Top comment of the afternoon
Posted by kjd:
Is Louis Grech serious? From The Malta Independent today:
Mr Grech dismissed the opposition’s criticism on the fact that the programme – which has been widely derided as the selling of citizenships – was not in the Labour Party’s electoral manifesto, noting that the arrival of Lufthansa Technik in Malta some years ago was similarly not on a manifesto.
I used to think that Mr Grech was one of the few in the PL who made some sense. I now know they are a sorry lot, the whole bunch of them. Since when have private investment projects been part of election manifesto?
Since when is major industrial investment comparable to a government selling its passports for hard cash?
The PL simply cannot find a valid reason, or shall we call it excuse, why such an important proposal such as the IIP was not part of it ‘roadmap’ – at least, not the published version. They knew people would hate it and refuse to vote for it, or they had some other obscure reason that does create a lot of speculation.
The comparison between the sale of citizenship and the decision years back to promote the Malta maritime flag and build a new maritime industry is also pathetic. This comparison is being used by many PL exponents, who are trying with great difficulty to defend the indefensible.
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This sounds better in Maltese:
Il-prim ministru Joseph Muscat STAHA jinkludi il-proposta tal-bejgh tal-passaporti fil-programm elettorali tal-partit.
Imbasta ghamel il-kungress lejlet l-Indipendenza, u ppublika xebgha linji gwida, u mbaghad bellaghha lis-switchers li kellu roadmap u qalilhom li kollox kien “kostid.”
U mhux ta’ b’xejn li qatt ma ppublika l-costings.
Kollox kien qerq.
Oqghod ghamel kungress Ta’ Qali, qas haqq Il-Guy miskin.
@ cicco – Dażgur li kienu ‘kostid’. Għalfejn kellu jidħol fid-dettall tal-costings meta kellu f’moħħu l-bir bla qiegħ tal-bejgħ taċ-ċittadinanza u l-passaport Malti b’aċċess dirett għall-UE u moviment bla xkiel fiż-żona Shengen?
Mill-bqija naqbel miegħek f’kollox – KOLLOX KIEN QERQ u l-poplu iblah b’mohh id-daqs ta’ artu jaħseb li din idea eċċellenti (jekk taqta’ barra il-klawsola tas-segretezza) għax iġġib il-flus lejn Malta (?) bla tbatija ta’ xejn.
Barra Henley & Partners, min jaf min jdawwar lira sew b’dan il-pjan tal-mistħija u moqżiez? Cui bono? Uffiċjalment (skond Owen Bonnici – Seg Parl : daqshekk importanti l-Ġustizzja) ghall-‘investiment’ (statali) fis-‘social (bum) housing’!
Clutching at straws, jaghzaq fl-ilma, arrampicarsi sugli specchi and so on.
Verging on a tantrum, wait for it. Mhux fier.
He’s gone over to live with the rabbits in the forest, where vestal virgins dance around in lilac and sing glorious songs of his great leader. How I envy him so. Reality is so depressing when you’re old and grey.
Is Louis Grech serious? Yes, seriously challenged.
Obviously Louis Grech (and labour for that matter) confuse private industry investing in the country with government initiatives. Cannot blame them really, the last time they spent a full term in government the lines were rather blurred.
Here I blame PN’s marketing machine where we had to put up with crap about Brazil 1 – Gonzi 0 ignoring the 1,000s of private companies that set up over the past 25 years including yes Lufthansa Tech because of the investment climate created (and EU membership).
They must love money and hate the Maltese people in equal measure.
“The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.”
“I used to think that Mr Grech was one of the few in the PL who made some sense.”
Honestly? Didn’t you hear Mr. Grech speaking about solving the out-of-stock medicines problem on Xarabank before the last election?
That would have changed your mind instantly. According to him those medicines should be ordered by direct order and imported by express couriers, and stock will arrive in 48 hours. See that happening now?
Just another showman speaking bullshit to fool the “uninformed” (or stupids who want to learn nothing) like all of them.
Ma niflahx nisma aktar hmerijiet minn naha tal-gvern.
Kellu bzonn li qed jaghmel il-Labour ghandu x’jaqsam mal bini tar-Registru Marittimu. Tghid ma kienux mwieghda li jkunu sigrieti l-vapuri fuq ir-Registru?
Registri marittimi jezistu mad-dinja kollha. L-iskema tal-bejgh tal-passaporti hi skema (jew scam?) ta’ erbgha pajjizi kollox.
How can you confuse the two unless you are an idiot.
Louis Grech should resist being dragged in to make a fool of himself to cover the embarrassment created by his colleagues.