Only a matter of time before Manuel Mallia runs out in front of one of those lorries, hotly pursued by Peter Paul Zammit carrying a tray

Published: November 20, 2013 at 7:41pm

37 million people have watched the original:

11 Comments Comment

  1. The Prince says:

    I continue to be amazed by human ingenuity.

  2. rjc says:


  3. The Prince says:

    On another note, why don’t the PN take on the PM’s bluff for a referendum?

  4. Manuel says:

    On thing is true about this clip: the lorries are in reverse; that’s where the PM and his Cronies are taking us: backwards.

  5. AG says:

    Epic. And I’m not referring to the split.

  6. Mallia says:

    I cannot watch this. It says it is blocked in my country. Is it on Vimeo too?

  7. ciccio says:

    The writing above the windscreens of both lorries says “Globetrotter.” They were undoubtedly referring to the man standing between them. Sri Lanka today, Miami tomorrow.

  8. unhappy says:

    Illegal money made abroad now cleansed and turned into a Maltese passport, not a bad deal …. for the criminal.

  9. P Shaw says:

    You forgot to mention the nannies that will also be chasing Manuel Mallia with a pushchair full of jerry-cans.

  10. caroline says:

    Thank you, I needed a good laugh.

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