The Opposition leader’s tweet this afternoon (ghax issa hekk sirna…)
November 22, 2013 at 5:54pm
Simon Busuttil should tweet this every day for as long as necessary until the message gets driven home, taking a tip out of mantra-Labour’s book, because Labour is brilliant at dealing with stupid people.
And he should also repeat the message at every given opportunity, each time he speaks in public, gives a press conference, answers a reporter’s question and so on.
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Agreed, including tipi grassi on Maltarightnow, Net, In-Nazzjon and Il-Mument.
Ic-cittaddinanza ma tinxtarax.
I think tweeting stuff is perfectly acceptable but only if it is echoing messages/statements delivered in the proper way. Twitter and Facebook are becoming the only means of communication to an increasingly large segment of the population.
Why is Malta, Maltese or passport not used in that tweet.
As far as I know the vast majority in Malta do not want to sell citizenship and it should be known.
It has been reported in the media that the Sale of Citizenship scheme has been ‘suspended.’
But has there been an official announcement about this by government itself?
And what exactly has been suspended?
Is it only the issue of passports for money that has been suspended, or has the entire process, including the authority to Henley & Partners to record interest and accept applications, been blocked?
[It would be great if someone in the global network of spies could check with one of the offices of H&P.]
Simon Busuttil is negotiating in good faith.
I hope he realises that his interlocutors are completely and utterly amoral.
I have got a niggling hunch that Simon is still too young to be able to fully appreciate these people’s obnoxiousness.
That they will stop at nothing.
I hope I will proved wrong.
I don’t understand why the PN is meeting with the MLP on this issue. If the citizenship is not for sale then what’s to negotiate with Labour?
The fact that the PN acquiesced to this trap is making its leader look weak. I wonder why he even considered it.
He should repeat ad nauseum what he has said that all the sold passports under Labour will be revoked once the PN returns to office.
The Nationalist Party should NOT be proposing or discussing amendments to the Citizenship Bill.
Their stand should be to have that Bill repealed and a new one agreed to which makes citizenship of Malta not as a means in itself but as a result of a direct investment for creating jobs, tied with a partial residence in Malta for 3 – 5 years, after which he/she can apply for citizenship.
The current bill was still-born and should be forgotten. A wise mentor told me once that a good thing has probably a hundred defects, but a bad thing has one – that it is just BAD.
How right you are, Daphne.
That’s a nice big sack of fine blend coffee for you, JoJo. Wake up and smell it.
The opposition leader should not tweet. If ever there was a good time for a bark or a roar, this is it.
I’m in favour of Twitter. I think it is an excellent medium when used correctly and very different to Facebook. So many people use twitter as a first source of news collection and filtering that it shouldn’t be ignored.
Yes, I think hashtags should be used.
It’s also a handy way of collecting on the spot valuable ideas and feedback, which with a team at your disposition shouldn’t be too difficult to organise and log.
Jason Azzopardi is really communicative in this regard, with good use of social media links.
I would say in fact that MPs should follow those following them for this purpose. Direct feedback of value can then likewise be sifted and treated. The limited character input condenses a message but allows for a direct access and means of transmission. Any input requiring amplification can then be entered into in its own rights.
I am also in favour of the “bark or a roar”.