Somebody is selling a cum shaft (sounds like something Natius Farrugia might like) from the past

Published: November 1, 2013 at 12:30pm

cum shaft

Well, I suppose he means a camshaft for a VW Passat.

15 Comments Comment

  1. Bullivant says:

    Anzi mhux “mejkinbrake”, whatever it is.

    [Daphne – machine brake]

    • NA says:

      Daphne I have to correct you. mejkinbrake meant to imply Make and Break. Part of the electrcal distributor in old engines which makes and breaks contacts supplying electrical current to the sparking plugs (spartin plugs).

    • David Micallef says:

      It’s ‘make and break’ contact points.

    • r meilak says:

      make and brake, correct name for distributor points, turned to makinbrejk; and in Maltese a hose-pipe is a horse-pipe.

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Cum shaft tal-passat.

    Sic transit…

  3. NA says:

    This is what I call auto porno.

  4. Wake me up when it's all over. says:

    Too dirty to contemplate.

  5. ciccio says:

    How does one advertise there? I have a bum pair for sale. Tal-Escort.

    Hurry, because it’s on a first cum first served basis.

  6. Paddling Duck says:

    I hope it’s approved, in a solid state and not had many previous owners.

  7. anthony says:

    I assume he has to sell it because he has developed a tremor (xejki) and cannot operate it himself anymore.

  8. A Montebello says:

    hahahahahahahaha! You just can’t make these up.

  9. Osservatore says:

    Oh dear. Yet another cum shaft. Like the one of 9 March 2013 was not enough to last us the next five years.

  10. edgar says:

    This guy does not know whether he is cumming or going.

  11. Nighthawk says:

    Wasn’t Michael Briguglio part of a band called Cumshaft?

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