Do my ears deceive me?

Published: December 2, 2013 at 8:38pm

Joseph Muscat John Dalli

I’m a little hard of hearing, so perhaps they do. Did I hear John Dalli say a little while ago on Saviour Balzan’s ineffectual TVM show that he is still an EU Commissioner?

If any of you were listening attentively – difficult, I know – please write in and confirm what I think I might have heard.

Because if that’s the case, I believe somebody may still be in need of that psychiatrist who wrote him all those certificates last winter.

And my dear friends, we are really, well and truly down that rabbit-hole.

37 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    John Dalli: The EU Commissioner without portfolio.

  2. Manuel says:

    Yes, that is what I asked in my previous post under another entry of yours! I thought I was hearing things! He actually said it!

  3. Joseph says:

    That’s what Maltarightnow is reporting.

  4. you heard right says:

    Correct. He even said that he wrote to the commission seeking permission to work for the Maltese government for free. He is contesting in court that he is still a commissioner.

    [Daphne – Houston, we have yet another nutter on our hands.]

    • king rat says:

      The characters which Alice found down that rabbit-hole are saner.

    • curious says:

      I would love to read the commission’s reply.

      So now we know why he worked for free. If he still believes he is a commissioner, he cannot get paid from another source.

      • ciccio says:

        He said that the Commission replied and gave him permission.

        Would some journalist ask Mr. Dalli to publish the correspondence exchanged with the Commission? And if he doesn’t, then the same request should be made to the Commission in Brussels.

        I would like to see the context of the correspondence.

      • Min Jaf says:

        Dalli says he is contesting his sacking from the post of EU Commissioner in a “Court in Luxembourg”.

        He must thus maintain the charade, hence his claim to having written to the Commission asking permission “to work for free”. Joseph Muscat, Prime Minister of an EU member state, is actively and unashamedly colluding with Dalli in that charade.

        The Commission could never have given Dalli its permission in reply to Dalli’s request. Had it done so it would have confirmed that Dalli is indeed still a Commissioner and that, consequently, his sacking from that post was invalid. Such a step on the part of the Commission would also have invalidated its case for defence against Dalli’s alleged court action.

        It is pertinent to note here that, before he was booted out, Dalli felt no such need to inform the Commission, much less ask for its permission, to carry out free work for a “charity” involving a marathon trip to the Bahamas at a time when he was in Cyprus on an EU Commission assignment. In fact, Dalli sought to conceal the purpose of his unscheduled departure from Cyprus.

        The man is completely twisted. No wonder Barroso had him unceremoniously booted out.

      • Fausto Majistral says:

        @Min Jaf, according to the Commissioners’ Code of Conduct a Commissioner is still required to ask the Commission’s permission to engage in paid or unpaid activities for a year and a half after he leaves office. If the Commission granted Dalli permission it did so to an ex-Commissioner.

    • john says:

      Bonkers. When the man actually was commissioner he never sought permission to carry on with his charity work in the Bahamas and elsewhere.

      Now that he’s no longer commissioner he seeks their permission. Bonkers.

    • Tarzan says:

      Hold on a sec, Houston. Make that two nutters.

      Your Truly, Saviour Balzan.

  5. edgar says:

    Sorry cannot help. When I see Saviour on the screen, I change channels in one second flat..

  6. Henry Pace says:

    Has Dalli gone round the bend?

    His reasoning is very strange – he describes himself as an EU commissioner.

  7. J says:

    If he believes he’s still commissioner, it follows that he believes himself to be in breach of the Code of Ethics again given all his consultancy work.

  8. Makjavel says:

    I taught I had a glass too many this evening.

    First John Dalli said that he is still EU Commissioner and that he asked permission from his boss Barroso in Brussels to produce this study for the Government of Malta.

    And then I hear that the prime and cabinet have nominated Gaia Cauchi for the Gieh Ir-Repubblika.

    If I go to bed early, I might avoid the shock of hearing that Rosianne ‘Nuxellina’ Cutajar is the woman they plan to make president of the republic.

    • Rumplestiltskin says:

      Little Gaia did Malta proud, but “Gieh ir-Repubblika?” Surely, Joseph Muscat and his cabinet can’t be serious.

      This is the country’s highest honour. Surely the award should be reserved for accomplishments that go beyond winning a children’s song contest.

  9. Mariella says:

    Xejn sew. You definitey heard right, Daphne. I still can’t believe he said it. Johlom car qisu, s-Sur Dalli.

  10. Aston says:

    A few fries short of a Happy Meal, I’m afraid.

  11. aidan says:

    Jekk Dalli ghadu kummissarju tal-EU, mela Gonzi ghadu l-prim ministru.

  12. P Shaw says:

    One theory about the impacts of Facebook is that it has created a virtual world for some people.

    Malta is definitely the most notable case of parallel worlds. If one needs to conduct a study in this regard, he/she would have a field day covering Facebook’s impact on the insular island.

    • somethingwicked says:

      Is an insular island something like a continental continent? Just being snarky ;) Your idea re parallel worlds and the way we mitigate our social experience on FB is definitely something we should be doing – there’s a lot of raw data out there, ripe for plunder (and I’m sure it’s being put to use by somebody).

  13. TinaB says:

    Tajba din. Mela meta kien kummissarju tal-EU kien jghid li qieghed prigunier, issa ghax flok Lawrence Gonzi lahaq Joseph Muscat, irid jerga jmur.

    Dan x’tahwid hu?

  14. Neil says:

    So what, he thinks he’s still employed pending appeal? Innocent until proven guilty…..again? Is the guy still getting his meagre EU prisoner’s paycheck in the meantime?

    Creating the lie and repeating it ad nauseum back here on the rock may work for the little, insignificant porkies, but come on! I hope Mr. Barroso was tuned it to watch Salvu’s brown-nosing frenzy. He’d have been in stitches.

  15. canon says:

    Is John Dalli still benefiting from full salary as EU Commissioner?

  16. Aunt Hetty says:

    Dalli has an acute attack of galloping paranoia or dementia’.

  17. QahbuMalti says:

    I have been watching a repeat of Reporter on TVM2 to listen to the part in question. Would you believe they went to a break and restarted the repeat?

    So most, like me, will now not bother to re-listen to the rubbish in the first half of the programme just to hear John Dalli say he is Commissioner. It is incredible how they manipulate Super Two.

  18. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Your ears work just fine. He is still sending emails signed “EU Commissioner” and using headed notepaper from his EU office.

  19. PR says:

    Saviour Balzan was pathetic in that interview.

    Saviour the Clown gave a stale stand-up comedy bragging that he was promoting Times of Malta when his newspaper was constantly being promoted in the sub-titles.

    It was interesting to note the Minister for Health formally addressing John Dalli as Mr Dalli, reinforcing the distance and clear divergence of opinions.

    Balzan then asked Minister Farrugia about the storm in a teacup. He began to say “il-maltemp fil-…”, but then realised it is not an idiomatic expression in Maltese. How can someone who can’t speak either English or Maltese be a journalist?

    This was a reference to the issue of the IT tenders. Dr Farrugia went on a rant about the tenders which will be investigated.

    Dalli in the background was quick to point out that Minister Farrugia was not referring to the new tenders, but to the ones issued under the previous administration.

    At this point a serious journalist would have listed the known facts and confronted the Minister and Dalli himself on the tenders, direct orders and conflicts of interest with Dalli’s consultant, but Saviour Balzan was happy with the reply which did not deal with what he asked and did not cast any shadow on Dalli.

    Then towards the end, as you point out, Dalli claimed that he is still a Commissioner and that he instituted a court case to determine this claim.

    Dalli fumbled about with the name of the Court and called it the ECJ, il-Qorti fil-Lussemburgu. He added that he is not in a position to receive remuneration as he had written to the Commission to ask permission to take on the work, but only got a (positive?) reply recently.

    What he seemed to imply was that accepting remuneration would have jeopardised his position in his court case, a bit like receiving rent from a squatter who entered one’s property.

    So Dalli decided to work for free in order not to compromise his own position, and not as we were all told as a philanthropic gesture.

    Let’s face it, this explanation does make a lot more sense than the “I work for free when the Prime Minister asks for my services” version.

  20. Norman Vella says:

    John Dalli, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando u Jesmond Mugliett huma prova ħajja ta’ kif jirraġuna l-Partit Laburista: sakemm tkun kontra tagħna tkun l-iktar bniedem korrott u maħmuġ f’wiċċ id-dinja u nagħmlu minn kollox biex inkissruk b’diskorsi, artikli, fuq it-televixin, fuq ir-radju, nippubblikaw xi ktieb u mitt ħaġ’oħra; imbagħad malli tibda tinnamra magħna ssir anġlu miexi fl-art u nibdew nistednuk fuq il-ONE, inpoġġuk fuq xi Bord jew tnejn, nagħmluk Chairman x’imkien, nafdawlek xi rapport u mitt ħaġ’oħra. Dik konsistenza!

  21. Gaetano Pace says:

    Dalli last presented a medical certificate, to the effect that he had a psycho sociological disorder which prevented him from travelling. Since then he has not presented a certificate to the effect that those psychological sociological disorders are healed, gone and past.

    His behaviour is suggesting further treatment rather than official government appointments. Now it is clear why he did not OFFICIALLY charge us the Maltese people for a controversial report inflaming staff at Mater Dei and throwing mud in their faces.

    Our professional, well trained nurses do understand that a person with an open medical certificate as his needs compassion, understanding and empathy FROM PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL AND PARAMEDICAL STAFF as that at Mater Dei.

  22. Pablo says:

    Hear the part where Dalli slips into “wara li irrizenjajt…” And he quickly corrects this to after he was dismissed. So it’s not purely delusional, it’s simply plain old lying bastard trying to screw the system.

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