?).

“(The hospital) management needs to gain autonomy. This is not an investigative report; this report says what I think is going wrong at Mater Dei and how it can best be solved. Political interference has to be stopped. I say to the government: hands off Mater Dei,” Dalli was quoted by The Malta Independent as having said.

That’s right. Political interference is to be allowed, even actively encouraged and plotted for, only where it saves John Dalli’s skin or secures access to deals for John Dalli & Associates.

Xi hmieg ta’ gvern. Just unbelievable.

12 Comments Comment

  1. Carmelo Micallef says:

    `pimps, thieves and scoundrels`

  2. La Redoute says:

    Did John Dalli also meet Emma Corbin / Mary Swann / Nina Petros / Lady Bird / Maling Wan Suzara in Malta too?

    I find it hard to believe that he’d leave Cyprus on a private jet to the Bahamas but wouldn’t take a taxi ride from Portomaso to Sliema’s High Street to meet her.

  3. Manuel says:

    I have a hunch that eventually, John Dalli’s name will crop up somewhere down the line in the Sell-Our-Passports-Shame-Scheme saga. Time will tell.

    As for the “removal” of the Health Minister from Mater Dei, it is obvious that Mr. Dalli BA does not want to share his territory with anyone else, except with his daughter, obviously.

    • Watchful eye says:

      Somehow, this thought has crossed my mind as well. Hm..Bahamas, Caribbean…charity…false passports. Who can blame us after all this mess just eight months down the line.?

  4. La Redoute says:

    Mary Swann / Emma Corbin / Nina Petros / Maling Wan Suzara / is also known as Myrna Klein.

  5. Bubu says:

    Frankly, I cannot understand how the health minister can live with himself after having had Muscat and Dalli walk all over him, and now, sopra corna bastonate, Dalli publicly virtually wiping the floor with his face during a press conference.

    Does this man have no gonads at all?

    Hand in your resignation already, minister. Your self-respect is far more important than the salary you don’t need and the position you’re not fit for. Haven’t you had enough of being the laughing stock of the entire country?

  6. Natalie2 says:

    Naqbel li ‘xi hmieg ta’ gvern’. ‘Unbelievable’ it-tip ta’ hmieg imma mhux ‘unbelievable’ li jsir minn dan il-gvern.

  7. krakatoa says:

    Don’t I me why but each and every time I recall that John Dalli was appointed to report on Mater Dei and in so doing gained unrestricted access to that place, the film ‘Gaslight’ starring Charles Boyer and Ingrid Bergman springs to mind.

  8. canon says:

    If I am not mistaken, the previous Health Minister, Dr Joe Cassar, was the first one to criticize the present health minister’s move to Mater Dei.

  9. Osservatore says:

    Well its understandable that as the defacto health minister, Dalli would want the real minister out of his way.

    It’s all very Mary Stuart and Elizabeth I. Yet clear as it may be who of the two is the real bastard, its not quite so clear as to who will wear the ministerial crown.

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