A book has been published in tribute to Kate Gonzi. So Mrs Michelle Muscat (in whose presence & c & c) has unleashed a torrent of competitive action

Mrs Michelle Muscat has suddenly developed an interest in mental health – but it doesn’t go beyond organising a buffet and charging mental health workers Eur20 to eat with her.
It’s just clicked that Mrs Michelle Muscat’s big interview in The Sunday Circle magazine, published last Sunday (in which she was pushed off the cover by the actor Malcolm Galea, evidence of just how far her stock has fallen in just nine months), was designed to coincide with the publication of a book in tribute to Kate Gonzi.
Mrs Gonzi has been under the radar for years, working with mental health charities and organisations, rather than just visiting them in a blaze of publicity and footballers’ wives’ handbags from 2007.
So of course, Mrs Michelle Muscat (in whose presence & c & c) has to try and muscle in on that too. It’s actually quite sad and pathetic, when you think about it.
Her lady-in-waiting, Pamela Seychell – who until last March worked as a lazy clerk permanently on cigarette and telephone break at the Inland Revenue office in Merchants Street – has sent out the following circular “to all employees in the mental health services”. By what authority she does that is anyone’s guess, given that Mrs Michelle Muscat has no official role in government or the state.
Many of those “employees in the mental health services” were cheesed off enough at this utter arrogance to flood my email inbox with the circular they received.
A translation of this circular follows in the next post, with comments.
Ċirkulari Nru 55/2013
3 ta’ Diċembru 2013
Lill-Impjegati kollha
Fis-Servizzi tas-Saħħa Mentali
Żjara fl-Isptar Monte Karmeli mis-Sinjura Michelle Muscat nhar is-Sibt 7 ta’ Diċembru 2013
Is-Sibt 7 ta’ Diċembru 2013, is-Sinjura Michelle Muscat ser tkun qegħda żżur l-isptar Monte Karmeli bejn il-11.00 ta’ filgħodu u s-2.00 ta’ wara nofsinhar. Is-Sinjura Muscat tixtieq li tkun akkumpanjata min-nisa tal-Ministeri biex inferrħu u nagħtu l-awgurju ta’ żmien il-Milied lil dawn il-pazjenti u nieklu flimkien Buffet Lunch li ser jippreparalna l-kok tal-post għall-prezz ta’ €20 li minnhom ser tingħata donazzjoni.
Napprezza li jkolli konferma u l-flus sa nhar it-Tlieta 3 ta’ Dicembru, 2013.
Grazzi ħafna
Pamela Seychell
Secretariat Officer
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Here’s hoping she doesn’t repeat what she did at the old people’s home in Msida, give her back to ‘Nationalist’ residents.
In other words, the health service employees are being asked, protection racket style, to each cough up their Euro 20.- and of course to then visibly enjoy the meal during the PL news coverage of the event, or else…
Typically cheap and shallow initiative by a cheap and shallow woman.
Another confirmation that the Muscats are the worthy successors of the despots. L’etat c’est moi…I am the state.
How come a member of a political secretariat issue a circular to public officers?
Can one be be sure that those who do not follow this “xewqa ta’ Mrs Muscat” (neither an a public officer nor an elected person) will not be victimised?
This olympian wish is “Cirkulari 55/2013”; what is the series? What is Cirkulari 54/2013?
On whose authority was this circular top public officers issued? Can the Principal Permanent Secretary illuminate us?
Unfortunately, I don’t think that Mrs Muscat’s wish to be “akkumpanjata min-nisa tal-Ministeri” can be fulfilled. Usually, ministries (Ministeri) don’t get married.
Il-gvern Nazzjonalista kien jaf minn snin ilu, li go d-dipartiment tal-Inland Revenue ta’ Triq Merkanti, il-Belt hemm bejta ta’ Laburisti, ghazzienin u mitluqin. Il-ftit Nazzjonalisti li kien hemm ma kienux jifthu halqhom ghax il-maggoranza Laburista kienet tiblahhom.
Jien qatt u qatt ma bzajt nitkellem u kont nikkumbatti l-argumenti taghhom. Kwazi nafhom wiehed wiehed il-clerks Laburisti li kienu jahdmu hemm. Hafna clerks irgiel ma kienux jistaw jaraw xi nutar mara jew xi segretarja helwa libsa b’xi ilbies issikkat maghha ghax il-kummenti vojta u xi kultant daqsxejn vulgari ma kienux jonqsu.
Kienu ghamlu d-dipartiment taghhom u kienu jaghmlu li jridu. Mill-elezzjoni l’hawn ma nafx x’gara ghax ma ghadniex immur f’dan id-dipartiment.
I do not mean this as a pun.
Imma veru tilfu rashom.
And I am certainly not referring to the poor inmates.
The circular was issued on 3 December and Ms Seychell wants an answer – and money for the lunch – by 3 December.
Il-lejla kont qed nassisti ghall programm fuq TVM 2 -Mixja ta. Poplu u gie intervistat certu Mario Vella. Meta l-intervista gabet diskors ta’ Mintoff wara l-irvellijiet ta’ April 1958 fost diskors iehor Mintoff qal dan lill Gvern Ingliz: –
‘Il-Helsien taghna mhux ghall-bejgh’
Minn naha l-ohra Il-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat qal hekk lill Poplu Malti fil-Parlament: –
Ic-Cittadinenza taghna hi ghall-Bejgh ghall-prezz ta’ Euro 650,000.
Min ghandu widnejn biex jisma, jisma u jixtarr.
Biex tizzattat l-ewwel tiehu il-mara tal-Prim Ministru, izda ta’ kalibru bhal Kate Gonzi la qatt kienet u lanqas tkun.
Daphne, you question Mrs. Muscat’s authority in the context of the instructions sent to employees in the mental health services, given that she has no official role in government or the state. I hope that your question relates also to her presumed right to tour the mental health hospital and meet the patients. What authority does she have to do that?
Mrs. Gonzi and Michelle Muscat should never ever be mentioned in the same article. It is a huge insult to the dignity of Mrs. Gonzi and to the respected women she represents.
It is like using a saint and a slut to compare different women.