Carol Peralta has called a press conference AT HIS HOME IN MDINA for noon today

Published: December 20, 2013 at 10:52am

Carol Peralta

Is he going to announce his resignation? His retirement? He must be close to 70 by now. Or is he going to carry on defiantly trying to justify or excuse his behaviour?

Talk about not fit for purpose.

18 Comments Comment

  1. Ta' bil Haqq says:

    Out with him, the incident is scandalous and disgusting

  2. Peritocracy says:

    Maybe he’ll just give a speech, and then, when it gets a bit too much, he’ll just slip on a little ring and vanish.

  3. sv says:

    Am so curious to know whether journalists will be allowed to ask any questions they deem fit.

  4. TROY says:

    Have you no shame, Carol Peralta?

  5. Thorny2 says:

    It is even more disgusting since the stupid police officers obeyed an illegal and arbitrary order given to them by a magistrate who was NOT presiding in open court.

  6. ken il malti says:

    Why is he looking at me that way?

  7. ciccio says:

    Is this what the Labour magistrate was planning with Judge Mizzi and Magistrate Herrera’s boyfriend in Siggiewi yesterday?

  8. mm says:

    “He insisted that the journalist, Ivan Martin, did not identify himself”

    Does this mean that if Ivan Martin was anybody else but a journalist, he would be jailed?

    How is this guy supposed to serve the public and how is the public supposed to have faith in him when he is ready to imprison anybody just because they were using their mobile?

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      It reminds me of that incident when a technician failed to repair the A/C and he was detained for a day, Or so the legend goes.

      [Daphne – Not a legend, but fact.]

  9. Paddy says:

    I would say he’s in his mid-60s.

  10. Caroline Pirotta says:

    He cannot possibly be close to 70, since members of the judiciary must vacate their office at 65.

    [Daphne – That’s right. He’s close to 65.]

  11. PWG says:

    Peralta must be around sixty. He hasn’t aged too gracefully. The reasons are well documented.

    [Daphne – He is definitely not 60, because he would have been at university with my husband if he were, and he wasn’t. Magistrates retire at 65 so he must be close to that.]

  12. Paul Borg says:

    He should not be allowed to resign, he should be sacked immediately with loss of pension.

  13. Riya says:

    Carol Peralta’s life was always about women and alcohol.

  14. chico says:

    Beg to differ, I think the closest to he is, is 69.

  15. Gaetano Pace says:

    Labour has already stood by him on the occasion of the motion for his impeachment. Now Labour is at a crossroads. Defend him once more or give him the sack. No pun intended here, the sack is the quit and go not the sack of penance worn to wash away sin from a filthy corrupt body.

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