Muscat single-handedly redefines narrow-minded, myopic egocentricity

Published: November 11, 2013 at 4:40pm

In Times of Malta today, a report on Muscat’s joint press conference with Enrico Letta:

Dr Muscat reiterated that Libya should be helped as far as possible to emerge from its instability so that it could take more effective action against immigration.

It’s not incredible that he thought this – he has turned extreme self-obsession into an art form. But it is incredible that he didn’t think before saying it out loud.

Let’s work to get Libya stable so that it can stop Africans and Syrians floating over to bother Joseph Muscat and his island kingdom.

18 Comments Comment

  1. pablo says:

    He promised to be transparent – you can see right through him.

  2. Neil says:

    As if the current wave of violence, death and destruction pitting Libyan against Libyan is hardly more than an annoyance, getting in the way of Muscat’s mission – that of being the ‘Bullij’ who stopped the boat-people. He never ceases to astonish.

    His list of faux pas will soon exceed those of Berlusconi, who at least gives us a few laughs.

  3. Min Jaf says:

    Mhux hekk. Il-bqija ghalieh Muscat jistghu jibqgh jitqatlu w jmutu bil-guh. X’ala gh*jnu.

  4. Tabatha White says:

    Muscat’s only interest in Libya is the safe passage of a pipeline.

    Then there are Nair’s interests in Eastern Africa as well as Nair and Lukman’s interests in West Africa.

    China has funded oil projects here to an important tune.In such large national projects, the refining of two aspects of the whole implemented operation could be key enough for long term return.

    Of equal importance to the Libya-Malta pipeline is the prioritised SOCAR pipeline to South of Italy.

    Muscat is under time pressure. He needs the situation in Libya to calm down and stabilise. If it doesn’t there is no way his pipeline plan will happen. Expect more foreign media reporting stressing this with the emphasis on business development.

    Asylum seekers are far down Muscat’s priority list. I doubt they exist at all in his mind except as an irritation and subsequent bargaining chip for the next part of the project in line with his push-back policy. In fact he would have less of a subsequent strong position if he relented more than necessary on the push-back position.

  5. C Falzon says:

    I thought our Prime Minister would be happy with the situation in Libya and the boost it is giving to our tourism industry – all the tourists who would otherwise have been holidaying in Libya will be coming to Malta instead, right?

  6. PWG says:

    Empty vessel.

  7. ciccio says:

    What is this? Isn’t Muscat still calling for Malta to be PRUDENT about Libya?

    And did he repeat his suggestion that the UNITED NATIONS should patrol the ports of Libya, as he told Sky News?

    The truth is that Joseph Muscat is not helping Libya. He is seeking help from Libya – even if only for the headlines and his political mileage.

  8. H.P. Baxxter says:

    This is much bigger than the pitiful MaltaRightNow report makes it out to be. The article is in fact a damning criticism of the sale of Maltese passports. It says that shady and corruption-prone setup of the Maltese programme puts other programmes in danger.

    It quotes the chairman of APEX Capital Partners. Here’s my translation:

    “This situation is unprecedented in the entire world and endangers all programmes for the acquisition of citizenship by wealthy investors. Of course, the Maltese Minister of the Interior has already said that the final decision on granting citizenship will be the government’s. But in any case it would be based precisely on those recommendations provided by Henley, which will carry out due diligence of potential participants in the programme”, said the president of the information APEX Capital Partners Corp Nuri Katz.

    And look at this shocking piece of information. A pretty pass things have come to, when we have to rely on an internet magazine for Russian expats for information on OUR OWN FRIGGING GOVERNMENT:

    “In addition, in accordance with the existing bill, Henley will not be obliged to provide a complete file with all the relevant information about the applicant to newly-created government agency Identity Malta. They will simply send their recommendations. Never before in history has there been such a precedent, where the company advises the government on the approval of their own clients. In such important matters, the state should be the only actor in the entire system of registration of citizenship ,” says Nuri Katz.

    Friends, we are governed by a cabal of crooks.

  9. botom says:

    When Gaddafi was butchering his own people when the Libyan people took it to the streets and said enough is enough, Muscat chose to play it safe. Unlike Lawrence Gonzi who was quick to condemn Gaddafi and say that he should go, Muscat waited for the outcome. When it was clear that the rebels won, he took the side of the rebels.

    [Daphne – Bear in mind that he would have been primed by his mate John Dalli, who clearly wanted Gaddafi to survive and stay in power, and even, at a press conference, dismissed the revolutionaries as frauds who couldn’t possibly have written their own placards in English.]

  10. bob-a-job says:

    All Muscat could have said was

    “to emerge from its instability so that it could assist its neighbours such as Niger, Sudan and Ethiopia overcome their internal conflicts and resultant food shortages for the betterment of their kind”

    That would have made some difference, but then Joseph Muscat’s coherence in speech is a reflection of the characters he’s surrounded himself with.

    Moreover Muscat’s limited governance capabilities, to quote political journalist Simon Hoggar, “ is like watching Edward Scissorhands try to make balloon animals,”

    Joseph Muscat tries administers through the use idioms, metaphors and catch phrases.

    The 1979 film ‘Being There’ offers a textbook example of how to achieve success through vagueness.

    May I suggest one sees the film before the next election.

  11. anthony says:

    This man’s egocentricity is extreme and consequently dangerous.

    When all hell was let loose in Tunisia his main concern was that Malta should capitalize on the situation to boost its tourist trade.

    Now in the case of the dramatic situation affecting our closest neighbour to the South, his concern is reversed.

    We need to do something to reduce the influx of tourists of the wrong and most unwelcome variety.

    Unbelievabe but true.

    We have been landed with a Prime Minister who is a pathological egocentric.

    A psychopath.

  12. bob-a-job says:

    Simon Busuttil was brilliant in Parliament tonight as he responded to the Budget.

    The chasm between the PL and the PN is widening at a steady pace and it is happening earlier than one would have thought.

    • ciccio says:

      Simon Busuttil was brilliant, with excellent communication ability.

      He asked what the Commissioner of Police had given to Dr. Muscat so that the latter could not sack him.

      I think this is a matter of what the Commissioner knows, and what he might be tempted to reveal, if Dr. Muscat were to dismiss him.

      For instance, could it be that the Commissioner could reveal political interference with his work from the Office of the Prime Minister?

      Dr. Muscat has denied in Parliament that he put political pressure on the Commissioner in the Dalli case, but I think he is lying.

  13. zunzana says:

    As far as Joe Muscat is concerned, Libya should be helped to emerge from its instability to help Malta from illegal immigrants and also for Malta to start to benefit from cheaper fuel from this country. If this is not sheer egoism, I don’t know what is.

    In contrast, Gonzi stuck his neck out, being the first to support the Libyan people in their struggle to oust Gaddafi and his regime.

  14. il-Hsieb tar-ronnie says:

    Will the PM please decide whether Libya is stable or not?

    A few days ago he lamented that the EU has not yet accepted his position that Libya had become stable. I think he was the only PM in the normal world to believe that Libya is stable.

    Now he is talking about Libya being at risk of becoming a failed state.

  15. Kif inhi din? says:

    Joseph Muscat is exposing his sociopathic personality by the unemotional and detached way in which he seeks to deceive and manipulate others to achieve his own ends.

    Incidentally, this trait was accurately identified by the Speaker of the House before he was made to resign from Deputy Leader during the election campaign.

    The prime minister is trying to disguise his cold and calculated motives as an interest in helping Libya. He may manage to hoodwink his Maltese fans but international diplomats may not be so impressed.

  16. Claude Sciberras says:

    At least he did not rub his hands and ask the tourism minister to start an advertising campaign to reap the benefits.

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