On a commemorative plaque: “In the presence of Mrs Michelle Muscat, spouse of of the prime minister of Malta”
Is this a first? It must be.
Current mantra: “Miskina, she’s trying so hard.”
No, actually, she’s not.
If she were trying hard, she would have gathered by observation what the proper thing to do really is, and that we’ve had enough of her already and it’s time to take a few steps back.
The only thing Mrs Muscat is trying to do is leave her spoor all over town because she can’t believe she’s made it and when she’s back at the supermarket and the daily grind like all the other prime ministers’ wives (who had more sense), she wants permanent reminders. This sort of thing is the equivalent of the ‘I WOZ ERE’ graffiti scrawled by teenagers on public monuments.
No other prime minister’s wife has ever stuck herself in our faces like this, because in a European democracy, the spouse of a prime minister is not elected to power with her husband, and the far better women who preceded her knew that and knew their place. When we elect a prime minister, we do not get a special offer of two for the price of one.
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If she really wishes to leave her mark, she can lead by example, quietly getting on with things by supporting causes in deed and in fact, not by her presence alone.
She is too shallow to appreciate that
And I guess, saying wife instead of spouse will make it sound too common.
The president looks thrilled.
Could it be he’s thinking how this will help him get nominated for a second term?
Wouldn’t you be, if you were so lucky as to be privileged enough to share a plaque in perpetuity with the spouse of the Prime Minster of Malta?
So even Michelle got her taxpayer-paid break in London, conveniently timed with her husband’s speech.
Dik x’pastasata ta’ plakka hi? Jien qatt ma rajt bhala. Kien hemm bzonn jaghmlu “spouse of the Prime Minister of Malta”?
Kemm qed iwaqqawna ghan-nejk.
Why does she also feel the need to be labelled ‘spouse of’? Is that the only dimension of her identity that exists?
[Daphne – No, because that’s why she’s there, as the spouse of.]
Who’s the peon looking on?
Jekk ta’ Puttinu jridu jippoliticizaw l-affarijiet jghidulna. Tal-misthija.
I cannot agree more with your post. I am disgusted by these idiots who fail to rise above what the ignorant expect them to be.
It is the absolute responsibility of those in power, to bring about change for the better, to set higher standards and to guide by example, to get the crowds who worship them as if they were gods to be better, do better and expect better.
This is another deception and fraud, by those who have have hijacked a country.
I’ve never seen such an inscription on a commemorative plaque.The president unveils it and the woman who is considered by some to be the first lady takes the place of the real first lady who is not mentioned anywhere.Kieku jaghmlu wahda tajba
Yes, she is acting as though she is the first lady, which means the wife of the Head of State and not the ‘spouse of the prime minister’.
In our Westminster tradition even Joseph Muscat is just one amongst equals — or so he should be — and in theory could be replaced in a leadership challenge at any time. Of course, these amateurs do not know this. They believe PM = REX
il-flus jaghmluk ghani – l-edukazjoni taghmlek nies.
Issir kemm issir ghani, jekk m’intix diga’ nies, qatt m’hu ser issir.
Din trid titqazzez biex l-ahhar darba sibtha l-Lidl ta’Hal Kirkop tixtri max-xufier taghha. L-aktar bniedma FALZA f’wicc id-dinja.
Did she give you the “exhale-a-snake-hiss-as-I-stick-the-smile -on-my-face” thing?
Michelle Muscat should not have an official driver. She is not a government official.
Another one of my donation list. Do they have to be so cheap?
This is absolutely disgusting and cheap.
Good god, if she did that on a plaque wait for l-Istrina on TV or as it will be renamed, MeeShall & George’s Istrina.
Shouldn’t that be “Want Michelle – vote Joseph”?
Spouse of the Prime Minister! So demeaning
Qed jidher car kemm il mara trid tidher. Kellek ragun meta kont tghid li l-poter riduh b’sahha ghax minn kollox ghamlet ghal poter.
The Puttinu Foundation has committed a colossal mistake.
Which is a great shame.
Their efforts have been most admirable and commendable.
What on earth ever possessed them to have the name of this
newly-arrived society maven on that plaque.
Who is she anyway?
They have managed to politicise their otherwise great feat.
What a shame. What a pity.
She was probably imposed on them.
“in the presence of…”
“stuck to the wall by…”
U halluna.
Puttinu Cares, but does ‘Mrs Michelle Muscat’? Has she ever lifted a finger for the charity?
The President could not believe what he has just unveiled. What an insult to the Burmarrad people.
Dr Calvagna must have been thrilled, especially after THIS incident with Mrs Prime Minister: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNtYHc5HZ4Q
It could well be another ‘personal matter’ perhaps?
Reminds me of “Aw, hi, owkej, illum jien gejt.”
It seems our President is fixated on plaques.
In the presence of Mrs. Michelle Muscat and in the absence of her husband.
HALLUHA MISKINA. Riedet tmur shopping trip Londra u riedet tmur minghajr ma thallas, bhal Communications Coconut ta’ dak ir-ragel li ghanda.
How demeaning to need to be defined as “spouse of”. Se’s much better off at home preparing “soop and selit”.
If they divorce, does the President dissolve Parliament?
All Malta’s past Presidents grew in stature during their tenure in the position. This one seems to be melting before our eyes. Now he even seems to be beholden to the ‘spouse’ of his ex rival.
To my mind, the man is basically a fund-raiser and that’s about it. I think it’s the only thing which will earn him a footnote in the history books. One may agree or disagree about how the funds raised are employed, of course.
Stupid, silly, shallow, pushy woman. I’m surprised she hasn’t stuck the Infantas of Castile on it too.
Sounds like Ceausescu’s wife.
It’s going to happen by degrees: next time, the ‘progeny of the prime minister’ will be on the plaque too.
Jien daqshekk tajt flus ghal ta’ Puttinu. La riedu jzeffnu lil ‘spouse of the prime minister’ fin-nofs mela issa jaghtihom il-flus il-Labour Party.
Just give the spouse of the Maltese prime minister an indelible pen and get her to sign all the shops and toilets she visits.
I have stopped supporting any initiatives taken by the President and following this plaque, I am adding Puttinu Cares on the list.
Its not that I do not sympathise with their cause. What I do not approve of is any charity getting politicians (or their spouses) to somehow lay their grubby hands on the charity politicising it and/or using it as a political tool.
Who honestly gives a crap about Mrs Michelle Muscat, spouse of the Prime Minister of Malta, being present or otherwise?
Dr Calvagna, how can it be that after being stood up by the PM once again, a man who did not dare face you in person during the electoral campaign after misquoting you to gain political advantage, could you ever pay lip service to this same man by mentioning his wife and in the process, almost getting the President to play second fiddle?
I am sure that my donations are not sizeable enough to be missed, but that simply means more for those other charities that I support and who work so hard without ever feeling the need of groveling in front of partisan politicians or their spouses.
Last week after the EU Summit, Joseph Muscat came home claiming that with his strong stance he forced EU leaders to discuss immigration and even form a movement to tackle this issue.
This week we see that Muscat is still scared to meet Mr Calvagna and had to hide behind his wife. All this because during the election campaign Mr Calvagna contradicted Muscat’s lie about the power station cancer factory.
Qishom qtates dawn ta’ Muscat u ta’ Abela u l-bella kumpanija kollha, jridu jaghmlu t-territorju. Jaqq xi dwejjaq
The Foundation’s president ranks lower than the prime minister’s wife.
What a week in London this must have been. Everybody was there at the same time. Soft launches, openings, courses, the prime minister, his spouse, Ed Zammit Lewis, probably his spouse too, Norman Hamilton, ex Super One journalists – what a coincidence.
Michelle did a Napoleon, and crowned herself.
Most probably she was there for some pre-Christmas shopping as shops in England are well stocked at this time of the year.
The plaque should more appropriately have specified that the project was made possible by donations from the Maltese public. That is the relevant information, and not in whose presence the plaque was unveiled.
Precisely. Official photographs document who was present at an event. Plaques, if they have to be displayed at all, should commemorate donors not freeloaders.
Can you imagine the commemorative plaque of the new power station: “in the presence of all the cabinet ministers (incl degrees naturally), spouses of, partners of, beauticians, hairdressers, drivers and personal assistants.
Fortunately they did not refer to her as “Lil Din ” on this plaque.
With L-Istrina coming up soon, some journalist should put some pointed questions to H.E. the president about funding of about half a million euros (or is it one million) on a mental health project. Why was this not funded by the government? And why was this particular project chosen for funding? This is the ‘Darlene Zerafa’ issue.
The plaque should have read ‘Made possible by the donations of the people of Malta’ and nothing else.
Michelle Muscat shouldn’t even have been there.
Fortunately she did not include Soleil and Etoile too, because that would really have been the limit. I think this is a first in the Maltese history of commemorative plaques.
Because of the President’s insulting speech from the throne, I had decided to donate to Puttinu Cares this Christmas instead of to the Community Chest Fund. An explanation by Dr. Calvagna would be in order.
She upstaged the office of our Head of State and all the people who in big and small ways put this project together. Just like her husband, who was a few miles away singing the praises of a European Malta that he always opposed, she wanted to take late comer’s credit for this too.
This is just evidence of her insecurity, her lack of breeding and her rabid ambition to be something she can’t.
Michelle Muscat is like a deprived child let loose in Harrods with somebody else’s credit card.
Michelle, Princess of Burmarrad Wales
My charity donations will be directed to other organisations, no more l-Istrina and unfortunately Puttinu. Sorry ‘I am not in’ with these political brainwash tactics.
They should build a Puttanu House for when Joe and wifey visit DJ Norman.
Il-Gvern tal-Familja Muscat – It’s modelled on the one in Azerbaijan.
The way it’s read could well imply that she’s the spouse of both the Prime Minister and of Dr.Calvagna.