A photograph taken today which encapsulates the difference between the two political parties

Published: December 15, 2013 at 10:53pm

The very first hawker stall is up beneath the Renzo Piano parliament building for the Christmas season: it’s the Labour Party’s.

This photograph perfectly encapsulates the difference between the two parties, and if I have to explain why, then the situation is dire indeed.

Red Touch Renzo Piano

14 Comments Comment

  1. Beingpressed says:

    Amazing. This Mickey Mouse telecommunications provider, once written off, is about to be rejuvenated and pumped up with taxpayers’ money no doubt. Who’s on the payroll?

    Also, did anyone notice every single Labour club had its signage changed, leading up to the election. Which supplier undertook such a task. How many clubs?

  2. Gaetano Pace says:

    What is the fee the council is being paid for such an encroachment ? Or is this another Josiepresent for the their Labour clique ? Does a fee per square metre exist ? Is there an officially approved permit in force ? What does Mepa has to say ? What is its policy ? What do environmentalists have to say about this ?
    Lots of questions go unanswered indeed, but definitely not unnoticed.

    • vic says:

      “but definitely not unnoticed” …are you sure? I’m afraid we are sliding back to the Mintoff days when government would take a pound out of our pocket and when we are given twopence back, we would be so grateful.

  3. Bubu says:

    Something they do not understand, they have to piss on. Evrywhere they touch they have to leave their stench.

    Just imagine the headlines soon, just in time for 2018. “Renzo Piano masterpiece made into a flea-market”.

    In a way it’s fitting though. Just imagine all those stall-owners relieving their bladders right at parliament’s door. For once the stink outside parliament will match that inside.

  4. aidy says:

    Disgusting, to say the least! What a sign of disrespect towards world-renowned Piano! Shameful!

  5. Jason says:

    To be honest with you all this is just piffle about the signs. The real money spinner is the intervention of Henley & partners with regards to the citizenship programme. Think about it there is a separate organisation operating from a TAX haven that has no auditing or reporting requirements being asked to charge and collect fee’s on behalf of the Maltese government and to carry out supposedly a “due diligence exercise.” It is perfectly clear that they are merely a intermediary to line the pockets of certain Labour party officials and family and it is going to be totally impossible to ever prove any of this!

    There are people particularly from Russia and the Middle East that are more than happy to pay these fees and whatever else is required.

  6. TROY says:

    How low can they go.

  7. Mary Anne says:

    On my way out of Valletta this afternoon, the presenter of the live programme at the Super One stall referred to the new Parliament building as –“dal-mostru warajna”.

    I just wonder who or what the monster really is. I would say it’s those who do not appreciate the architecture of a world renowned architect of the calibre of Renzo Piano.


  8. anthony says:

    Bdew inittnu dahlet-il-belt.

    Hniezer kienu u jibqghu.

    • Osservatore says:

      Those government flats opposite the new parliament building are the real eyesore. They should have been demolished, lock, stock and barrel if I had a say, making Valletta a more pleasant place all round.

  9. Kukkurin says:

    That really is a nice red touch to the Cheese Grater, though one would have to be forgiven for wondering where the blue touch suddenly disappeared to.

  10. Last Post says:

    Massively obscene. Blasphemous.

    No wonder they had no qualms about selling our citizenship and passport for a paltry sum.

  11. Alex Agius says:

    I just saw this hawker today. Shame the container is direct on the new zonqor pavement with no wooden or rubber stoppers. Shame on these selfish people.

  12. darren b says:

    Jien ma nistax nifhem kemm il-memorja ta’ certu nies hija qasira.

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