Police sergeant prosecuted for allegedly stealing Eur1,700 from an Italian tourist while searching him

Published: November 12, 2013 at 11:24am
Police Commissioner Peter Paul Zammit (centre) with Manuel Mallia's chief of staff ZERO88 (left)

Police Commissioner Peter Paul Zammit (centre) with Manuel Mallia’s chief of staff ZERO88 (left)

You won’t find this in the newspapers and Peter Paul Zammit hasn’t got his people to issue a press statement (yet), but yesterday, Police Sergeant 191, Luke Bugeja Persiano, was arraigned in what his Police Commissioner calls “the lowest of the lowest courts” and charged with stealing Eur1,700 off an Italian tourist, Aldo Zambruno, while performing a search in Paceville.

L-Orizzont, Super One and the General Workers Union internet site, iNews, which went to town on Elton Taliana – a police officer doing his job – have been remarkably silent on the matter.

And it’s not because they don’t know about it.

9 Comments Comment

  1. Alexander Ball says:

    Another bent copper is hardly news.

  2. marks says:

    Very appropriate place to share a joke

  3. Jason says:

    What do you expect from the police and other authorities when you have members of the cabinet with 500,000 euros in cash in their homes.

    What example does this actually create in the minds of the authority and police. This is apparently considered to be acceptable behaviour in Malta.

    Proceeds of crime and all that…

  4. Denis says:

    Look at the bright site: at least he’s being arraigned and charged – and it’s not the norm yet.

  5. Opinionist says:

    I assume that this sergeant was investigated and prosecuted by other police officers which goes to show that whilst there are ‘rotten apples’ in our police force like everywhere else, there are definitely more dedicated and honest officers.

    Give credit where credit is due, I believe.

    [Daphne – Do you for a moment imagine that they had any choice but to prosecute him, when faced with a report from an Italian that he had stolen Eur1,700 from him during a search? Please don’t be ridiculous. Yes, I agree that there are many good officers, but to suggest that anyone had a choice in this matter is quite unbelievable. When reports involve police officers (either harm done by officers or harm done to officers), the police have no discretion.]

  6. opinionist says:

    Just because my opinion focused on the possibly positive aspects of this incident and differs from your view does not make it ridiculous. I based my opinion on your article and from your reply I am assuming that you have more info re this incident then we got to see which would make your ‘ridiculous’ comment and generous editing a bit unfair.

    [Daphne – Yes, actually, it is ridiculous to focus on ‘the positive aspects’ of the arraignment of a police officer charged with theft during a police search. It is much like saying ‘Wow, I was in hospital with seeping wounds, and what do you know, the nurse actually cleaned and dressed them.’ You’ve drunk the positive Koolaid and have forgotten what’s normal.]

  7. gigi says:

    Opinionist, there are more honest and dedicated officers yes, Elton Taliana is one of them, but what did he get?

  8. TROY says:

    ZERO88 walking with his puppet PPZOBB1

  9. opinionist says:

    Ms Galizia, No I did not drink positive koolaid whatever that is, I was only commenting on an article without including any political elements which I am not in the least bit interested in. And whilst I would not be going wow about a nurse who did her job I would definitely be thankful and appreciate a job well done.
    @ gigi

    Hopefully justice.

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