The prime minister repeated himself in what should have been a short answer to the first question. Wrong signal – means he himself was not convinced of what he was saying, hence repeating his statement.
He continues to think that he is an economist, but he is a public policy graduate and holds an MA in European Studies and a PhD in management research. He has never denied rumours that his doctoral thesis was written by his mentor at Malta Enterprise.
He definitely needs a haircut. Maybe he can get Edward Sigg Luna to trim his sides.
How I wish one could read Louis Grech’s mind during that photo byte grab of Malta’s leading salesman. His body language is of an intelligent person racked with pain at having to listen to such nonsense that Muscat loves to hide behind.
[Daphne – No, his body language was that of a person racked by pain, full stop. The man is a quasi-septuagenarian cancer patient who can barely stand comfortably. He is so out of place, and though he worked well for Labour’s image in the election campaign, his quite evident exhaustion and ill health are now working to have the opposite effect.]
Kiesah aktar minn ex-sidu Sant, u bhalu se jitfa lil Partit Laburista f’qabar fond. Ragel bla edukazzjoni u lanqas maturita. Ezempju haj ta’ persuna li jaghmel biss ghal flus.
The prime minister repeated himself in what should have been a short answer to the first question. Wrong signal – means he himself was not convinced of what he was saying, hence repeating his statement.
He continues to think that he is an economist, but he is a public policy graduate and holds an MA in European Studies and a PhD in management research. He has never denied rumours that his doctoral thesis was written by his mentor at Malta Enterprise.
He definitely needs a haircut. Maybe he can get Edward Sigg Luna to trim his sides.
Veru bezqa dak Muscat – wiccu u so**u l-istess. “Out of his depth” my a**.
Meta kont tifel niftakarni naqra x-Xewka bir-ritratti ta’ Fenech Adami bit-titlu “Il-vavu”.
Same old, same old.
@ P Shaw : Can’t agree more with you.
It’s the prime minister who is way out of his depth.
We can see exactly what he stands for.
And he’s still trying to impress by interspersing his dialogue with English half-sentences (worse, badly pronounced).
Why was he speaking on behalf of “il-poplu”, saying that we didn’t understand this, we didn’t understand that? How dare he?
How I wish one could read Louis Grech’s mind during that photo byte grab of Malta’s leading salesman. His body language is of an intelligent person racked with pain at having to listen to such nonsense that Muscat loves to hide behind.
[Daphne – No, his body language was that of a person racked by pain, full stop. The man is a quasi-septuagenarian cancer patient who can barely stand comfortably. He is so out of place, and though he worked well for Labour’s image in the election campaign, his quite evident exhaustion and ill health are now working to have the opposite effect.]
Kiesah aktar minn ex-sidu Sant, u bhalu se jitfa lil Partit Laburista f’qabar fond. Ragel bla edukazzjoni u lanqas maturita. Ezempju haj ta’ persuna li jaghmel biss ghal flus.