Snouts in the trough update: Muscat’s cabinet is 71% more expensive than Gonzi’s and will cost Eur32 million MORE over five years. So much for their four-year hysteria about “hames mitt ewro”.

Published: November 19, 2013 at 1:09am


Now where did I hear that? Ah yes, in a Labour campaign video shot at Hugh Anastasi’s house, where the ‘dead’ and the ‘tifla’ planned to vote Labour behind the Nationalist mother’s (Alfred Sant’s ex secretary) back and Norman Hamilton’s younger daughter sat on Hugh’s white sofa eating an apple and pretending to be an indifferent PN supporter.

It’s quite clear already that the ‘choke’ is on those who voted Labour thinking they were SO smart and the rest of us were fools.

The other ‘choke’ is that if there are more such fools and tools than there are rational people, the clowns get in and turn the government into a wall-to-wall circus act.

Times of Malta reports that Muscat’s cabinet is set to cost the country Eur32 million more than Gonzi’s did over five years.

Cabinet costs

17 Comments Comment

  1. Edward says:

    The truth is nobody cared then, and they don’t care now.

  2. Plutarch says:

    A higher cost to run the country the ground. Legalised plunder, which is, as it has always been, the MLP’s general vision of politics.

  3. Manuel says:

    And after this news item, Times of Malta did not dare challenge the PM on the issue. Yet it demanded information on the Ex Minister’s clock!

  4. Banana republic ... again says:

    Just 50 more passports to sell

  5. canon says:

    For most people the headline, “71per cent more” doesn’t mean anything. The headline should have been “Cabinet costs 32 million more”.

    • mm says:

      It still doesn’t mean anything for most people for 3 reasons:

      a) People have faith in Joseph Muscat (sic)

      b) Joseph Muscat will only issue salary proportionally to their attendance in parliament (let wait to see it in action)

      c) People have faith in Joseph Muscat (lol)

  6. Tony Formosa says:

    Daphne should start listing Muscat’s continuous gaffes. It will make interesting reading.

  7. Rumplestiltskin says:

    And they had the gall to make the most obscene song and dance about a €500 Euro raise for Ministers who were handling more than twice the workload that this lot have. Yet the Labour sheep keep on nodding their heads and baaing.

    • albona says:

      They are populists. They just played on the ignorance of the average voter.

      Their policy on pay being relative to attendance is another populist measure as it plays on people’s ignorantly held belief that all a minister or MP does is sit in parliament and argue, not realising of course that this accounts for a mere fraction of their time.

      The PL would prefer for ministers to have that slight incentive/necessity to earn their wage by illegal means instead of just paying them a wage that fits the profile; mind you even €500 would only have been a low raise.

  8. Gian says:

    Peress illi Joseph Muscat qabel l-elezzjoni wieghed illi mhux ser izid il-pagi tal-ministri tieghu, lest issa iwieghed li jrodd lura dawn il-Eur32 miljun li hadu ‘minn wara dahar il-poplu’?

  9. just me says:

    500 euros a week is equivalent to 26,000 euros a year. There were eight ministers in the Gonzi cabinet, so that means 208,000 euros a year. And 1,664,000 euros over five years, as compared to the additional 32 million euros for Muscat’s cabinet.

  10. Gaetano Pace says:

    And that does not include the cost of the BIG TOP where the clowns have been performing during the past two weeks, preaching to the converted.

  11. jbald says:

    That’s why he’s selling passports now, to make up for it

  12. verita says:

    They can’t make out what’s a hundred, a thousand, a million or a billion. They’re only zeros

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