Renato deserves GIEH IR-REPUBBLIKA for at least revealing his true identity unintentionally.
PL are packed with ‘l-imbarazz’ Renato styled. From top to bottom and all around they have mushroomed idiots, semi-witted, non-sparkling brains, whose conduct and language are the best indicators of unbefitting politicians, ruthless managers and administrators, and shameless citizens who can definitely not be counted among exemplary people.
This is what the majority of our country fellowmen wanted. This is – please listen again to Renato’s ‘free; language – what they got: NONSENSE AND RUBBISH.
Unfortunately this is ‘Taghna Lkoll’ – a five-year legacy which is hurting our country too badly.
I once sent an email to my colleagues and mates Spud and Bogbrush, containing phwoars and ding-dongs about the Unattainable Office Beauty who was also, technically, my boss. Trouble is, I forgot to delete her address from the mailing list.
Of course it put a stop to any hopes of career advancement, or indeed, of advancement of the horizontal type. I’ve no doubt she is now shacked up with some dashing young yuppie with a sculpted chin and an even more sculpted CV.
Always assume your email is switched on, children.
Another Maltese man makes the international news (well almost). I did not realise that Thai taxi drivers were so keen to protect their country’s assets.
It seems that the success of L-Istrina is measured on the record amount of Euros collected and no one seems to give a hoot on where and how the money is spent.
I will donate directly to the charity which needs my support and which is registered with the commission and has its accounts audited. I’m losing my trust in everyone.
Old news :)
Biex iz-zobb qed tiskanta ghal madonni? Hsibtu edukat?
Renato deserves GIEH IR-REPUBBLIKA for at least revealing his true identity unintentionally.
PL are packed with ‘l-imbarazz’ Renato styled. From top to bottom and all around they have mushroomed idiots, semi-witted, non-sparkling brains, whose conduct and language are the best indicators of unbefitting politicians, ruthless managers and administrators, and shameless citizens who can definitely not be counted among exemplary people.
This is what the majority of our country fellowmen wanted. This is – please listen again to Renato’s ‘free; language – what they got: NONSENSE AND RUBBISH.
Unfortunately this is ‘Taghna Lkoll’ – a five-year legacy which is hurting our country too badly.
I’d like to see how much the station gets fined by the BA for that. Breaking advertising rules could incur a €900 fine. I’m not holding my breath.
Whenever you have a microphone in front of you, always assume it is switched on, this has happened to many people in the past.
This shows the type of crass supporters the LP have.
I once sent an email to my colleagues and mates Spud and Bogbrush, containing phwoars and ding-dongs about the Unattainable Office Beauty who was also, technically, my boss. Trouble is, I forgot to delete her address from the mailing list.
Of course it put a stop to any hopes of career advancement, or indeed, of advancement of the horizontal type. I’ve no doubt she is now shacked up with some dashing young yuppie with a sculpted chin and an even more sculpted CV.
Always assume your email is switched on, children.
Another Maltese man makes the international news (well almost). I did not realise that Thai taxi drivers were so keen to protect their country’s assets.
“You are only on my mind” was supposed to be the next request referring to the phrase.
Bacteria are the only culture some people have got.
Very ‘professional’ !
X’tistenna ahjar minn dan. Injorant u maledukat, b’dan ferhanin tas-Super One.
The finer streaks of Labour….
Daphne ara veru m’hawnx mara ohra bhalek xejn ma jahrablek.
Been laughing all morning!
The Italians have a good name for him.
Renato Zero.
Does the CCF expect me to donate any money to this impersonator? Fat chance!
Is this a charity?
It seems that the success of L-Istrina is measured on the record amount of Euros collected and no one seems to give a hoot on where and how the money is spent.
I will donate directly to the charity which needs my support and which is registered with the commission and has its accounts audited. I’m losing my trust in everyone.
You must see these pics. Now.
Ok, does she know that jaguar fur, hopefully faux, is the rage with Berlusconi’s women this winter?
It all started when the hapless Bersani promised to ‘remove the spots off the jaguar’ and win the elections, something he duly didn’t.
And look, it’s an albino litter.
And it seems that the Leader’s girls were not expected, at least going by the seating arrangement.
X’arukaza. He thought that he was off air. This is how most people talk.
Isn’t that so (post?) modern, liberal, and progressive (a’ la maltaise), eh? Tagħna Lkoll, no?
Għalfejn għandna noqgħodu nilgħabuha tad-dojoq? Mhux hekk jitkellem il-poplu (lejburist)?
Din riflessjoni tal-partit li għandna fil-gvern. Mela dawn jafu jistħu? Miskina Malta – dritt għal ġol-ħajt.
Check out the nails.