Partit tal-Liars update: Billy Liar goes to Miami

Published: November 23, 2013 at 8:52am
Billy Liar goes to Miami

Billy Liar goes to Miami

Didn’t the prime minister say he wasn’t going to talk about the citizenship sale scheme when in Miami? That he was going to talk about foreign direct investment?

Well, he talked about the citizenship sale scheme – obviously, because that is what he was there for – and called it FDI for our benefit, presumably because 50% of what they pay will be going into his fund to build flats for bums or to buy them off his developer-backers and in the Labour world view, paying for social housing is foreign direct investment if you are foreign.

By that same token, Gaddafi’s bankrolling of Mintoff’s chittrin allowin was foreign direct investment.

Here’s the Department of Information press release about Billy Liar’s Miami speech. When he spoke in London, they released the full text, but now, tellingly, they did not.

A reader sent me the most pointed email after he saw newspaper reports of what the prime minister said:

The PM said in Miami that Malta wants to attract the best talent – and this after his party literally drove away from the island hundreds of talented professional Maltese starting with the medical doctors way back in the 1980s. And if he and his friends carry on in this fashion, it will happen again.


Malta trid tattira lejha l-aqwa talent – il-Prim Ministru

Malta trid li tattira lejha l-aqwa talent minn madwar id-dinja biex tkun fuq ta’ quddiem fl-ekonomija globali li qed tiżviluppa.

Dan qalu l-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat meta tkellem waqt il-konferenza dwar residenza u ċittadinanza f’Miami, l-Istati Uniti.

Dr Muscat qal li l-programm Malti għaċ-ċittadinanza se jkun innovattiv u mmirat lejn persuni tal-ogħla livell li jkunu attirati biex iżidu mat-talent diġà kbir li għandu pajjiżna.

Il-Prim Ministru qal li wara li għaddiet il-liġi mill-Parlament qed tingħata possibiltà oħra għal kunsens politiku qabel ma jiġu ppubblikati r-regolamenti dwar Avviż Legali. Huwa ma kkummentax dwar kif sejrin dawn it-taħdidiet għaliex mhux prudenti li jsir dan.

Joseph Muscat enfasizza li permezz tal-Fond għall-Iżvilupp Nazzjonali, pajjiżna se jkun qed jinvesti f’oqsma kruċjali biex itejjeb il-kompetittività u l-kwalità tal-ħajja tal-familji Maltin u Għawdxin.

Il-Prim Ministru spjega l-viżjoni tiegħu ta’ Malta li tkun ċentru ta’ investiment bis-sigurtà tar-regolamenti Ewropej u l-Unjoni Ewropea, iżda tant fil-qrib tas-suq Afrikan fil-qalba tal-Mediterran.

Huwa għalhekk, qal Dr Muscat, li Malta se tkompli tkun innovattiva, b’politika bħal qtugħ fl-income tax, childcare bla ħlas u stipendji għall-istudenti.

18 Comments Comment

  1. Gaetano Pace says:

    Yes and the wearing of badges on lapels. I remember a piece of excellent advice from a dear friend who could always find the lighter side of things.

    He told me “My friend, I do like your dedication to your service, but do bear in mind that in these days only dogs wear badges”.

    Now the underdog, outdated as he is, being an UNDER dog decided to wear badges, true to his self donned title. Must have been influenced by UNCLE OBAMA who wears THE FLAG and never sells his country`s citizenship.

  2. ciccio says:

    Why has no journalist followed Muscat to Miami?

    He is there promoting one of the most controversial schemes ever – selling our citizenship and our passport.

    This scheme appears to be the backbone of the Labour “roadmap.” Without it, they are screwed.

  3. dutchie says:

    I think the word “talent” should be replaced with “greed”. Or “mobster”. Then it becomes much clearer what he’s saying.

    He should have gone to “Silicon Valley” if he wanted investor talent, or Beverly Hills for entertainment talent

    He really has no backup plan for investment if this doesn’t work out for him.

  4. pablo says:

    So the Prime Minister of Malta addressed a bunch of rich people and their agents, in champagne Miami, and spoke to them only about his country’s crucial needs.

    So if you believe the DOI Coconut release, it’s not foreign investment he’s promoting, but a form of foreign aid.

    Liars have to keep on lying even when they realise no one believes them anymore.

    • Tabatha White says:

      The lies need to be propogated and upheld by those who participate in the scam that this Government is. One true defector, one dent: and the House of Cards risks tumbling. The more dependent on the corrupt system, the higher the incidence of lies and lying.

      Lies are literally of no consequence to Joseph Muscat and his blatant use of them automatically authorises his Party followers to act in the way that is expected of them by the same leader. Were they ever otherwise?

      “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” George Orwell

  5. Makjavel says:

    Hadd ghadu ma induna kif taqra bejn ir-rigi u jinterpreta dak li jghid Joseph Muscat?

    Irid l-aqwa talenti f’Malta, ta’xhiex mhux jghid.

    Trasparenza tfisser li lilu ma taghrahx jisirqek.

    Meritokrazija tfisser hlas skont kemm kont laghqtlu.

    Positiv: ma tmerih f’xejn.

    Negativ: jekk isaqsieh ghal spjegazzjoni.

    Traditur: jekk tiggieled ghad-drittijiet tieghek.

    Xewwiex: jekk il gazzetti internazjonali iwasslu l-kummenti kontra.

  6. curious says:

    And what about some photos? The DOI hasn’t issued any as yet.

  7. Toni says:

    “Huwa għalhekk, qal Dr Muscat, li Malta se tkompli tkun innovattiva, b’politika bħal qtugħ fl-income tax, childcare bla ħlas u stipendji għall-istudenti”

    Certifikat li l-PN politika innovative kellu.

  8. Nik says:

    The brain drain has already started. Many people who had left Malta and were attracted back over the last 5-10 years are now leaving again, including a good number who have been edged out by the Taghna Lkoll/pseudo-meritocracy brigade.

  9. Augustus says:

    Jien ma nistax nifhem, kif il-PN mar ghat-tahdidiet dwar il-ligi tac-cittadinanza fl-istess hin waqt li L’PM qieghed Miami jirriklamaha.

  10. Zebra says:

    Il-veru toghqodlu ta’ Billy Liar, pero, hu stess kien qal li jigdeb.

    Ma nafx tiftakarx l-intervista ta’ Herman Grech ghall The Times, meta staqsa ghoxrin mistoqsija lil Dr Gonzi u listess mistiqsijiet lil Muscat.

    Wahda mill domandi kienet, jekk fil-politika ghandekx tghid il verita. Gonzi wiegeb “Assolutament iva” u Muscat qal ” Xi kultant trid tghid il-verita”. Ma tahsibx li din hija prova ta’ kwazi kull ma jghid huwa gideb.

  11. sliema says:

    How can he do such a thing when negotiations are still taking place in Malta? Someone in his right senses would first see what the outcome is and make sure to be present for those negotiations and if all goes well he will proceed. He didn’t go to Miami for a holiday.

  12. Pandora says:

    Joseph Muscat equates money with talent without batting an eyelid. No journalist has yet challenged this fallacious argument of his during interviews or question time.

    It is very disappointing that so many so-called journalists are not fit to be called so but rather, they are simply reporters. Their work is not much different than minute-taking.

  13. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Miami Vice.

    No, it’s not a remake of the TV series.

  14. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I don’t know why anyone’s surprised. For at least 25 years, the Maltese have been told that money is success. And that success is the result of talent. So money is talent.

    Why should it be any different now that Labour is in power? Who are Malta’s heroes? Rich people. Who do we look up to? Rich people. Whose opinion do we value? Rich people’s. Who controls the strings of power? Rich people. Who do we seek to emulate? Rich people.

    So when the PM says he wants to attract talent to Malta, meaning he wants to attract money, please don’t all throw your hands up in indignation. Because he’s merely applying the received wisdom.

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