What a great day for Muscat to land in the United States to sell citizenship. Just look at all the newspaper coverage greeting him there today.
November 21, 2013 at 12:26am
These are just 40 or so of the countless regional newspapers in the United States which have picked up the Associated Press report on ‘Malta postpones sale of citizenship after opposition’, today.
Muscat’s audience in Miami will no doubt be wondering why he is there to sell them citizenship the very day the story broke that sales of Maltese citizenship have been “postponed indefinitely after opposition”.
You really can’t trust this Nationalist Party – its tentacles reach all over the United States and editors from Miami to Boston do its bidding.
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All written by Stephen Calleja?
How can that be?
[Daphne – It’s an Associated Press report. Stephen Calleja is the Malta correspondent for Associated Press. Associated Press is a news agency, like Reuters, and it’s the one the United States newspapers favour.]
REFERENDUM is a must
Not even that. A simple revocation of the law by parliamentary vote would be quicker, cleaner, and more honourable.
If a referendum is held, the PM will win outright. That is what he is aiming at. Like Daphne says, he relies on the ignorance of thousands of gullible supporters, even of those in their 50s who are supposedly “well-educated”.
Many people in Malta, when referendums are held, vote not on principles but on popularity.
Besides, like Daphne herself noted, the question for the referendum will be formulated by Dr. Muscat himself. Therefore he will play again on the shallowness of many of his supporters. He does not want them to think: just vote for his “sale”.
He is a proud son of a bitch. Min jaf kemm qieghed jinharaq. May I laugh out loud.
Pride (misplaced pride, that is) is usually cured through psychotherapy.
Henley & Partners has made a huge mistake which is of central relevance to the issues at stake in the Citizenship for Sale scandal.
The Maltese government, and H&P, have sought to assure us that the Maltese passport will be sold only to applicants who pass a very thorough due diligence, which we know was entrusted with Henley & Partners. They say they have given three options about due diligence to the government, but from what I understood so far, they remain in charge of it nevertheless.
But how can we believe that H&P can do a thorough due diligence on clients when their biggest mistake was to accept Joseph Muscat and Manwel Mallia as their clients?
Did H&P conduct a thorough due diligence on Joseph Muscat and Manwel Mallia before accepting their custom?
Joseph Muscat has led the international media to believe that he is leading a bankrupted country. Is H&P happy to be associated with a country that is perceived to be bankrupt as a consequences of decisions taken by their client, the prime minister of Malta?
Besides, have H&P realised how much damage is being done to their reputation because of their association with Joseph Muscat and Manwel Mallia and as a result of the miscalculations, including political miscalculations, of Joseph Muscat and Manwel Mallia?
H&P are the organisers of the Global Residence and Citizenship Conference in Miami. Today, they must feel very embarrassed with their “exceptional participants” from Malta. And it is their fault, because they did not assess their client properly.
Had he embarrassed just himself that is not a problem, but he has embarrassed Malta.
People laughing at Malta again – surely this tiny island did not deserve that after the hardship we have been through to gradually build our reputation.
Gonzi was right to stave off the 2013 elections as he foresaw the disaster Muscat would bring upon us. Had we had the elections before the 1.1 billion from the EU for the 2014-2020 would have been history with this twat at the helm.
How very sad.
In all this international media exposure for Malta, the only redeeming factor for Malta is the Partit Nazzjonalista’s stance on the matter.
I believe Simon Busuttil’s stature as a statesman is becoming more pronounced as a result of his various declarations on the Individual Investment Programme.
How humiliating.
The Prime Minister of Malta behaving like a tout for Henley & Partners, trying to “sell” an IIP scheme that according to the Labour Party itself is not what it seems to be regarding the “secrecy clause” and the pretence that the Labour Party still has to reach a consensus about major objectionable aspects of the scheme because of the possibility of an abrogative referendum.
“It takes 25 years to build something and 24 hours to destroy it” – Simon Busuttil
Muscat has actually done even worse than that.
Within 24 hours Joseph Muscat forces the sale of citizenship through Parliament then barely having done so he postpones the sale of citizenship because of mounting pressure.
This must be another negative record for Muscat, the man who has become worse than Mintoff because knows no shame.
Kburin li ahna Maltin?
I am avoiding answering this question.
How humiliating.
Is my understanding correct? Did the PM travel to Miami, at my and your expense, for a 30 minute coffee break?
A rather expensive cup of coffee wouldn’t you think?
Hu go fik, Guz.
Laughing my hat off. He must feel so tiny and humiliated.
I can only imagine how he is going to feel when everyone in the room is looking at him in disbelief.
That is what you get, Sur Prim Ministru, when you bulldoze your way through. We are not living in the 60s and 70s and news travels faster than the speed of light.
I hope he has to face the press there, too.
I can’t stop laughing. What a bunch of coconuts.
He had to postpone everything for the simple reason that international media also reported (and made potential buyers beware) that once the Opposition is back in Government it will cancel all citizenships given under this scheme.
He thought wrong when he pretended he can bulldoze on everyone, like in Mintoff’s days (Mintoff his mastermind).
Oooooh those Nationalists !
Here we go again. There isn’t a day without an ‘event’ with this government, reminds me of the drama of 96 -1998.
I wonder if it’s either that they truly have no idea about diplomatic relations or there is some sort of hidden agenda. Incredible.
And why does a newly elected prime minister need to travel to sell citizenship, when he himself froze it. Does he not have enough work back home? Or is he feeling like some kind of CEO of a multinational on paid business trips whilst accumulating mileage points?
Finally his dream has come true. Minn fuq dahrna, is-sewwa.
Nisthi nghid li dan huwa l-Prim Ministru ta’ Malta. Mela dan ma jafx x’responsabbilta iggib maghha hatra ta’ Prim Ministru.
Apparti l-kaz tac-cittadinanza taqbel jew ma taqbilx maghha, ghandu jkun il-Prim Ministru li jmur madwar id-dinja biex ibiegh xi haga, hi x’inhi?
Mela dan ma jafdomx lil shabu l-ministri?
Mhux biss baxxa isem Malta madwar id-dinja, issa qieghed ibaxxi ukoll id-dinjita li suppost igorr mieghu Prim Ministru.
All that the “Guardian of the Constitution” could say on TV yesterday was that he acted according to his constitutional obligations. Some guardian…
So now it is public knowledge, across America – from the Pacific to the Atlantic – that the Citizenship for Sale scheme is postponed. It is effectively suspended. It’s not breathing. I would dare say that it is on life support. At the moment, it is looking more like it is an RIP, than an IIP.
And yet, Joseph Muscat, the prime minister of Malta, is on American soil, in Miami, Florida, promoting the scheme, possibly engaging in acts that constitute an offer for sale of the Maltese and EU citizenships and passport.
Thinking further, the prime minister of Malta is risking being arrested for marketing or selling a scam on US Territory. If the product does not yet exist and is suspended, and it does not have clear terms and conditions, this is like promoting a Ponzi scheme.
And if he is marketing this scam as an “investment” or an “investment program,” he might even be in breach of the United States Securities Act of 1933, and the various investment rules and regulations applicable to investments, issuers and promoters in the US. Even here, violation of the law could have very serious repercussions.
One hopes that there is enough sense in the Maltese delegation to avoid a situation where their freedom may be suspended in one of the US jails, while they seek to make a buck selling the freedom of movement to others.
Must repeal the law once and for all – you cannot legalize an immorality.
and the president signed it. (Benedict Arnold)
“postponed . . . following massive outcry . . .”
But that word “MASSIVE” did not come from Simon Busuttil.
As for those who leave comments accusing the PN of orchestrating this opposition together with the world media, I can only express myself through this short video:
Perhaps he should go with the twins to Disneyland. The Prime Minister is doing all this work to ease the burdens from the shoulders of the taxpayer. We will forgive him if he has some fun with his twins in between at the expense of the taxpayer. Why shouldn’t we?
Il-PL kien jaghmel iktar success kieku fetah pastizzerija, ghax zgur m’hawn hadd go Malta li jaf jaghmel qassatat ahjar minnhom.
Tajba ta’veru.
This reminds me of the occasion when I had to chair an investment seminar in Zurich, organised by UNIDO, the Swiss Office for Development and Trade, the Malta Development Corporation, the Bank of Valletta and the Embassy of Malta in Geneva, which I headed, on 17 October 1979.
The international press on that day was prominently reporting the burning of the Times of Malta and the attack on the family and residence of the Leader of the Opposition, Eddie Fenech Adami, by Mintoff’s supporters two days earlier.
It took all my diplomatic experience and the cooperation of one guest to elicit some reaction from the audience.
I am afraid of having a referendum on this subject. I think that the question will not be if one is in favour or against. But rather they will give two options or variants of the current scheme. But there will be none to reject the sale. And definitely it will not be in lines of what PN wants. That would essentially mean that PN will not have grounds to repeal it when in power as it cannot go against the people wish. Like the EU referendum. There would even be no point in pushing for a protest vote, by not voting, as that would mean loosing the right to choose and referendum would need 51% of the valid cast votes.