Clive Waters update: It’s hard to change your habits when you’re 73. Or is it 74?

Published: December 2, 2013 at 10:59am

Norman Hamilton

Isn’t Malta’s High Commissioner in London actually planning on living in London at all?

It seems he only pops up there for events and then comes back home.

I don’t blame him, really.

Moving house is a shock to the system when you’re in your 70s, even if you’re only moving down the road.

So imagine what it must be like for this elderly gentleman, moving to London after 50 years of uninterrupted life in Malta and when the last time he lived in London he was in his 20s and working the bars in Soho.

Anyway, our High Commissioner wasn’t in London yesterday, but out buying the Sunday newspapers at Tal-Ibragg. He left his car on the corner on a double-yellow line and the member of my international worldwide network of spies who sent me this photograph also said:

He was looking very old without any makeup on as we see him on TV.

6 Comments Comment

  1. Vagabond King says:

    Wasn’t he accused once of stealing water from neighbouring roof tanks during the water crisis in the 80s?

    [Daphne – WHAT? Please elaborate.]

  2. Vagabond King says:

    I recall that in the 80s a newspaper reported that he was caught on the roof in St. Julian’s taking water from neighbour’s water tank and putting it in his own. Maybe someone out there recalls this incident.

    • ciccio says:

      Clive Waters and the water tanks. The connection.

    • xejn b' xejn says:

      What’s the big deal? The 1980s were rough and you had to fight for your water to stay clean and hydrated. Now we have a Minister of the Police and the Army who sent his housemaids to get water from a public fountain, in jerry-cans.

  3. LIXU says:

    It would be interesting to find out whether Clive Waters is still travelling with Air Malta rebated tickets which are normally made available to IATA travel agents.

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