Catch up here with the latest headlines on Malta’s sale of passports – still being updated with the latest European and world press

Epoca Negocios/Brazil: the essence of this report is that Malta is selling passports for 650,000 euros, that “everything is up for sale in Europe”, and that this is the result of the financial crisis.

Zero Hedge (this one was sent in by Kevin Ellul Bonici): it includes the text: “The Parliament of Malta passed legislation that set the price for Maltese citizenship at €650,000 for any non-EU applicant. It’s not linked to any residency or investment requirements. People can just come by, jump through some minor hoops, pay, get their citizenship and passport, and then settle in Germany or wherever. Simon Busuttil, leader of the opposition Nationalist Party, warned that Malta could end up being compared to shady tax havens in the Caribbean.
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat admitted that the deal was designed to sell the product. Malta is struggling. It needs the money. He claimed that about 45 people would end up buying citizenship during the first year, for about €30 million in revenues.”

L e Point/France: ‘Pay 650,000 euros and you can obtain a Maltese passport’. The main text includes the immortal line: “Some are deported while others are welcomed with arms wide open…along with their suitcase filled with cash.”

Uvaga/Belarus: The report says that: “Last spring, the government of Cyprus stated that depositors who lost more than 3 million Euros during the banking crisis can obtain Cypriot citizenship i.e. a Cypriot passport costs five times more than a Maltese one.”

Online Focus/Germany: ‘German politicians demand that Brussels intervenes in the sale of EU passports. “Malta has found a new way to traffic in human beings”‘.

The Global Oyster: in the text – ‘It seems like many EU countries didn’t waste time to apply laws for their own benefit. Fair enough; but don’t play the card of nationalism and national pride that spurs xenophobic policies, when you deny asylum to those who are really in need – as in the case of Syrians – and meanwhile you decide to give away passports or residency permits only on the basis of economic criteria, regardless of the candidate’s nationality. Come on.’

Politically Incorrect/Germany: in the text – ‘Passports to the Schengen area should not be sold off in the bazaar’

PowNed TV/The Netherlands – popular news site read mainly by under-40s: ‘EU citizenship costs 650,000 euros’

Die Welt/Germany: ‘Rich foreigners from outside the EU will be able to buy citizenship of Malta for 650,000 euros after the president of that country signed a law to this effect. Spouses and children will also be able to obtain passports for 25,000 euros each.’

De Telegraaf/The Netherlands: this is dated 13 November, but wasn’t included earlier ‘Malta sells citizenship for more than 600,000 euros’

Planet/France: ‘MALTA – 650,000 euros will buy you nationality of this island’. The text describes the scheme as being “a measure designed to support a struggling economy”

Libero Quotidiano/Italy: ‘And if we sell citizenship? Malta has done it. Anyone can become a citizen of that island against payment of 650,000 euros’

Hot News/Romania: ‘You can become a Maltese citizen for 650,000 euros, and that means a citizen of the European Union’

DIA/Romania: ‘Malta is selling citizenship. The advantage? Visa-free travel to the United States of America’.

Guardian Express/Las Vegas: “If you have ever wanted to be a citizen of the great nation of Malta and obtain European citizenship, now is your time. While the paperwork and waiting time has been greatly reduced, you still need to have more than a few Euro to spare. On November 12, Malta announced that passports are available for €650,000 ($873K.) Walk into the government office with the cash and you can walk out with a second passport that will open all kinds of new doors for you.”

Wall-Street/Romania: ‘EU country offering citizenship to € 650,000. The advantage? U.S. visa-free travel.’

Spanish China/Chinese news site/Spanish edition: this article reports on the Maltese government’s removal of the secrecy clause and quotes Louis Grech.

Sina/China: ‘ The Maltese president has signed the bill making it possible for people to buy Maltese citizenship for 650,000 euros, but this has created much controversy. The Opposition Kuomintang says this is a ‘fire sale of citizenship’. It has put forward its own amendments relating to investment and residence in the country, and considers a referendum to repeal the law., which it says it will cancel if elected.’

Qoos/China: ‘Sale of Maltese citizenship provokes controversy – the president has signed the bill making it possible for non-EU nationals to buy Maltese citizenship for 650,000 euros (about 5.2 million yuan) but it has sparked intense controversy at home and abroad. Three hundred buyers are expected annually and 45 are waiting already.’

L’Express/France: ‘European citizenship on sale in Malta’. This is an analysis of the implications of Malta’s decision for other EU member states.

Radio Free Asia/Mandarin edition: ‘Malta passport price is 650,000 euros – small country generates wealth.’ The article says: ‘The Malta government has passed new laws which allow wealthy foreigners like Russians and Chinese to buy Maltese nationality. Malta is the latest of the countries in the Eurozone, that are dragged down by the financial crisis, to sell its passports. The country’s Opposition party says it will cancel the law if elected, and human rights groups have expressed their dissatisfaction with the new law.’

Xinmin News/China: ‘Smaller EU member states compete to sell nationality cheaply, triggering a price war. From 3 million euros for Cypriot nationality, the price has shrunk to 650,000 euros for Maltese nationality. Earlier, some EU countries were selling it for 10 million euros. The government of Malta’s cheap sale has invited controvery and there are fears that the European debt crisis will cause more EU member states to follow in Malta’s footsteps, with prices being slashed even more.’

News 163/China: ‘Malta sale of nationality for 650,000 euros – Malta joins Spain, Portugal, Greece and Cyprus in selling citizenship because of the financial crisis.’

I Feng News/China: ‘Malta’s president George Abela has signed the Citizenship Act, which means that non-EU nationals can now buy Maltese/EU citizenship for 650,000 euros.’

China Radio Network/SD Ifeng: ‘Voice of China reports that because of the financial crisis, European countries have entered into a price war to sell nationality. It reports that following Spain, Portugal, Greece and Cyprus, Malta is now selling its nationality for 650,000 euros to non-EU nationals.’

Hexun News/China: ‘Malta has begun to sell its nationality – for 650,000 euros you can buy EU citizenship.’ And the lead-in: ‘Malta’s citizenship law has been signed by the president, but it has sparked much controversy at home and abroad. The purchase price of Maltese nationality is 650,000 euros. This is expected to attract 300 buyers annually and there are now 45 already waiting. The Maltese government is expected to bring in 30 million euros (240 million yuan) in revenue from this. The law is heavily criticised by the Opposition Kuomintang as a fire-sale of Maltese citizenship. Its leader Busuttil said the Nationalists “will consider initiating a referendum to repeal the bill,” and said once in office will immediately revoke the ruling amendment.’

CNW News/China: ‘Smaller EU member states compete to sell nationality cheaply. Cyprus sells it for 3 million euros and now Malta has crashed the price to 650,000 euros.’

Dayoo News_Chinese language: ‘Der Spiegel reports that Malta is selling its citizenship for 650,000 to non-EU nationals, hoping to raise revenue, but the Opposition is against this move.’

Aksam/Turkey: ‘Civil war in the EU – Malta is selling its citizenship for 650,000 euros to get out of the crisis.’

Novilist/Hungary: ‘Malta sells citizenship for 650,000 euros – given that Malta is in the Schengen area and has visa-free travel to the United States for up to 90 days, this offer will be tempting to many’

TV2/Denmark: Headline says ‘Offers for the rich – buy citizenship of EU member state. ‘ The lead-in says ‘If you have the money then you can buy citizenship of a Mediterranean island and EU member state, Malta, and thus a gateway to all countries in the Schengen area, including Denmark’

Frankfurter Allgemeine, Sat 16 Nov: the headline says ‘Malta traffics in human beings’. The intro says: ‘For 650,000 euros, Malta wants to sell its nationality. Politicians in the European Parliament have reacted angrily to this decision. In the federal government there is resistance.’

Digi 24/Romania’s national news network: ‘European citizenship sold in Malta. A European passport costs 650,000 euros’

My Europ/France: The lead-in to the article says ‘ The opportunistic Maltese government is selling its citizenship for 650,000 euros, with a passport to the rest of Europe and Schengen.’

Apple Daily/Taiwan: “Small Mediterranean country Malta Government announced today that the future of Malta passports will be sold to foreigners, an asking price of about 650,000 euros (about NT $ 25 million yuan). Malta Government indicated that, with the passport, you can swim in the EU 28 countries.”

Reflex/The Czech Republic: “Terrorists and criminals have a free trip to the Czech Republic, thanks to Malta.”

Ria Novosti – Spanish language edition/Russia: ‘Malta puts its nationality up for sale for 650,000 euros’

Metro/Paris – the free newspaper distributed throughout the city: ‘Malta sells its citizenship for $865,000’

Le Quotidien/Luxembourg: an opinion column which speaks about how 20,000 have died trying to get into Europe, but then Malta is selling passports to the rich

Europe 1/French radio network: in the text – “Malta, the new Caribbean” and “no condiitons; just money”

Die Welt/Germany: ‘How cash-strapped EU countries hawk their passports – a controversial business and those who want to be around Cypriots must put 3 million euros on the table. But Malta is cheaper.’

Tiroler Tageszeitung/Austria: ‘Malta will attract rich foreigners: passports on sale for 650,000 euros’

Global Post/America’s World News site: ‘Malta to sell citizenship to the public. European Union member Malta is set to begin selling citizenship for a mere $865,000 a pop — to all comers.’

La Notizia/italy: ‘With its Treasury empty, Malta puts its citizenship on straightforward sale. With 650,000 euros, you can become Maltese.’

Corriere della Sera/Italy: ‘Malta, citizenship on sale for 650,000 euros. The law has been approved. Prime Minister Muscat expects at least 30 million euros a year into the Treasury to reduce the deficit’

Xibaaru/West Africa/French language portal: ‘If you are African, a European country is offering citizenship for 500 million CFA’

Sueddeutsche/Germany: ‘Malta sells citizenship: for 650,000 euros you can become Maltese – and an EU citizen’

20 Minuten/Switzerland: ‘Malta sells EU passports for 650,000 euros’. And just look at the picture they’ve chosen.

Der Freitag/Germany: ‘EU citizenship for purchase – Malta is selling its citizenship for 650,000 euros’. It is illustrated with a sculpture titled The Maltese Falcon.

Der Spiegel/Germany’s most respected and influential news magazine: ‘Controversial offer from Malta:become an EU citizen for 650,000 euros’

L’Essentiel/Luxembourg/German edition: ‘Malta sells EU passports for 650,000 euros’. Photo caption: ‘ Prime Minister Joseph Muscat wants to make money in an unconventional way, by selling passports’

Denik/Czech Republic: ‘Passports for sale: Malta offers cheap entry into the Schengen Zone’ – illustrated with a two-euro coin

Antena/Spain: ‘The government is looking for a fountain of revenue: Malta sells its citizenship rights for 650,000 euros’

Notizie Nazionali/italy: ‘Citizenship for sale to ‘extracomunitari’: in Malta it costs 650,000 euros’
![RT/Russia: “European Union member Malta will be selling their [the EU's] citizenship for 650,000 euros"](
RT/Russia: “European Union member Malta will be selling their [the EU’s] citizenship for 650,000 euros”

Apollo/Latvia: ‘Malta sells its citizenship for 650,000 euros’ – illustrated by what appears to be the contents of Manuel and Codruta Mallia’s mattress

Handelszeitung, Switzerland – the headline translates literally as ‘Malta flogs EU passes to the rich’

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The prevalent and real reason for PL being anti-Europeon is to seek self-protection from regulation, scrutiny, and exposure like this.
And probably the real reason why Muscat put up such a ‘tough guy’ charade in Europe regarding the problem of illegal immigration wasn’t just to ingratiate himself with the Mintoffiani who understand no other language, but to pave the way for this sale of citizenship – as if to say – OK, so you won’t accept burden sharing? So we’re justified if we provide the means for criminals and other undesirables to enter your countries.
Tit for tat – school playground style – the only language Muscat understands. So much for statesmanship. I would bet anything that he will use this argument to justify his actions.
I would also bet that Malta has now dashed any chances of bilateral cooperation with other E U countries about immigration. What will probably happen now is that we will be very firmly and politely sent to Coventry and purposely overlooked. What a mess this is.
Frankfurter Allgemeine
The comments under this article from Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) are very negative about Malta and really embarrassing.
So what? Who cares about comments in a German newspaper?
Joe Farrugia, for one, I care. I am furious at this dismal handling of the Maltese identity. May be you do not care about that.
Joe Farrugia, I do.
I was raised to be the best I could be, not the worst.
I was raised to represent my Malta in the best way possible, not the worst.
I was raised to not to harm others, even if this meant earning less money.
I was raised to respect other nations, not to stick a middle finger to their face.
I studied German, painstakingly, because I also love that language and culture.
I am angry that Malta is in this frightful mess that boils down to the greed and business sloth of the only political party in Malta that manages to rake our national reputation in the mud time and time again.
I am angry that I am forced to call those Maltese who don’t care, my compatriots.
A national demonstration by all Maltese citizens, whichever political party, should be organised ASAP. It is already very late.
X’pacenzja ghandkhom Maltin ta’veru! As the French national anthym goes “Allons enfants de la Patrie, Le jour de gloire est arrivé!”
Maltese, let’s move and show we are against the sale of our citizenship! We have been shamed before the entire world! Shame!
Muscat is a mercenary traitor with the mind of a spiv.
Main news channel in Germany,10808018,25018464.html
What kind of warped thinking is this?
What a disaster. Muscat is not fit to govern if he did not see this coming.
He has wrecked Malta’s hard-won reputation and endangered its economic future for a quick buck.
Do you think he really cares?
Even if the whole project was stopped now, the damage to Makta’s reputation cannot be undone. The LP has been blaming the past government for everything, I wonder who they will blame once the consequences of this decision will start being felt.
And here is the headline from one of Switzerland’s leading newspapers:
Interesting are the comments posted beneath. One reader expresses his perplexity at how other EU countries have no say about this scheme since the citizenship being sold is not solely Maltese but an EU one.
And from the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, a Swiss newspaper mostly read by academics.
National radio station website in Spain:
More Spain:
Joseph Muscat – salesman not statesman – must be thinking what a good job he did, with so many advertising his product for free.
“EU Passports for 650,000 Euro: Citizenship for Sale in Malta”
Jesus christ, look at this:
I love the French sarcasm. They sum it all up.
Read this:
Do you agree with selling Malta’s citizenship?
5 quick questions:
Please complete and circulate.
Responses are anonymous.
“Malta set to sell citizenships for €650,000 a pop “
The Times (of Malta) hasn’t noticed these headlines. Their top headline is “Behind the scenes at Pink fashion show”.
Yes, that newspaper seems to be deliberately missing a lot these days. I wonder why?
Maybe they have just purchased a large consignment of newsprint from Keith tal-Kasco and have got longer credit terms.
Vote with your pocket
In Maltese we call that Laham Mibjugh.
How scandalous. The Times has shamed us too.
Times of Malta’s editor in his editorial did not have the courage to criticize the government on this issue. After what happened in parliament in the last couple of days, he opted to criticize both parties for “political deception”. That is disgraceful. The IIP legislation was a non-issue. As far as I am concerned, yesterday’s was the last Times of Malta I bought.
About time too.
Berliner Zeitung,10808018,25018464.html
The irreparable damage has already been done.
Joseph Muscat thinks that the foreign press is gullible and is going to stay watching his theatrics in Parliament.
Someone give him a mirror so that he can take a good look at his facial features and see how grotesque he becomes when delivering a speech like yesterday’s. L-aqwa li jipprova jghajjeb lil haddiehor.
Did we need to embark on any roadshows for publicity?
[Daphne – That’s exactly what I’ve been thinking.]
“Tiny EU nation of Malta to start selling citizenship with practically no strings attached”
Is there an online petition for the holding of an abrogative referendum on the citizenship law?
Ara f’hiex gibtna, ja purcinell!
Niskanta kif il-President tar-Repubblika ta’ Malta ma jikkummenta xejn fuq din l-oxxenita. Imissu jikkundanna dan l-agir skandaluz.
Ma’ kull min iltqajt illum kulhadd jisthi fhix gabna dan il-pruzuntuz ta’ prim ministru.
Ma nistax nifhem kif l-EU se taccetta din il-klawsola tas-segretezza.
Issa mhux Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox imma MANUEL l-ewwel u qabel kollox. Kollox f’idejh, l-iktar bniedem bil-poter f’Malta.
Skuzani zunzana imma KIF GABUNA ghax it -38 l-ohra huma responsabbli ukoll.
Il-President tar-Repubblika jimpurtah biss minn xi membru tal-familja tieghu meta din ikollha bzonn xi scholarship minn fuq dahar il-Community Chest Fund.
Il-President tar-Republika mhux se jitkellem ukoll ghax din mhix attivita’ sportiva. Taf int, wara dawk is-snin kollha president tal-MFA issa sar ossessjonat bl-isport. Kieku mhux ghax tkun haga degradanti, Buontempo jmissu jahtru chairman tal-KMS u jiffranka hafna wgiegh ta’ ras ta’ rizenji.
Il-President mhux se jitkellem lanqas ghax din issue ta’ kontroversja politika. Bhala l-bniedem li jghaqqad in-nazzjon f’poplu wiehed (ghall-ghanijiet tieghu – u t’oht il-mara t’ibnu on the sideline) zgur li jhoss li ghandu kunflitt ta’ nteress.
Ghax jekk jitkellem favur jakkuzawh li ghax qalbu u l-karriera passata tieghu huma marbuta mal-Labour; u jekk jitkellem kontra il-laburisti jghidu li qed jibza’ minn Gonzi li ghazlu biex ikun President ta’ Malta.
Tant izomm lura milli jidhol f’kunflitti ta’ nteress li l-ET George Abela, bhala president tal-Kummissjoni ghall-Amministrazzjoni tal-Gustizzja, zgicca mir-rwol tieghu li jinvestiga lill-imhallef Farrugia Sacco (li wkoll hu ‘sportiv’ kbir!) ghax xi darba kien l-avukat tieghu.
Il-President tar-Repubblika ma huwiex se jitkellem zgur ghaliex xtarwlu s-silenzju bil-karigi li taw lit-tifla tar-ragel.
Everything timed to perfection, kieku.
He must be the absolute worst product of an Aloysian College, globally, ever.
“Malta decides to sell passports
…It is a simple exchange of cash for passport, the only deal of this kind in the EU today…”
U tahsbu li lil Muscat ser igaghluh jisthi?
Niskanta, izda kif ser ikollu wicc is-Sur Martin Schulz ikompli jghid li Muscat ghadu l-fegatell tieghu. Tiftakruh jimbuttah biex jilhaq leader tal-Labour?
I doubt if Dr Muscat will understand some of the irony that is built into the European headlines . A sad day, a very sad day indeed.
The Huffington Post.
So embarrassing. Would our prime minister be proud of himself when scrolling down this post?
Can’t he notice that the potential ‘energy’ he is gaining can become rather dangerous?
Wirschaft Woche ( Business Week ) German influential
Business magazine
I work in an international setting outside Malta and today I had a Spaniard, an Italian and a German separately asking me incredulously what this story is all about.
I know. Same here. I am starting to feel very uneasy saying I’m Maltese. First it was comments about “push backs” and now it’s about “pull ins”.
Shame on all those who didn’t bother coming over to Malta to vote and shame on all those ex-Nationalists who thought they’d get their own back by voting Labour. Those should be the ones feeling really uneasy.
@ L’iehor…… mhux sew tghati l-kolpa fuq dawk li huma imsiefrin u ma gewx jivvuttaw fl-ahhar elezzjoni. Hemm minn xtaq jigi u ma setax, allura ahjar ma tghid xejn.
Jien it-tort intieh lill partit nazzjonalista specjalment lid-deputati kollha li insew lin nies specjalment lillna nazzjonalisti ghallavolja konna nitkarbulhom. Ma kienux jghatu kazna. Issa kien hemm minn rrid ippatijilhom u hekk ghamel. Ghalhekk it-tort kollu fuqhom.
[Daphne – Kumment stupidu ghall-ahhar, cettina. Li taghmel int tort tieghek u tieghek biss, u mhux tort ta’ xi hadd iehor. Ghandek il-free will u jekk ivvuttajt Labour jew ma vvutajt xejn, tort tieghek u mmissek tghid mea maxima culpa ghall-izball kbir li ghamilt, forsi ahna nahfruhilek.]
@Cettina. Qatt ma kien hemm partit iehor li holoq klima biex tiehu dak li hu tieghek bi dritt.
Fost l-ohrajn inholoq l-Ombudsman, diversi kummissjonijiet, drittijiet fil-qrati lokali u Ewropej u xoghol ghal kulhadd.
Normalment min kellu jmur ‘jitkarrab’ kellu jghamel hekk ghax ippretenda xi haga li ma kellux dritt ghaliha u li meta ma hadiex qal li ma semghuhx.
Sintomu ta’ pajjiz zghir.
Hadd ma johlom li jaghmel dawn l-affarijiet f’pajjizi kbar.
Min ried ikellem sahansitra lil Prim Ministru seta jsibu. Jaf kont tkellem lil Berlusconi fl-Italja, sakemm ma tkunx xi Ruby the Heartstealer, jew lil Sarkozy sakemm ma tkunx Carla Bruni.
Daphne, lilli ma tafniex ghax kieku ma kontx titfa dak il kumment tieghek. Jien ghandi tifla li tghejx barra minn Malta u ma setatx tigi biex tivvotta ghax kienet waslet biex twelled.
Jien gellieda bil kelma u allavolja kont irrabjata ghall PN xorta mort nivvotta bil qalb ghalijhom u ghadni sal lum nikkumbatti it-tghajjir u l’insulti lejn il PN mill laburisti permess tal kummenti tieghi KULLJUM u hafna ukoll.
Ma nafx kif interpretajt l-kumment tieghi, pero jien dejjem id-dritt nghid u dak id-diskors ghatu sew lill Dr. Gonzi, Dr. De Marco, Dr. Paul Borg Olivier u deputati ohra nazzjonalisti.
Ghalhekk ma ghandiex alfejn nghid Mea Maxima Culpa u ma ghandiex bzonn il mahfra ta’ hadd.
And fuck-ups – on a massive scale
Mur hudu f’ghajnek, Cettina, ghax ma jixraqlekx min jghidlek ahjar minn hekk. Dal-qabda qniezah jokorbu l-mizerja ghax ihossuhom minsijin haqqhom li jigrilhom ghax igibu -inkwiet b’idejhom stess.
Kollha tippretendu li jaghti kaskom il-gvern, jekk mhux il- prim ministru personalment. Qiskom corma tfal jixxenjaw ghax iridu l-attenzjoni. Wehiltu fi stat psikoligiku infantili bid-differenza li kollha ghandkom il-vot.
Haqqkom li jigrilkom.
Id-dnub huwa li jibghati haddiehor bl-ghazliet cuceski u rresponsabbli taghkom.
I work in a hotspot that has far worse consequences for Malta than that demographic.
Me too. Didn’t go into work today but am dreading it. I was already mortified by the push backs, now this.
We did not really keep a very low profile did we? Heck no. We stood up to be counted (singled out is more like it) and our European partners, if they still consider us as such, have once again had a chance to smell the very particular aroma of Maltese coffee that brings a grimace to everyone’s face.
It is without doubt that the EU is bound to react to a scheme that is blatantly being brandished as a life time opportunity to buy EU residence outright and with no strings attached, at such a ridiculous price.
Thank you Joseph Muscat. Its the typical international SNAFU we’ve grown to expect from you and your boys over the last nine months. The fact is, its okay to fuck up, as long as the damage is contained within our shores. We’re all Maltese and we expect and accept it, take it in our stride as it were, given that we really have no other choice.
It is fudging up on the international scene, in front of our so called peers that is totally unacceptable.
I really wish somebody would translate all this for Joseph Muscat. One can’t imagine the amount of negative publicity this sale of citizenship scheme is getting here in Germany. It’s even on prime time news.
And the comment boards on the country’s influential newspapers…. Let’s not go there.
Imagine the EU chuck us out and the passport becomes worth fuck all.
Maybe the Queen will chuck us out of the Commonwealth too.
We can get the Chinks to tow us to Taiwan.
I don’t think this falls within Kenneth’s remit. – Interesting commentary, see video.
Joseph Muscat likes to make the news for the wrong reasons.
The German Online Focus said that the method to cash money by the Maltese Government is controversial.
First there were the ‘push back’ headlines all around the world. Now this.
Well done, Mr Prime Minister. With your warped thinking, I bet you are ecstatic as Malta is gaining free publicity for its tourism.
Kif jirnexxilhom tal-Labour dejjem iwaqqghu lil Malta ghan-nejk?
Today it feels like we Maltese are all but a speck of dirt in Europe.
Minghalih Joseph Muscat ghamel bravura.
Comment under the telegraph article
“Brother_Louis • 6 hours ago −
I’m not surprised really, have the Maltese not been selling their daughters, sisters, younger brothers and even mothers on the wonderfully misnamed ‘Straight’ Street for decades? How much simpler to just prostitute the country instead of family members. I think that if this really comes to pass they can kiss goodbye to membership of the Schenghen bloc as well as any visa free arrangements that are in place.”
Shame on who now, Sur Prim Ministru? In under 8 months you have managed to damage OUR reputation beyond repair. Where are the intellectual MCAST students now?
Intellectual MCAST students? That’s a contradiction in terms for those who shouted ‘Shame on you” and didn’t know why.
It is extremely laughable but on the other hand Malta is in the pits. He couldn’t wait to self destruct. It had to be quick and with the drama of an Italian soap opera. From here onward it is all downhill.
And the fact that this comes shortly after Muscat stamped his feet and claimed we have no capacity for immigrants makes this all the more shameful.
Yes I know, most buyers won’t live in Malta, but still, once they are citizens they are free to do so.
And while all this is going on, the headlines on state that “Enemalta email account for submission of oil bids could be accessed without password”.
“Member of the European Parliament for Malta Roberta Metsola has submitted an official Parliamentary Question to the European Commission questioning whether the amendments to the Citizenship Act pushed through Parliament yesterday are in line with European rules and the spirit of European Treaties.”…/mep-metsola-brings-brussels-in-on-cash-for-p...
i wonder if MALTA TODAY has the guts to publish these newspapers headlines from all over the world
Not even Times of Malta is publishing anything, let alone Maltatoday
What a shame. Malta’s starting point to a free-fall in the international financial ranking. The subtext that Malta is projecting to the rest of the world is that the it is simply after cash. Who said talent?
From Twitter:
We’re London @LondonWeR 24m
Malta gov. attempt to launder heroin money: Sell citizenship for €650,000 a pop Malta a major heroin supplier to EU
It just 8 months Malta has hit the headlines for all the wrong reasons because of this self-inflated, smirking dork.
First he stamped his feet when he threatened to use Malta’s veto on unrelated matters unless the other EU countries did his bidding.
Then when he acted like the colossal bully that he is and tried to get strong with the weak by threatening to fly out the male Etireans who had just landed, not doing so only because he was prevented by the swift action of the refugee service NGOs.
Now he’s selling EU citizenship when he never wanted to join the EU at all.
Way to go, Muscat. We all knew you loved attention but this is becoming ridiculous.
X’ sar minnu Eddy Privitera?
He’s happy because the EU cannot interfere, he says.
The day the EU interferes, the PL will use it as an excuse to leave the union.
No they won’t. EU membership is what makes this citizenship scheme attractive.
Ara veru tal-misthija.
This journalist does not have euro 650,000 to buy a Maltese passport, but judging from the actions of the Azeri authorities, he is talented.
Nħossni umiljata! Nistħi ngħid li jien Maltija meta nikkonsidra li hawn Maltin bħali li jaqblu u li għażlu lil Dr. J. Muscat bħala l-prim ministru ta’ Malta.
How could they know that he’d arrive to this.
Gorg, konna avzati minn Gonzi l-ewwel wiehed.
It was written all over his face.
Don’t be silly. I could’ve told them Muscat was up to no good. Hell, this blog argued that point better than I ever could.
with US VISA perks…
with US VISA perks…
“one little island has come up with a solution fit for late night TV.”….
“While the United States and many European countries scramble to secure borders and crack down on undocumented immigrants, one little island has come up with a solution fit for late night TV. ”
Can a future government revoke Joseph Muscat’s Maltese and EU passport and citizenship because he is, politically speaking, a threat to national security, and because he has politically betrayed the country?
Sydney Morning Herald had a long one with photos:
It cannot be possible that Joseph Muscat and his entourage would have the brazen cheek and the pachyderm hide to let themselves be seen in public outside Malta’s territorial waters without cringing in shame.
And how can they show a Maltese passport outside Malta from now on?
Who knows? Perhaps genuine Maltese could slip in a note in bold letters in their passports stating:
“I solemnly declare that this passport was NOT bought cheaply. on the sly from P.M. J Muscat”
Ciccio, my fear is that from now on all bona fide Maltese travellers will be rigorously checked at immigration points and hassled. There will not be any sign on the passport that it was not purchased for 650K.
Indeed. My taciturn husband – who is foreign – went through this post after reading about Malta in our local (not Maltese) newspaper. His comment: well, just use your other (non-Maltese) passport from now on. That spoke volumes to me.
Shouldn’t the 650,000 euros be shared around the EU rather than going entirely to Malta, that is unless Malta can guarantee that these individuals will stay in Malta and not move elsewhere in the EU?
Malta to sell EU citizenship for €650,000 – › Forum › Policy Discussion › EU
Why is it that whenever it’s something shameful, it’s always Labour? How are they always on the wrong side of history?
I’m starting to think that there is something in the DNA…
It is the Mintoff legacy and indoctrination
Main headlines on CBC News website (the Canadian equivalent of BBC).
Malta is making the headlines for the wrong reasons. What a shame!
After seeing all these headlines, then reading people’s justification that at least Muscat will keep his electoral promises and bring down electricity bills, my God, it sounds so supremely lame I’m lost for words.
It’s like telling a woman who has just been raped that at least her knickers can still be washed.
How embarrassing.
Nixtieq nistaqsi, peress li l-ligi tax-xiri tac-citadinanza Maltija taghti wkoll b’mod awtomatiku ic-citadinanza Ewropea tista l-EU tiehu passi kontra Malta?
Importanti li nifhmu zewg affarijiet.
1) L-Unjoni Ewropea mhux omnipotenti. Kontra dak li jghidu Privitera u Ellul Bonici, ma tikkontrollax kull aspett ta’ hajjitna.
2) L-Unjoni Ewropea hija unjoni ta’ stati sovrani. Peress li c-cittadinanza taqa’ taht il-gurisdizzjoni tal-istat sovran individwali, mhemm xejn li l-Unjoni Ewropea tista’ taghmel.
Li twassalni ghat-tielet punt:
3) Hafna Maltin kien minghalihom li ladarba dhalna fl-UE, issa safe ghal dejjem ta’ dejjem, u impossibbli li gvern Malti jfotti lil Malta. Kemm kellhom zball.
Jien pjuttost nahseb li fuq din l-affari, l-EU sabet ruhha mhux preparata ghalkemm pajjizi falluti bhal Grecja, l-Ungerija u l-Portugall addotaw skemi simili (ghalkemm dawn huna aktar regolati). Possibli li kulhadd ha jaghlaq ghajnejh ghal din l-orgja ta’ qhab? Ma nahsibx…
The EU needs to be in a position to help its member states safeguard their sovereignty when this is under active threat, as ours is.
Should the issue not have received sufficiently encompassing EU clarification before then, this is an item that would need to be discussed with urgency and priority at the European Summit in December – when Heads of States and Government meet to discuss defence and security topics.
The health of our sovereignty should be of major concern to the European Union throughout our connection with it and not simply at the outset and when negotiating for accession.
The EU is currently operating on a Security Strategy dating back to 2003. The impacts of energy considerations as well as other security issues would signal that the time for a review of this strategy is ripe.
The setting up of a cyber defence unit is one aspect that provides a common front against cyber intrusion.
Malta, shame on our Prime Minister, has now provoked the urgent need for a different nature of defence unit.
With all this bad publicity, who’s envious of whom now, Manuel Mallia?
In 2011 Malta was very much in the news for the crucial role it played in the Libyan crisis. Look at us now – we’re made to look like nothing more than a country full of desperate fools ready to do anything to make a quick buck.
The crux of the matter is that in the same way that it wasn’t Lawrence Gonzi but Malta in the eyes of the world at the time, it isn’t Joseph Muscat but each one of us this time round.
Such a shame Times of Malta has sacked Kenneth Zammit Tabona. Now we will never know what he thinks about the sale of Maltese citizenship.
Do you think he will continue to call himself Kitten from MALTA?
If I could give up my passport and citizenship to the first applicant of this scheme I would be glad to so at no cost whatsoever to the applicant, so long as I would no longer be considered Maltese.
CTV News, Canada –
ABC News, USA –
Fox News, USA –
The recurring theme in the articles is that the Prime Minister has said that the scheme will bring in Euro 30 million.
The people who have read this news around the world today must be asking themselves (and others) why would the Maltese prime minister do this to his country’s and the EU’s citizenship and passport for a mere Euro 30 million.
They must think that he is desperate. And stupid.
We are now marked down as another Mediterranean country in crisis.
True! What a message to send to investors.
Yes. Slate reports that Malta’s government is cash-strapped.
“St. Kitts closed its program off to Iranians in 2011″‘. We aren’t exclusive, just like a cheap prostitute with no pimp.
Joseph Muscat said:
“The Times
Wednesday, January 16, 2013, 13:29
No policy change in financial services – Muscat
A Labour government will adopt a ‘no policy change’ approach in financial services to maintain continuity in that sector, Joseph Muscat said today.”
Joseph Muscat has lied and cheated his way forward and gradually paid off the Maltese press during his years in the Opposition.
Joseph Muscat is:
A usurper in the seat of Prime Minister.
A usurper riding on the glory that the Nationalist Party built over 25 years and that Joseph Muscat fought against every bit of the way.
A usurper who destroyed Malta’s reputation in 8 months. If only they could be called short: Every day is like living in moral hell.
A usurper who, with intention, championed the weaknesses and vice in people rather than their integrity and moral strengths.
A usurper who got the whole country morally on its knees.
Even Lawrence Gonzi’s little toenail holds more dignity than that sham of a man will ever know, for all the rudeness, insults and despicable challenges he sent his way, and the way of others.
Joseph Muscat, and all of his horrid stoogey freak-show goons, deserve to be locked out of Castille and Parliament for the rest of their lives not just the rest of the term.
Joseph Muscat and Manwel Mallia are an international joke.
Tistghu timmaginaw kif jista’ dan il-persuna jittiehed bis-serjeta’ minn shabu il-prim ministri.
Jista’ mhux jaghmlilhom ‘deadlines’.
Anke jekk b’xi mod jigi lluminat bhal San Pawl u jirtira din il-ligi, anke jekk isir referendum abrogattiv u jintrebah, il-hsara lilu nnifsu u lil-Malta hi irreparabbli.
And then they sneered when the Nationalist Party said a Labour government means ‘gas down ghal gol-hajt.’
So much international coverage on this controversial issue and it’s hardly reported on the publicly-funded TVM prime-time news.
The only redeeming feature (for me) is that photo in one of the above headlines showing young people demonstrating publicly their opposition to the bill.
Well done all of you! You have sown the first spark for dissent against arrogance, double-talk and corruption that will continue to surface ‘in flagrante’ in the future.
This is what Stefano Mallia wrote on his fb page:
I have never been so ashamed of being Maltese.
Nixtieq nistaqsi lis-sur Norman Lowell x’ ghandu x’jghid wara li tant imbotta lil followers tieghu biex jivvutaw Labour.
Isn’t his plan to conquer Europe by 2013 running a bit late? He must be delighted now that his sacred rock will be attracting the “talented” elite.
Treason, no other word for it. And they’re treacherous scum.
I think we should all start wearing a black armband. We’re in mourning.
This must be Muscat’s “hu go fik” moment to Europe.
The EU’s silence on the issue is rather worrying. They were either caught up by surprise, or they are just acting the way a mother tolerates a little obese kid teasing the shit out of his older siblings, till at some point he is forcibly sent facing the corner with less funds, because who needs financial help now that we’re printing money.
The enactment of this law was clearly timed to coincide with the budget full of goodies.
It seems like Muscat failed to realise that inevitably the international press would expose us for what we have become – the laughing stock headed by the jeering Prime Minister.
Next episode is the bullying we will receive by the Heads of State of the other EU member states to revoke this sale of EU citizenship.
What will Muscat do then? Bring us down to being an untrustworthy nation, or will he be a statesman and close the doors to those he promised citizenship?
The choices he will have to make in the coming weeks are beyond what the man and his cronies can handle, and the stakes are high.
He will stamp his feet to make them wake up to smell the coffee, and then he’ll shout ‘wot di hack’.
I wonder how his buddy Martin Schultz is going to support Muscat’s Malta selling EU passports and pocketing the cash, and marry that to his ambitions to get Barroso’s job. Muscat’s earlier endorsement has become a liability.
And what about Hollande’s endorsement of Joseph Muscat and his pledge to eliminate all tax havens?
His popularity is at abysmal lows and he was booed during the Remembrance Day celebrations last Sunday.
If the French get to know what his protege in Malta is up to, I will not be surprised if the next time he appears in public they will throw horse manure at him.
It’s not just about the French getting to know what the protege is up to.
They should be asking Hollande which of his campaign coordinators was assigned to help Muscat into power.
I fear that this is just the beginning and it won’t be long before things spiral out of control.
Even if there are no formal measures taken against Malta, Muscat et al are bound to start feeling the heat from their European counterparts and the EU.
This will make them ever more uncomfortable in European circles and if their plans to exploit EU citizenship are thwarted they will up their anti-EU rhetoric and I dare not think what they will get up to after that.
History teaches us a lesson in this regard. The situation is not very dissimilar to that after Mintoff’s election in 1971.
When his flirting with the UK did not go as planned and he could not exploit the UK as he thought he would, he fed the Maltese electorate the “helsien” mantra, and we ended up between the fangs of Chairman Mao, Gaddafi, and Kim Il Sung.
I think you’re right. Muscat’s a double dealer.
Do you agree with selling Malta’s citizenship?
5 quick questions:
Please complete and circulate this short survey.
Responses are anonymous.
Thank god there is Labour in goverment. Now we don’t need to point the tiny dot in the centre of the Mediterranean. Our brave Malta is known at all corners of the world. Prosit Joseph you make us proud.
Hekk hu, no such thing as bad publicity.
Michelle: “Look Soleil & Etoile your deddy’s name is on all the big newspapers of the foreigners. How najs.”
Izvestia / Russia: “Malta will sell citizenship at a high price”
TSN / Ukraine: “In Malta they are selling EU citizenship”
DW / Germany and other countries: “Malta selling citizenship to non-EU citizens”
RT / Russia: “European Union member Malta will be selling their [the EU’s] citizenship for 650 thousand Euro”
Unian / Ukraine: “Malta wants to sell EU citizenship for 650,000 Euro”
ORF (oesterreiches rundfunk) Main Austrian TV news Channel
Europaparlamentarier entsetzt
Entsetzt über die Pläne Maltas zeigte sich am Mittwoch SPÖ-Europaabgeordneter Jörg Leichtfried. Es sei ein Zynismus, dass sich Reiche in Europa einkaufen können sollen und zugleich im Mittelmeer Hunderte Flüchtlinge ertrinken, die aus Verzweiflung über die schrecklichen Lebensbedingungen in ihren Heimatländern um Asyl in Europa ansuchen, kritisierte Leichtfried. Auch wenn die Budgetsituation angespannt sei, müsse Malta andere Wege finden, um zu mehr Einnahmen zu kommen, so Leichtfried weiter.
Isn’t there an EU summit in December?
Will he still have the brass neck to pressure his fellow prime ministers for a resolution on the immigration problem when he has done this?
Who says that if the EU does not take a position against this Passport for Cash Scheme, Muscat would not, after a year or two milking the scheme, start issuing EU passports to African immigrants for a cheap price, so that they can continue with their trip to Europe?
A passport is issued to an individual on an individual basis, so it can be priced differently between one person and another.
Actually, considering that limited information is going to be published about who is issued with a Maltese/EU passport (and therefore the EU, the Maltese public and buyers at euro 650,000 cannot know who passports were issued to), who is going to stop the Maltese government from issuing Maltese passports to African immigrants, even if for free, right away, on condition that they proceed to the EU and claim to have bought their passport or to have been naturalised?
Kull ma jonqos li l-iskema jgibha fuq
Passaport Multi u tal-Unjowropa, full extras. Andu ticrita zejra u xi qtar tal-linka, imma altrumenti odu sewwa hefna. Qatt ma ntuza.
Apollo / Latvia: “Malta sells its citizenship for 650 thousand Euro”
delfi / Estonia: “Malta sells its citizenship for 650,00 Euros”
You should see those comments.
“It looks like a desperate measure to find 24 million Euros. Just 37 “citizens” at 650,000 Euro each and it could patch the holes in its roads.”
Someone put it best here: “For drug bosses, it’s peanuts.”
Muscat in January 2013: “He said that his party considered EU membership to be a closed chapter, and that its priority was to ensure that it reaps the full benefit of this membership, within the existing terms.”
Now we all know what he meant by ‘reaping full benefit’ – selling quick and easy European citizenship to any rich Tom Dick and Harry who is not visibly involved in criminal activity, if even that (for all we’ll know).
This’ll teach ’em not to provide him with a translator. What the hack.
Today’s News….on Germany’s main TV Channel ARD.
We also have a radioblog on this link with the titel:
(if only Joseph Muscat could understand German)
What a PR disaster for Malta here in Germany!!
They have made us embarrassed to show our passport.
Antigua and Barbuda launched their citizenship by investment program in mid-October. With the exception of a brief report in Time magazine, and some coverage in a smattering of local Caribbean journals, the world press hardly paid any attention.
That is probably because the world expects something like this from a Caribbean country. But the matter takes a whole different dimension when it relates to an EU country.
Both jusidictions of bad repute particularly in financial fields.
Malta has lodged its destiny in the red light district area.
The world press attention shows indignation and theirs is clearly an expression of bewilderment.
This is because in 25 years the Nationalist governnance had restored Malta to a highly respectable rating of a first world country.
The unfolding policies of Muscat are damaging Malta’s hard-fought reputation and status.
Maybe this is the talent that Joseph is talking about?
Protothema / Greece: “Malta: Sale of citizenship for 650,000 Euro!”
And isn’t it funny how everywhere, including this article, is the titbit of oh-so-private information that “the government hopes to net 30 million Euro from this sale.”
L’Essentiel / Luxemburg (German edition): “Malta sells EU passports for 650,000 Euro.”
The caption: “Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat wants to boost his country’s revenue in an unconventional way – by selling citizenship for money.”
Denik/Czech Republic: “Passports for sale: Malta offers cheap entry to the Schengen zone”
Oh cringe:
Tyden / Czech Republic: “Malta will get filthy rich selling its citizenship (and the EU’s)”
Times of Malta – today
Citizenship programme ‘lacks transparency’
The Malta Employers’ Association has expressed concern about the citizenship for sale programme, saying it could tarnish Malta’s reputation as a trustworthy country.
“Malta has managed to create a sound Financial Services sector that enjoys an international reputation of competence, transparency and professional integrity, which currently is the source of employment to thousands of high skilled individuals, and is one of the growth elements in our Gross Domestic Product….
“The citizenship programme as approved lacks transparency and raises many questions about its implementation, as it may have introduced factors that may damage this vital area of economic activity,” the association said.
“Any positive benefits for public finances from this scheme could be drastically outweighed by the negative fallout in our reputable and sensitive financial services sectors, and also cast a shadow on Malta’s attractiveness for foreign direct investment in other areas. This will work against the national interest.”
Reading through these articles, from all over our fair continent, our hemisphere, and the Antipodes too, I can’t help noticing a few things.
Firstly, there is absolutely nothing in the Chinese press. I know because I checked. And why should there be? The press in China doesn’t deal in news, but in carefully-doctored government propaganda (as in: “China the best, all the rest are rubbish”). Those who need to know about the sale of passports already do. They’re the sixty families, all members of the inner circle of oligarchs and government officials.
Secondly, the seething anger of the ordinary European citizen is palpable. They feel cheated. How dare this pipsqueak country, which became an EU member a mere nine years ago, sell EU citizenship – OUR citizenship?
Thirdly, everyone knows about that forecast of Eur30 million. And it is evident to everyone that Malta is on the verge of bankruptcy and that this is a desperate measure.
Because make no mistake, that’s exactly how we come across.
This is one snowball that won’t stop until it’s an avalanche. The first to react will be the US government, which will, in all probability, revoke the visa waiver.
Then it will be the turn of international investors, who will look elsewhere for investment opportunities. Who would want to sink their money into a country that’s so desperate it’s selling passports to plug the budget hole?
Then, a few months down the line, we’ll see the international markets react, as our credit ratings go to rat-shit and government bonds start turning toxic. We’ll start to feel the effects on the national budget.
Economics is mostly about perception. About investor confidence. Malta has just gone before the world like a Monti hawker flogging off other people’s wares at bargain prices. For EU passports aren’t our own; they are the EU’s. Our own, without EU and Schengen membership, are worth jack shit.
Did I say economics? Make that international politics too.
The world didn’t smell the coffee. It smells a rat. Welcome once again to twenty years of nisthi nghid li jien Malti.
I checked the Chinese press too yesterday, and there was no news of this, as you say.
In connection with what you say about the EU citizens being angry: the proximity of this sale of the EU citizenship to our accession to the EU in 2004 – it has been just 9 or 10 years – is going to raise the suspicion in many Europeans’ minds that this was our intention all along when we wanted to join the EU – to benefit from the sale of their passport. This is very sad.
My only consolation is that a number of the foreign media have reported the opposition to this scheme within Malta (those pictures of young people protesting in Valletta are priceless), and the promise of the PN to withdraw the scheme and the passports sold this way.
I have already started to say that I am from Sicily, and that really shows how desperate I am. By the way, very good analysis, Baxxter; I agree.
This one’s just lovely. Lowell, rejoice!
Xibaaru / a French-language West African news portal: “If you are African, a European country is offering citizenship for 500 million CFA”
And this one’s downright worrying.
Actus-France / France: “In order to acquire Maltese citizenship, non-EU citizens will now have to pay Eur650,000.” So it’s coming across as a scheme to fleece genuine non-EU naturalised citizens too.
And the Maltese press?….. COMPLETE SILENCE. You’d think that an evil spell suddenly turned the island into a Stalinist state.
When one loses one’s faith in one’s press, then it really is a black day for Malta. There is only one media to believe and that’s Daphne’s.
Philip, why do you think she is not exactly the most loved personality in the country? Abroad she’d be a ‘normal’ journalist doing her job ‘normally’. But normality (or a certain degree of ) and Malta are not bed buddies
The interests of the press and the interests of the Gattopardi amongst the Maltese are very tightly linked, no matter how blasé one would like to appear.
It has. The spell is called national socialism.
Paris Match / France (a respected weekly current affairs magazine)
Again: “Non-EU citizens will now have to pay Eur650,000 to become Maltese citizens”.
Hurriyet / Turkey (did Joseph Muscat think they were stupid?): “Malta starts selling citizenship at Eur 650 thousand”
Re Der Freitag, didn’t chose the Maltese falcon merely for the name.
For those who are not familiar with this cinematographic masterpiece, here is some info re the symbolism found in film which happens to be very fitting in all this saga:
“The Maltese Falcon- It symbolizes the greed it evokes from the characters. It brings out the worst traits and causes people to do terrible things to gain wealth, at all costs.”
How significant. It must be a latent strain in the DNA of the losers amongst us who have no moral stamina for survival.
Now we know exactly who these are.–31806375
20 Minutes / French and Swiss free daily newspaper/French language/this one’s the first daily news roundup for most commuters: “You’ll have to pay a fortune to acquire citizenship”.
“Maltese citizenship now cost a fortune, especially for anyone who doesn’t hold an EU passport.”
Note how the French press has interpreted the scheme as a fee for all non-EU citizens who acquire citizenship, including those who are naturalised under the existing rules. Talk about Chinese whispers…
All we need now is for the Monti hawkers, who will be transferred to Ordnance Street just outside the new parliament building, to be transferred permanently underneath Piano’s building and start selling passports to the cruise liner visitors.
So where are the Maltese falcons who brought the Gonzipn to ruins during the last legislation? I think they have lost their wings now.
The elves at Elve Central have during last night turned the poll on the Times of Malta from 48% in favour of the budget to 56%. Image is what matters for those people, not substance.
We’re the world’s laughing stock and most reports missed the fact that these passports will be SECRET.
Secret? I doubt it.
Handling/processing the sale of citizenship with all the ‘fake’ due diligence etc etc is going to require several people in Malta. They could be around 50 or even more.
I’m sure names will start leaking from day one.
You are assuming that the “due diligence” will be carried out by maltese. Forget it.
Update : timesofmalta,com has just launched a new poll on “passport for sale” scam.
I am not pessimistic by nature, but the threat to revoke citizenship status given under this scheme, if/once the PN is returned to power, might not be strong enough.
It is quite possible that it will be such a scheme that will ensure that the PN will never be in power. Something, and I do not profess to know what it is, must be done now. ‘Striking while the iron is hot’ might never have been more appropriate.
Apparently, the international media’s coverage of the passport sale has no news value for the Times. Not a single word. A prominent news item this morning on timesonline is about housing rights for same-sex couples.
Thousands of Maltese have regular dealings with people from other EU states, be it business, academic or sports. The negative vibes that this story is generating across Europe will affect us all.
Minn partit tal-qaħbu ghal gvern qaħba.
Propju l-qwalita’ ewlenija tal-laburist Malti li ma jistax u ma jafx kif jintrefa minnha.
F’dan is-sens ta destin, Malta taghna lkoll.
We have to carry that weight for a long time.
Proud of your Maltese citizenship? Consider this: millions of people all around the world can now buy it too, if they’re bothered.
The idea that so many can afford it but can’t be bothered is more than a little humiliating.
If journalists in Malta are asleep at the wheel, the Nationalist Party needs to deliver a wake up call. Busuttil should call a press conference to speak about this wave of negative publicity and what it means for Malta.
He should hand the press print-outs of all the articles that have been published so far.
Muscat is going to be even less liked at the next EU summit.
Well, Labour has done it again. Forty years ago, under Mintoff, I was ashamed to be Maltese.
Now, after just 8 months in government, Labour has made me have to publicly disassociate myself with anything my government does, and to hide my passport when I pass through airports.
Muscat and Labour will misinterpret this uproar and claim it as positive and free publicity.
The Maltese electorate is sick to the bone for not having remembered the screwed up policies of the MLP.
Labour will not change.
F’25 sena Malta dejjem kienet thares lejn kulhadd b’rasa mghollija l’fuq, imma f’temp ta’ 8 xhur kulhadd sar ihares lejn Malta bhala pajjiz redikolu u tal-mickey mouse.
At this point I’d be happy to give up my citizenship for free.
Mintoff sold Malta to Muammar Gaddafi when he was broke after the British refused to renew their lease on their military base here. And now Muscat is determined to bring back that bad reputation.
36,000 can’t be wrong?
Of course they can.
How wacky is this idea? Could it be possible that the anti-EU Joseph Muscat is actually trying to attack the very foundations of the EU?
Is he actually actively trying to rock one of keystones on which the EU is built?
I completely agree with MEP Roberta Metsola who asked the EU to clarify its position on the matter.
Malta is coming across as China’s Trojan horse in the EU.
So sad and so embarrassing! The way I see it is that we are stuck under these slime balls for at least 10 years with so many ignorant people who think they are so clever. Look back at 1987 and remember that then the PN only just won the elections after years of violence and abuse. Makes me feel so depressed!
158 comments and counting on the Corriere della Sera:
Just have a look at Times of Malta’s press digest. It’s sickening. There’s no mention at all of the international media’s reactions to Muscat’s decision to sell Maltese citizenship.
Given this negative publicity, what is stopping passport forgers from charging higher prices for fake Maltese passports?
If I were in the forging passports business I’d sell the Maltese passport at a much cheaper rate than the going price but still higher than the usual rate.
Irrespective, the sale of Maltese passport has engendered the growth of the existing passport forging market.
Such reflections are only possible because our passports are for sale.
Muscat is a sham.
How can I contact you please?
[Daphne –]
Let’s hope no Labour supporters or politicians are stupid enough to be thrilled by the ‘publicity’ that Malta is getting in the international press.
This is a disaster.
When Mintoff and his friendships with Chairman Mao, Kim Il Sung, Gaddafi, Ceacescu and other dictators gave Malta a disastrous name across the world press, his supporters, who could barely read, were actually proud that he made us ‘famous’.
Now that they can read and have an internet connection, and some education, their perspective might be more sensible.
Quo vadis Malta.
Not since the days of Dom Mintoff and his very public liaisons with Kim Il Sung, Chairman Mao, Muammar Gaddafi and Nicolau Ceaucescu has Malta been so dreadfully humiliated and compromised internationally. And Mintoff didn’t manage to do it literally overnight as Muscat has done with this.
These headlines should be turned into placards and carried through the streets of Valletta. The vast majority of Maltese are against Malta selling its citizenship.
In its bid to prop up this amateur government, Malta Today proudly announces now that ‘Malta has full sovereignty on how to grant citizenship’, supported by a clip.
Yes, but it is still part of a club with esprit de corps and remains accountable to its fellow members – none of whom, as can be seen from the press coverage in their national newspapers, are favourably impressed.
The influential EU replies in more realistic terms and states, “It is clear this initiative also has consequences at a community level. If other countries take steps similar to the Maltese ones, using the ‘sale’ of citizenship as a tool to clean up balance sheets or ’round up’ the national income, at this point the situation would become anything but insignificant, even for European institutions.” Marco Frisone
Wake up world and smell the Maltese coffee.
How really, really sad. What a shame.
Thursday morning and no mention in Times of Malta unless you not consider the online poll section as news. I quote:
“Do you agreed with the sale of citizenship scheme?”
No, I am not pulling your leg. This is what it has come to.
U fuq it-Times of Malta rappurtag ta’ xejn dwar x’qeghdin jghidu barra minn Malta.
Dan kif Franco Debono ilu ma jikteb fuq il-blog tieghu minn Awwissu li ghadda….spiccat l-oligarkija li kellu f’mohhu?
And the elves are hard at work, with 71% in favour, when we know that in fact it’s the other way round.
Effin traitors, the whole lot.
Another nice one:
“How cash-strapped EU countries flog their passports”
Hi, I’m Joseph Muscat from Malta and I’ll suck your dick for a tenner.
U ghandu fejn isserrahom.
Attakk fahxi fuq geddum l-prim ministru.
I compare this sale of the Maltese/EU citizenship to the organized illegal immigration organized by Qaddafi and his cronies when he said he wanted Europe to be invaded by Muslims, but with a difference.
Qaddafi used the poor from the sub-saharan countries to achieve his aims, whilst in our case it is the rich unknown individuals who will be using Malta in general and Joey in particular to evade tax and cover their illegal behaviour whilst being allowed to remain anonymous.
The way this law has been amended gives us Maltese and all the other European countries the right to be suspicious of wrong doing.
I don’t like it at all. This is turning serious. This is going to take us down paths unknown.
Nispera li min hu responsabli ghal dan jinduna u jirrealizza l-izbal ohxon li ghamel. Dan ser jehodna f’ sitwazzjonijiet imwiera.
Something worth pointing out is that if you marry a Maltese and you had children by a previous marriage, those children don’t get Maltese citizenship at any price.
I encourage those organising petitions, Facebook pages and surveys to join forces and professionally set up a formal awareness group. The campaigns created so far are fragmented and lack leadership.
Oh and citizenship is still spelt incorrectly over here:
PM Joseph Muscat made it to international news – for the wrong reasons – again.
Could it be that the PM will be using the IIP programme as a leverage against the EU for not helping out Malta with irregular migration? He will set the ball rolling for the first 60 Chinese families. This will make the Chinese happy and then when at the same time hell breaks loose with the EU over this issue, which from the present media coverage tends to escalate, he will back down on condition for concrete help on irregular migration! I can imagine him pulling out something like this…reminds me of a similar story involving Mintoff but how much he can get away with it is another story.
Or rather: Malta sells its citizenship to escape from the crisis
More like Malta selling its citizenship to enter a crisis.
Fancy that, we’ll have someone coming in with wads of cash to bail us out.
Thank goodness for Mrs.Mizzi.
I actually wonder whether the EU is at all bothered in doing anything about this. All comments so far from Brussels have been disheartening for those of us against this scheme.
Aktar qedin jghidu ara dawk il-hmir tal-Maltin kemm qedin jbieghuha b’irhis il-passaport.
And still nothing about this on
“Maltesertoo” is on a mission. Well done.
Am I entitled to a €650K kickback, if I just renounce my citizenship? Because that’s exactly what I feel like doing. What a day of shame for Malta.
Sceberras Trigona is already working on the Foreign Interference Act, Mark 2
Wow. Just wow. Marianne is a rabidly left-wing French magazine, supporting Hollande who in turn supported Muscat. This journalist blogs on European affairs.
“Sale of passports to the rich. The auction goes on.”
This one’s from the free newspaper Metro, the equivalent of its UK sister paper.
Simon Busuttil’s “dark day for democracy” has become the soundbite of the moment. Good.
Le Quotidien / Luxemburg: “Europe is just for the rich”
La Tribune / France: “Want to become European? In Malta, it can be done for 650,000 Euros”
Cringe double cringe: “To try and reduce its debt, the Maltese government came up with an original solution: selling passports.
Citizenship by birth in a territory, by right of blood, or just… by right of wallet?”
Europe 1 / French radio network
Among others: “Malta, the new Caribbean” and “No conditions, just money”
P.S. And the snowball rolls on. There’s a poll beneath the article asking whether you would be in favour of the French government selling citizenship to fix its debt.
Yes, I think we just started the triple dip.
Malta di bast.
Malta bust.
Small island, big balls-up, was it?
Telegraf/Serbia (poor chaps. They’ve been going through all sorts of hoops to join the EU): “Maltese citizenship on sale for 650,000 Euros!”
Ara fix gabna daz-zibel ta’ gvern.
L’Opinion/France: “Special offer: become a Maltese citizen at rock-bottom prices!”
Mela d-dinja kollha saret Nazzjonalista? Imma kemm huma negattivi.
Dear Daphne and PN apologists, there is only one phrase to describe your laments SOUR GRAPES!!!!!!!!! We Labourites hamalli do give a damn about other countries’ comments on the scheme
[Daphne – ‘Sour grapes’. Gosh, you all learned the same expression from Elve Central. I bet they didn’t teach you the source, though. So that your painful visit to this website will not have been wasted, here’s some education: ]
Of course you do, you’re just incapable of working out the consequences.
Now go enjoy your unemployment benefit.
You should remove your gel nails when typing, Joe Farrugia. You keep hitting the exclamation mark multiple times.
I was about to suggest,grabbing arms and heading to the bastions to defend our beloved island once more.
Then I realized, that the enemy, is within.
Malta. The Trojan horse to Europe. Who will ever trust us again?
Muscat has destroyed what has been built over the last 25 years.
He knew exactly what he was doing and it’s his warped way of getting back at the EU, in the process screwing the lot of us. Maniac.
The Malta Labour Party simply hates the European Union. It has historically positioned itself as the Maltese agent for those evil forces which hate the EU – the Soviets, Libya, China, and all those other forces which want to destroy what the EU stands for, including its trading prowess, its culture, its civilisation, its believe in fundamental human rights, peace and stability. By siding with those evil forces, the Labour Party has financed itself, and its quest for power.
Joseph Muscat and the Malta Labour Party are enemies of European values.
The New Zealand Herald/ The extreme Antipodes
‘Mintoff rocks the boat in Malta’ and now ‘Joseph rocks the cruiseliner in the EU and beyond’.
Recommended reading – a 2009 report from the European Central Bank regarding the withdrawal or expulsion of a member state from the EU and European Monetary Union. Particularly interesting is the possibility of enforcing the enhanced co-operation procedure.
In a nutshell, it is impossible for the EU to expel a member state (for various complicated legal reasons), but it is possible to make a rogue member state’s life miserable especially through the enhanced cooperation procedure mechanism.
To quote: “the enhanced cooperation procedure could represent a genuine alternative to the treaties’ decision-making mechanisms, helping marginalise more ‘minimalist’, less ‘integrationist’ or otherwise ‘uncooperative’ Member States….”
More on Enhanced Cooperation for background.
We forgot Poland.,1064656-Obywatelstwo-za-650-tys–euro.html
Rzeczpospolita: “Citizenship on sale for 650 thousand Euros”
Those who are in favour of the prostitution of our identy, are themselves cheap. So, our Prime Minister promises the world to Tom, Dick and Harry and to be able to sustain his promises, finds a cheap way of getting a quick buck.
[Daphne – It’s not a cheap way, Steve, but an extremely costly one. The fall-out is going to be considerable.]
This is incredibly serious..the Maltese financial services sector will suffer, besides other industries if our reputation is tarnished further.
The international media have already jumped on the band wagon, and a small island state like Malta is easily comparable to the non EU tax havens such as those in the Caribbean.
The Northern European media especially the UK Conservative-leaning press and German media are not going to let this go.
There is currently a lot of public outcry in the UK against large multinational corporations which are being hassled for dodging corporate tax by passing their earnings to offshore companies some of which are located in Malta.
An investment scheme leading to citizenship is a good idea but not when you give it up in this manner. Expect more outrage if it’s not scrapped.
Could Joseph Muscat answer one simple question?:
Is Malta bankrupt?
If not, why is he doing this?
[Daphne – You know jolly well that Malta isn’t bankrupt.]
Careful here. Malta is not bankrupt right now, but government expenditure has ballooned under the new administration, and tax revenue has remained constant or even decreased (I’m told the retail sector isn’t doing too well).
So the outlook isn’t too good. Add to that the promised reduction in utility tariffs and the continuing financial black holes that are stipends, free healthcare and social benefits, and it’s the ideal recipe for bankruptcy.
Malta needed a good dose of economic liberalism. Instead it got a dose of totalitarian car boot salesmanship.
Exactly, Baxxter.
Daphne, Muscat does need to come clear with regard to his decisions. We need to know whether this is a:
1) premonition which means that the economy is good or fairly good but the PL lacks any strategy that will allow it to develop;
or whether
2) the economy is struggling and despite pre-election ostentatiousness, Muscat has no solution to the problem.
It’s actually worse than that. The version I heard was that Muscat & Co actually thought it was a good idea and were surprised by the negative reaction by the industry.
Once the Opposition cottoned on, it was too late for them to amend the scheme without losing face so they ploughed ahead.
Eviva l-Labour! U miskina Malta ghax il-partit u l-egos ta’ dawn ic-cwiec li jsahhnu s-siggijiet fil-parlament fin-naha tal-Gvern jigu l-ewwel u qabel kollox.
No Malta is not bankrupt, it’s this government’s ideas that are.
More alarmingly according to Richard Rahn ‘Bankrupt ideas lead to bankrupt governments’ so we may well be on our way there.
Richard W. Rahn, senior fellow at the Cato Institute and chairman of the Institute for Global Economic Growth.
The position of consensus is that Joseph Muscat will be bankrupting the country with his electoral promises, especially his actions about Enemalta and his energy plans.
Far from being the plans which will save the country and create economic growth, Muscat’s energy plans will bankrupt the country.
Muscat will be burdening Enemalta with an 18 year long commitment to buy power from a private company.
Muscat will in fact be giving a government, I repeat government, guarantee to a private company for an 18 year monopoly over the energy market in Malta.
The power purchase prices after year 5 will not be fixed or guaranteed.
And Muscat is doing this with a return on capital in excess of 11% to the private investors (as declared by Gasol plc).
We’ve become the world’s laughing stock.
Meanwhile in that other small nation Switzerland…
I wish I could buy a Swiss passport but that will never happen. Good grief, no way.
Ghandu ragun il-Ministru tat-Turizmu, il-Guy, jghid li s-sena d-diehla gejjin nofs miljun turist iktar, b’daqshekk propoganda cheap, u bla ma inhalsu ghaliha, li qed issir madwar id-dinja, Mix-xewk jista’ johrog il-ward.
How can Muscat survive this mess?
He will, Malta won’t.
Am I the only one here who doesn’t think 650K isn’t exactly cheap? I wish I had that amount of money. Even if I had that cash, I’d invest them on something more substantial than just a virtual commodity.
650,000 Euros is incredibly cheap in every sense of the word. Labour doesn’t do classy
We can all relax safely in the knowledge that Silvio Parnis is to head the council for the south.
A friend at LSE just informed me that this was the topic of one of their classes – how the state in Malta perpetuates it’s own power….
And the once “Ministru tas-Sawt” prospective got a half-baked bun. Miskin
On the front page of an influential bilingual portal on European affairs:
Jeez, look at this: “Ever the opportunist, the Maltese government is ready to grant Maltese nationality against a fee. The sale price? 650,000 Euros! A passport to the rest of Europe, because the island is in the Schengen zone. Other states choose more subtle means in order to increase their revenue.”
Forbes, the holy oracle itself:
This amendment to the Citizenship Act completely redefines the notion of ‘messagg negattiv’. It is the mother of all ‘messaggi negattivi’. How can the PL call Simon Busuttil ‘negattiv’ after this disaster?
And there you go
Hbieb, stop for a moment from the anguish and shame and see what the real motive in selling EU entry is for Muscat: to ridicule Europe and show them that he is boss.
For the poplu Malti he got the flus, for the Cinizi he got their money for the election, but for himself he got a f…….n big high on shafting the EU. Get it now?
Il-hero! He is telling them just what he thinks of their Frontex and their irregular migration. That is what this is all about in the long run.
And if the EU don’t see that and don’t wake up and smell his coffee and put a stop to this prostitution of our citizenship then they deserve to lump it.
I wonder what the reaction was in Greece and Spain. What if they try to imitate Muscat on a larger scale to ease their deficit? What will Brussels do then?
Bill Gates is worth 76,615 Maltese passports (49.8 Billion divided by 650k)
400k Maltese Passports are worth 260 billion (400k X 650k)
Since this makes Malta five times as wealthy as Bill Gates I think Joseph’s next move is to buy out Microsoft.
This is probably the last opportunity for the President to prove that he was worthy of the position. Unfortunately I do not have high hopes that he will take this opportunity.
And now extending it to Russians and Chinese, whilst omitting job creation from the roadmep.
But it’s those refugees stealing our jobs in front of our eyes. Yeah, right.
Here’s the BBC:
I have asked this question before but in light of what has happened I feel the need to ask again: Can anyone contribute an opinion on whether Malta will be kicked out of the EU? It is a question that is driving me nuts.
Wait for it: before long the Labour Party will be saying that all this international bad press is the PN stirring up trouble.
Owen Bonnici just did on Xarabank
Tkunx negattiv Arnold.
A little video demonstration of how this passport sales spiel is being perceived.
What a sad day. Our country has been sorely betrayed. Muscat’s claim that the end justifies the means takes an even greater dimension.
“Speaking in Parliament during the Budget debate on the Ministry of Home Affairs, Dr Azzopardi said the former government did sometimes receive requests from other countries to issue passports for their nationals, who were secret agents. That would have enabled them to go around in certain countries without raising suspicion. The requests were always turned down.
But it would now be easy for some countries to fork out €650,000 to enable their citizens to buy Maltese passports and then use them for their secret activities, Dr Azzopardi told parliament.
He was sure that these countries were able to present their nationals as ‘clean’ for the due diligence process when they applied for a Maltese passport, he said. But how would Malta look if these people were then found to have used their Maltese passport for espionage?”
(Times of Malta)
What is the potential cost to Maltese businesses if we’re chucked out of Schengen and lose our visa waiverto the US? I reckon it is higher than €30m per year.
Wasn’t this government meant to be “safe for business”?
These matters and privileges have an opportunity cost too.
How does one factor the negative impact of this tsunami and fiasco into the Budget and tangible cost to Malta?
Changing the secrecy aspect changes zilch.
Fools with reins in their hands.
Malta approves cash for citizenship programme
EU citizenship for sale
Malta to sell European citizenship
Malta puts citizenship up for sale
Malta puts citizenship up for sale
What is really bugging me is all those communications coordinators were sent to London on taxpayers’ money to be taught how to field questions and we have not heard one of them react.
So am I correct in saying that these people were not taught damage control? What a waste of public money.
“Terrorists and criminals have a free trip to the Czech Republic. Thank Malta.”
I really enjoyed the discussion with my manager here in Stockholm today. The first thing he mentioned was this passport business.
All my colleagues cannot understand why Malta has to sell passports. It all feels, as a Maltese expat, very similar to when Dalli was fired/resigned from the commission.
You probably remember this incident involving Mossad & British passports-
what da hack, we can offer them the real deal for 6 big uns a pop.
If all the countries in the European Union start selling their passports like Malta is doing for a cheaper price it will spell disaster on the whole union.
It goes without saying that the EU will have to stop this sale of EU passports of convenience. Foreigners are not interested in being Maltese they just want to enter the EU from the backdoor with a Maltese passport.
When Joseph Muscat was an MEP he tried his best to sabotage the government; Sant Antnin recycling plant comes to mind.
Joseph Muscat was elected leader of the Opposition because he sabotaged George Abela with a whispering campaign organised by Jason Micallef.
When Joseph Muscat became leader of the opposition he turned into Chief Saboteur of Dr Gonzi by secretly entering into agreement with the hunters, the boathouse squatters, building contractors, car dealers, Maltese and foreign businessmen or rather schemers, disgraced ex-EU commissioner John Dalli, Frank Portelli, Franco Debono, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and last but not least Jesmond Mugliett.
We have seen all this lot helping themselves at the trough.
Before being ‘politically murdered’ by his best friend, Joseph Muscat, ex-PL deputy leader Anglu Farrugia did give a hint about his suspicions about the goings on at the fourth floor of the PL headquarters.
Next December at the EU summit, the prime ministers of the other member states will be challenging Malta’s prime minister about the selling of entrance tickets to unknown, dubious rich immigrants so that they can enter THEIR countries.
They will be talking about profit sharing not burden sharing.×348.jpg
It’s the DNA, stoopid.
This is so embarrassing.
Vera li issa ma jiswa xejn imma jien u naqra dawn il-headlines kolla nhossni iktar kburija li qatt ma hlomt nivvutalom.
This is the episode from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Tv series. It’s the one where Malta was mentioned. Pay very good attention to what the guy in the white suit says about the Island. It is a true prophecy.
Tal-misthija u tal-biki. Sant 50 sena lura u Muscat 100 ser jitfghana.
Fi tmien xhur qazzuna u f`hames snin ser jaghmlu?
Jekk dan il-bejgh hu veru tajjeb ghaliex ma kienx imnizzel fir-roadmap taghhom?
Times of Malta’s survey currently stands at over fifty percent in agreement with the sale of citizenship. I find that very hard to believe, especially given other survey results from sources which are usually highly accurate.
These control freaks clearly have the elves hard at work this evening creating the illusion that the ‘puliti li jaqraw it-tajms’ agree with this farce.
Here’s another embarrassing headline –
The disparaging comments made about us thanks to this citizenship sale are giving me acute heartburn.
Last time I felt ashamed of being Maltese was during Dom’s Golden Era when I lived away from Malta and had to countenance snide remarks directed at Malta whenever Dom made one of his frequent public diatribes against ‘Ewropa ta’ Kajjin’.
Maltese citizenship is up for sale – but NOT in my name Mr, Prime Minister.
I actually think that Muscat has studied human weaknesses quite thoroughly in order to get elected. He tapped into the seven deadly sins or capital vices (which it seems the average Maltese in general have not learned to overcome):
LUST – the cry of the ‘new middle class’ was enough to make the average Joe desire that which was otherwise beyond his reach.
GLUTTONY – the constant want for more without restraint and without considering the need to reduce waste – a look at the shopping-carts of most Maltese will confirm this, so he promised lower prices.
GREED – the so-called ‘need’ for more, whether it is cars or clothes or gadgets, because many ignorant people think possessions reflect the social status they want.
SLOTH – look at how lazy most Maltese are, bumming off the system because there is a social security system; so he promised more giveaways.
WRATH – look at the anger towards the Nationalists before the elections, towards certain individuals who were made targets. He used his media machine and his axe-men to fuel it.
ENVY – again one can refer to the rabid desire to be middle class or upper class without having the necessary tools to be so. This is the proverbial coveting of thy neighbours’ goods.
PRIDE – the downfall of this nation because we have no idea what humility is, but we think that no one is better than us.
Muscat saw all these vices and hit into every one of them. That is what got him elected, and that is what is going to ruin this nation.
They did precisely this and came up with a few new vices, focusing on gossip, hypocrisy, cupidity, malice and sloth.
There is one figure that takes the biscuit, representing what Joseph Muscat was puppeted to.
This dates back to 2008.
The European Council Meeting in December is intended to be an opportunity for EU heads of state and government to shape the future of the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy.
One just has to wonder where exactly the secret sale of innumerable Maltese passports, granting unrestricted access across the Union, particularly within the Schengen area, with no strings attached, fits in with that objective.
If ever there was an effective tool for undermining security then this must surely be it. We await with bated breath to see what reception awaits our Prime Minister at the summit. I am afraid he has not seen beyond his nose on this one.
I guess our Maltese passport will be ‘prostituted’ for only a short period of time (2-3 years) until all the “friends of the friends” get in.
Those who have funded PL’s electoral campaign will probably be among the first group to be granted citizenship. The scheme will then be dropped as Muscat’s promises would have been kept. Hence the low figure of 30 million euros given by Joseph Muscat himself.
You know, you’re possibly onto something there…
Robert Musumeci on Facebook, about the international press coverage:
Il-fatt li qed jiktbu tant gurnali jista’ jwassal ghal aktar interess.
Robert Musumeci probably subscribes to the belief that “There is no such thing as bad publicity.”
It is a phrase attributed to Phineas T. Barnum, a 19th century American showman and circus owner. Enough said.
Barnum also said that there a sucker born every minute, except in Malta we call them switchers.
No such thing as bad publicity?
What a moronic numpter. Just ask the financial markets.
And here’s another one, this time from Turkey:,783210.php#xtor=RSS-5
Midi Libre / French regional newspaper based in the south: “Care to try becoming Maltese? Because now you need just 650,000 Euros to buy Maltese citizenship.”
Tienphong/Vietnam: Title’s obvious
Digi24/Romania/National news TV network: “European citizenship sold in Malta. A European passport costs 650,000 Euros”
The Romanians are rightfully angry about this. They have been in the EU almost as long as Malta and yet they still do not enjoy the same rights, along with the Bulgarians – citizens of both countries still need work permits in order to move and work in an EU country.
In paper “Ziare” (Romania) one particular news item: “Cetatenia romana de vanzare Republica Moldova” meaning “Romanian citizenship for sale to the Republic of Moldova”. Now rich Moldovans (mostly crooks) can move to Romania freely with Muscat’s citizenship scheme.
News Arena / Russia: “Would you like to be Maltese? That will be $865,000 please.”
PIK/Bulgaria: “For 650,000 Euros, you can become Maltese”
Q: How would Joseph Muscat describe one hundred exhausted Syrian asylum seekers on a rickety boat landing in Malta?
A: One hundred cheats trying to avoid paying him Eur650,000.
It’s quite telling that the person who said “There’s no such thing as bad publicity” was running a circus.
A circus is a show with clowns and animals. Throw in the the thieves and you’ve got the Labour Party.
The European citizens are justified in being angry with the Maltese government for selling passports to non-EU citizens.
Malta obtained more than two billion euros from the EU and finally from EU taxpayers. Instead of thanking them, the government of Joseph Muscat came up with a scheme to screw them up and gain 30 million euros.
It’s not about Malta or the EU. It’s about the PL rewarding those who backed it with cash before the election.
Since March, every month or so, I have found myself having to defend Malta’s reputation against this government’s decisions, with my European clients. Now this!
My only consolation, I was adamantly out and did not succumb to the peer pressure to vote the in.
Don’t bother defending Malta’s reputation. Just tell them that the Maltese, bar a few exceptions, are idiots.
Does anyone know if any protest will take place about this?
If not can someone contact me to start organising one?
Let’s stop talking and actually do something about it.
Just let me know time and place – I’m in!
‘..un Muscat già sommerso dalle critiche dei maltesi..’
The most damning report yet, the lack of responsibility related to his government made evident by the conflicting dual role Henley and Partners will have.
‘..Sovereignity carries responsibility which in this case is severely lacking, first being the absolute lack of any residency criteria, where any financial speculator, drug lord or terrorist footsoldier can walk freely into any European state, the second being the utter absence of any investigation of potential candidates…’
‘..For Henley and Partners it will be a double whammy, given that it will get a commission from both the Maltese government as well as its wealthy albeit opaque clients. The rest of us will simply have to face an even bleaker situation when it comes our security…’
These future ‘Europeans’ made in Malta will go undetected by all current instruments used by the Interpol, security services and our own Guardia di Finanza. Malta’s greed for cash has, in other words, opened another breach in ‘Fortress Europe’, rendering extremely difficult the identification of money launderers, drug dealers and terrorists among us’.
As Labour itself would put it, “jekk ma taqbilx mal-bejgh tal-passaporti, aghfas like”
You will definitely love this:
And this is what a (eurosceptic) British colleague of mine had to say:
“I applaud your British sense of good business under all conditions…”
I was wondering when you’d pop out of your hole. What do you think of the conspiracy theory that the Evil Blokker is orchestrating world media coverage?
And I suppose you chuckled briefly, said “Oh, rather!” and then “After you, old chap”.
Or “By George, your British sense of humour’s just like our Joseph’s”.
The situation is tragic indeed and I don’t blame people for being so hurt by what is happening with the sales of passports issue.
However, embarrassing as this may be, this is not the bigger issue. This passport scam is merely a symptom of the bigger problem – and the problem is not Joseph Muscat but the system that put him into power and which added legitimacy to all his cocky plans and parties.
After the last election my gut feeling was that democracy doesn’t work – at least, not in Malta. I didn’t feel that way because my preferred party lost the election, but because I realized that Cikku il-Poplu has as much of a vote as I have, and as much of a vote as those few decent intelligent and rational beings around us have.
I am saying this quite blatantly not because I am an intellectual snob, but quite the contrary. I am saying this simply to illustrate that people have different value systems and the majority of Maltese give value and priority to rather more superficial values which increase their chances of quick financial gain, personal self-interest, and instant gratification.
These values can only lead most people on this island to view and comprehend the short-term picture with no consequence for the implications of their actions. And this is why I feel that democracy (with all its beautiful ideals) cannot work in a small and inherently corrupt country like ours.
Joseph Muscat and his cronies are not the root cause of all our problems. They are merely the symptoms. Yes, Joseph Muscat may well be a sad little sod, only child of a fireworks maker who was bullied at school and who now wants to get his revenge on his tiny little world in his little simple mind. But he can do this because we all let him get to where he is in the state that he is (unfit to govern).
Quite frankly, while he is to be held responsible for everything due to the position he holds, his whole support structure is as screwed as it comes. And it is irrelevant whether he is the puppet or the puppeteer.
This is more than just a case of us getting what we deserve. We are perfectly capable of embarrassing ourselves on our own (go to any European airport and you’ll hear the Maltese goat from a million miles away loaded with bags of shopping like we’re still living in the Catania market days).
The system got us into this mess and unless we find a way to educate our citizens as to the true power of democracy and the responsibility of being a good citizen of a country (sweet irony indeed) we will continue to rot in our own festering gut.
Daphne, I have no doubt that you would have had a more eloquent way of saying all this, and I have no problem with you publishing or not publishing this view on your blog. But much as I can understand people’s need to scream blue murder with this terrible situation, I can’t help but feel empty inside.
We knew this situation was going to be bad, but I just never thought it would be so bad so soon. We are all collectively responsible for what happened. The question is what, at this point can we or can’t we do?
Thanks as always for your work,
Also very fitting:
Let’s say that tomorrow Cyprus will decide to solve its financial problems by selling its own citizenship for 500,000 Euro for the first applicant and 10,000Euro for each of the spouse and children. Does anyone think that anyone will buy a Maltese passport?
It took them just eight months to turn Malta into a global joke.
The article below in the The Times online quotes Malta’s PM saying that “One should attend, make his points clear with teh Sri Lankan Presidency and bring the country to the attention of the international media.” Hasn’t he indeed manage to bring our own country to the attention of the international media?
I guess Angela Merkel should ask the Maltese government for a substantial part of the income generated, after all they are selling a European passport. Furthermore this income together with that provided by the Chinese will constitute income generated by Malta, so I think she needs to re-negotiate Malta’s EU package 2014-2020.
I guess Angela Merkel should ask the Maltese Government for a substantial part of the income generated, after all they are selling a European Passport. Furthermore this income together with that provided by the Chinese will constitute income generated by Malta, so I think she needs to re-negotIate Malta’s Eu package 2014-2020.
facepalm :(
There is a story on maltarightnow about hundreds being arrested globally over child pornography.
The BBC include this quote in their article
“It is alleged that officers located hundreds of thousands of images and videos detailing horrific sexual acts against very young children – some of the worst they have ever viewed,”
These images and videos were legally marketed by Azov Films headed by Brian Way as ‘naturist’ footage. For more details read thestar’s exclusive story excerpts below:
“On the surface, it appeared to be a legal “naturist” site, showcasing what were billed as artistic films that featured nude boys. But officers decided a closer look was needed, and an investigation was launched in 2006. They looked at Way’s material and found nudity – worrying to many, but not enough to meet the strict legal parameters of child pornography.
(Note that Brian Way avoided arrest by remaining within the parameters of the law which are set by the vote of our elected representatives in parliament.)
It was decided police couldn’t lay charges, but they warned Way the material was questionable.
With that, Way disappeared from police radar – until detectives stumbled across him as part of a separate investigation years later.
(Thank God for police officers who didn’t have to worry to end up in front of a police board for continuing their investigations and exploring all avenues.)
The site was an Amazon-like marketplace ……………. There were Top 10 lists and reviews ……
The site boasted more than two millions unique visitors in 2009; by 2010, the number was more than three million.
Police were methodically laying out their case, and as the afternoon continues, Way stifled yawns and chatted with his lawyer. He appeared relaxed.”
(Remind you of anyone?)
Among those arrested are doctors, school teachers, foster carers, priests, police officers even newspaper editors. The kind of people we trust will keep our children safe, bring the truth to light and arrest the perpetrators. Just like Labour MP Marlene Farrugia completely trusts her dear prime minister to do the right thing. Since MP Marlene Farrugia and all her Labour MP colleges have chosen to vote in favour of the sale of Maltese passports and keep the identity of these individuals secret I would like to ask them one question (If there are ny journalists armed with a mic interested please do so.)
Would a person like Brian Way, before his arrest, as a head of a legitimate company with revenues of over $4 million yet selling a questionable product, be able to pass the due diligence test and obtain a secret Maltese passport (remember our prime minister insists that there will not be any record of its sale) and consequently possibly use this passport at a later date to escape arrest and rebuild his business elsewhere?
Fingers crossed Maltese Labour voters (switchers are labour voters as well) and MPs, maybe we will be lucky and have made some extra money since he will have bought a passport or two for his ‘children’. Just so Eddy Privitera and other like minded individuals understand by ‘children’ I mean victims, abused children taken away from their home, who when they reach puberty and are no longer attractive little kids are sold onto the next pervert, for prostitution, for their organs, mail order bride or maybe are simply killed and disposed of like trash. Now those will be headlines when someone like Way will be caught using a golden Maltese passport.
I have written this comment for the benefit of those of you who have no foresight and imagination or maybe you just do not care but primarily because I am angry. I am angry not because there are evil people in this world, or because there are just as many if not more who turn a blind eye and in my opinion are just as evil. My tipping point reading the article is that it took investigators 2 YEARS to collect enough evidence from the website to arrest Way because he was really careful who to sell his product to (just like people being really careful what information to disclose – half truths). I can’t help but think of how many children were lost in those 2 years, what they must have gone through, but we will have lower electricity bills right. So that’s some consolation I guess. NOT
Le Point / France, with the immortal line: “Some are deported while others are welcomed with arms wide open…along with their suitcase filled with cash.”
Izvestia/Russia: “Malta will sell citizenship to the highest bidder”
Moskva 24/Russian news network: “Malta will sell citizenship to non-EU nationals”
I find this selling of the Maltese citizenship as very upsetting, especially seeing that until a few years back I personally was asked by the Maltese government to either renounce my foreign citizenship if I wanted to keep my Maltese one and remain living and working in Malta; or else, be kicked out.
This happened when I was only 18/19 years old. Despite having Maltese parents living in Malta, I was forced to choose or be kicked out. The reason behind this was that I was actually born in another country. Now we will be getting individuals that have nothing to do with Malta BUYING what could have been taken away from me had I decided otherwise.
Uvaga / Belarus: “EU citizenship will cost between 250,000 and 3 million Euros”
The report says that: “Last spring, the government of Cyprus stated that depositors who lost more than 3 million Euros during the banking crisis can obtain Cypriot citizenship i.e. a Cypriot passport costs five times more than a Maltese one.”
I wonder how the Labour Party haven’t come out yet saying that this is all the work of the PN, as they did in the past with their reasoning of agent provocateur.
Probably deep down they now it was a bad idea but they give a damn and went on with enacting the law as long as they can keep some dosh coming in to mask their failings regarding generating income from new real investment.
This is the sort of people who need to buy passports:
I am totally astonished with what is going on. Can’t these people realise that they are being a total nuisance?
Imagine being a non-Maltese European, on the outside of the centre of the universe of Malta. What they heard from our new Prime Minister is first a lot of crying and going round on all possible foreign media that Malta can’t take any more immigrants and that we have reached figures that shall leave us no option but to declare Malta as an unsafe port.
Then, the day after you read as one of the main titles on your newspaper of choice that same small country called Malta is giving away its passports for peanuts and is welcoming any one with spare cash to come over.
Never as much as now I am ashamed to be Maltese, as at first introduction any new people will tag me as an opportunist and blood thirst for a dime.
National Post (Canada) has picked up Colin Freeman’s story from The Telegraph – “For just $916,000 you could buy a Maltese passport and a coveted life in the E.U.”
That’s what you can expect from an island full of cafoni who are willing to be taken for a ride by Joseph Muscat and his cronies.
Only today, I overheard a jerk loudly bragging about the number of rich people who will be coming to Malta.
Pity we (as a nation) can’t sue this government for damages to Malta’s credibility and ours as Maltese citizens
Who the hell is Lynne Zahra?
[Daphne – The woman who has suffered Joe Grima gladly for a couple of decades or so, and has a child with him.]
What crap on Xarabank! Qed nisthi nghid li jien Malti.
I think I am going to put MY PASSPORT up for sale at a discount – Eur 500,000 – ghax tal-misthija. SHAME ON THEM.
I had to switch Xarabank off. I couldn’t take it. My heart goes out to Dr De Marco. I could not believe that they BLAMED the PN for having to do with international media’s constant mockery.
Perhaps they are so used to not being mocked by Maltese media, the lethargic way of how our journalists handle important issues and let things go without bringing it to the public to discuss openly, use euphemism and manipulative speech – that they are finding this all appalling. Could not they believe that Dr Busuttil has foresight?
“Orchestrated” they said. So they are saying that Simon Busuttil did wrong to criticise in parliament. This truly throws light on what grounds they treat democracy.
Why doesn’t someone spell it out simply: the PL are rewarding those who backed its election campaign, with cheap passports. That’s what this is all about, not the money it will bring in.
Is-sekretezza giet irtirata … GVERN LI JISMA
Words with no action will only take us back to square one.
Il-ftira shuna tajba.
It gets even worse:
“Malta goes for human trafficking”
Le Figaro / France
I love it how they put “high value” in inverted commas.
Kitten from Malta thinks you’re orchestrating world media coverage of Malta’s disastrous scheme to sell passports for a fee.
He KNOWS it isn’t the PN that’s doing this because Mario Demarco said so on Xarabank.
With all this embarrassingly massive free international advertisement who needs Henley & Partners.
Novilist is Croatian, not Hungarian.
.hr = Hrvatska, our youngest EU brothers
The same origin as the word ‘cravat.’!.html–Malta-lo-ha-fatto.html
The sheer embarrassment of having to present your God forsaken Maltese passport to the customs officer when on your travels.
Dr. Muscat, in my book you’ll go down as Malta’s worst ever prime minister for your brazen and uncouth style of politics. And you did it in such a short time, mate.
… and all on Sunday editions, which have the highest readership.
And Mark Montebello speaks out – and guess what? He applauds the government’s decision. No surprises there though.
He had better write about films rather then politics.
Selling Malta’s citizenship – how the world sees it:
Here’s another very charming piss-take picture of Malta to go with this populist news site, followed by the under 40 generations in Holland.
a few days old already:
This blogger wants to go under Muscat’s price.
We have now also started to be ridiculed “if you want to become a citizen of the GREAT country of Malta”
There’s a change for the worse in the tone of those articles.
From factual curiosity to questionable qualities to downright outrage to a call to stop it across the Union.
Libero’s ‘altro che unione’ – anything but a union, says it all.
I really wouldn’t want to be Muscat walking into the next EU heads of government summit.
Why do I think he’ll chicken out and send someone else in his place?
In your article today you say that a Maltese passport give “the right to live and work in all 28 member states”. Not only. It also gives the right to live and work in Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.
And as you probably know, the latter two countries offer some serious fiscal advantages – even better than most EU states.
Where is the Nationalist Party in all this? Simon Busuttil is the only one trumpeting on about the immorality and iniquity of the Citizenship Act. This is a very serious matter and we should be active about it. Minister Louis Grech today said that “the decision to remove the highly-contentious clause that would have keep the names of those who bought citizenship under wraps was taken on after mounting pressure from the public.” Pressure works. Let’s stand up to be counted and show others that our identity is priceless. This is the only time I can say: I’m IN.
[Daphne – The Nationalist Party has spoken out very strongly about it and its opposition has been reported right across the world. Simon Busuttil is the party leader, so it is not a matter of him being ‘the only one’. He speaks for the party. He is not just another MP. And yes, you are right in that pressure works – but there is a limit to how much Labour is going to back down when it has promised a few people a pound of flesh.]
In successfully piloting Malta into the prestigious EU family, statesman Eddie Fenech Adami bestowed pride, value and opportunity on our Maltese citizenship. Abusing of that very membership he fought tooth and nail to deprive us of, salesman Joseph Muscat has in one deft move undermined all that, ushering in shame, devaluation and the indelible stain of opportunism.
There we go: “Cette mesure, destinée à épauler une économie en difficulté…”
ITV / Azerbaijan (well of course): You know the score by now. No need for translation.
Does Labour know what it is doing? This is contrary to what Owen Bonnici said on Xarabank last Friday. So now they are admitting that it is not linked to investment.
“Mr Grech said the fact that the scheme was not linked to investment meant that revenue from it could be available quicker. The government could thus be in a position sooner to invest those funds in social projects.”…/deputy-pm-removal-of-secrecy-clause-motivated
This was always the point. Investment would have meant that results in financial and investment terms would show up too late into the administrative term of this Government to hold any political sway, as they see it. They saw it taking at least 4 years for any markers to show up.
They needed a cash return pronto and went with the “easiest,” “most hassle-free” route. A la Labour.
Our salesman is not even a good one. A good salesman would have put the price as E649,999.99. Also, where is the preceding ‘only’. These are elementary techniques.
We’re also on Brazil’s main newspaper (Globo)
The essence of the article is in these 3 excerpts:
“Last week the Maltese government took the unprecedented step of selling passport and European citizenship for €650000.”
“Today, everything is on sale in Europe, including the coveted passport. ”
“Europe is in liquidation and time is to sell.”
It’s worth pointing that Brazil too has an investment programme through which investors can obtain residency (a resident’s visa not a Brazilian passport). The fee is much lower than 650K however one needs to guarantee that he will create and maintain at least 10 new jobs, that the business remains profitable and the visa is reviewed (and can be revoked) every 5 years!
So now they will drop the secrecy clause but all the newspapers around the globe hardly questioned this point, It’s the sale of citizenship that humiliates us all , Joey.
Surely that is a mistake.
Muscat is selling Malta citizenship to the “LOWEST” bidder.,7340,L-4452816,00.html
What’s the point of this article appearing on Times of Malta? Our scheme is unique since it is a donation and not tied to any residence programme or anything else.…/passports-golden-visas-are-a-draw-to-europe-t...
And they are saying that all this has been orchestrated by PN. Give me a break.
For clarity’s sake I would like to point out that I am not the Cettina who commented above.
The very thought that anyone (even in my anonymity) would dare think that I could ever have voted Labour makes me shudder.
Just in case, I am changing my pseudonym.
99% of people who have posted comments about the passport scam are unable to distinguish between “citizenship” and “residency” . All other European countries expect investment, property purchase, and residency, usually for 5+ years and then you will be considered (it’s not automatic) for citizenship. Here in Malta it’s take the money and run.
As for the secrecy clause amendment, I will believe it when it’s debated and passed through Parliament. Until that happens, there is a very obvious window for the government to sell citizenship in secret while the secrecy clause still holds as the law.
And the blame game begins.
‘..German MEP Elmar Brok told the Frankfurter that Malta’s ‘citizenship for sale scheme’ is “pathetic and vile”. He called on the EU and the German Federal government to “resist” the scheme.
EPP Vice President and CSU politician Manfred Weber insisted that “passports for the Schengen area should not be sold off to the bazaar”. And Deputy Chairman of the Liberal FDP Alexander Lambsdorff accused Malta of “transforming citizenship into a national commodity”.
This won’t go away, Muscat’s mistaken if he thinks the issue’s been resolved domestically.