Natius Farrugia is encouraging ‘Zrieraq’ (people from Zurrieq) to go and support him on Xarabank this Friday
November 1, 2013 at 11:13am
Why would he need support? It’s not as though he’s going to be in a gladiatorial battle with Moira Delia and Mary Rose Mallia on some very testing subjects.
I can’t stand the way people here in Malta move around in gangs and also need the support of posses and crowds. The Labour bunch are the WORST. Supporting Labour and being unable to function as a self-contained individual seem to go hand in hand. That’s why the ‘I’m In’ thing worked: it tapped into this deep-rooted insecurity.
And he’s hoping to bring them in on buses. What a country: over-run and dominated by a rabble of rednecks.
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Mhux ahjar Peppi jaghml programm dwar kif gie trattat siehbu Norman, jew qed jibza’ li jekk jkun “mqareb” jaqtghulu z-zejza?
Since Malta is more or less, a mental case on its own, a psychologist should be more effective in an election campaign rather than a seasoned campaign manager.
Qisu Gordon Manche..
Gheziez Hbieb,
Ahjar Daphne tikteb dwar il frodisti u nies imkeccija mill-Korp tal-Pulizija fuq affarijiet serji li qed jahdmu fil-Customer Care ta’ Kastilja. Hemm volume xi tghid.
Ah but then we lecture non-Maltese students about how we fought the Turks, the Nazis and the Vatican along with their evil PN side kicks, single-handedly. They are right about the George Cross – it shouldn’t adorn the flag of a nation of invertebrates who are afraid to fight, stand their own ground or even have opinions without their friends holding their hand.
Marsascala’s mayor is just as bad, if not worse in the opportunist, sleazy chav-tastic department. He was on Xarabank a while ago promoting his personal politically expedient trip to Peru through the Council. Isn’t it illegal for a local council to raise funds, even if for charity?