Don’t bother spending two-thirds of your life in the operating theatre saving lives. Labour has different priorities.

Published: December 13, 2013 at 11:21am

Joanne Cassar 1

Joanne Cassar 2

Joanne Cassar 3

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Joanne Cassar 7

Labour’s priorities for Gieh ir-Repubblika, Malta’s highest honour: 11-year-old singer Gaia Cauchi for winning the Junior Eurovision Song Contest, all the members of her support team for being involved in that project, including GWU leader Tony Zarb’s son Elton for writing the song, and age-not-given transsexual hairdresser Joanne Cassar for fighting the law which and the Public Registrar who decreed that she could not marry a man because she was born one herself.

Cassar announced this herself on Facebook, in keeping with her mentality (see the screenshot here) and the government later confirmed it.

The point being missed in Times of Malta’s report on the subject today is that the Civil Code was not changed because Joanne Cassar campaigned for the changes (though she did that too). It was changed because she campaigned for Joseph Muscat and the Labour Party in the last general election, and that too is the real reason she is being given this iced bun.

It doesn’t come with a salary attached and it saves the prime minister the inconvenience of having to create a faux-job for her looking for garages for bands or advising TVM on teledrammi. Cassar runs a hairdressing salon anyway, and is not on her uppers like Frederick Testa and William Mangion.

But this is worse. It devalues the honour – not because Joanne Cassar is a transsexual, not because she is a hairdresser, and not because she campaigned for Muscat (though the link between the two makes the reward factor so offensively blatant) – but because what she has done does not merit Malta’s highest honour.

For the purposes of comparison, Albert Fenech and Alex Manche – two men who have between them saved hundreds of lives in the course of their work over the years in public and private hospitals – were given the National Order of Merit and not the Gieh ir-Repubblika. So were Victor Grech, who has been instrumental in developing facilities for the treatment of drug addicts in Malta and has worked tirelessly in that field, and Katrine Camilleri, who has worked hard and thanklessly for years to uphold the rights of asylum seekers and refugees.

The trashification of the Gieh ir-Repubblika is inevitable, given the ongoing trashification of everything else.

21 Comments Comment

  1. Reporter says:

    Decent people who received Gieh ir-Repubblika in the past ought to turn it in as a sign of protest.

    • S.Psaila says:

      Ha! As if that will make a statement. With all these moronic decisions being taken you think any one will care?

      Gieh ir-Repubblika has lost all its value.

  2. WhoamI? says:!/photo.php?fbid=571143732922406&set=t.1249719440&type=3&theater

    have a look at this pic. il-boyfriend ta Joanne on tip-toes ghax nanu!!! faqa sew. basta qisu rambo b’wicc ta pug.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    At this point, it’s don’t bother doing anything involving any effort. Because it seems the safest track to stardom in respect in this blasted country of ours is being either a poser or a yob.

    I just don’t bloody know. What a miserable end to a miserable year. You know when people thought the Earth was flat and had an edge, and that you’d fall off the edge if you went too close? This is the Edge of History. We’re right there on the edge, falling into infinite nothingness.

  4. Spock says:

    At this point I would say that the people who are being given this honour are the ones who truly deserve it ; since this whole mess of prostituting our nation’s pride and identity there is no longer any GIEH in our Repubblika .

  5. Ness says:

    Nowadays surgeons are now more likely to be on the receiving end of a law suit rather than a national recognition of their work. As a medical student I shudder at the future of medicine in Malta.

  6. Jason says:

    Labour’s position on transsexuals has absolutely nothing to do with representing their rights. It is just a historical stand that they took to upset the Catholic Church and was pushed to the front of public life during PM Mintoff’s reign.

  7. anthony says:

    The reason why Alex Manche and Albert Fenech did not qualify for Gieh ir-Repubblika is simple.

    None of them would ever consider parting with his willy.

  8. Malta ta' dawn BISS. says:

    Labour voters, switchers, and non-voters, shame on you all. No wonder you’re all embarrassed to admit which side of the fence you’re on. Your own children are already cursing you.

  9. Rumplestiltskin says:

    For shame! If I had been a recipient I would return it post haste.

  10. Neil says:

    Astrid Vella’s getting hers too.

  11. RF says:

    The Honours List includes Li Tkisser Sewwi editor Mark Camilleri, and that other rag twerp Lino Cassar. Our PM is so stupid, he believes he is so smart.

  12. Smirnoff says:

    Did anyone read the comment left by a certain Samantha Caruana in the 5th photo?

  13. Wayne Hewitt says:

    At this point both Albert Fenech and Alex Manche should feel a huge relief for not being on a list that has been converted in the butt of jokes of most level headed people in the country.

  14. Grezz says:

    Joanne Cassar really needs to catch up with the times. Nobody bothers getting engaged any more.

    Incidentally, you’ve just got to love the irony of that Facebook comment ‘hmar taqtahlu denbu, hmar jbqa’ – it sounds like a thinly-veiled referral to Joanne himself.

  15. Tracy says:

    Ara veru li Eddy Privitera sfortunat. Miskin daqs kemm jehodha kontra kulhadd biex jaqbez ghall-gvern, sahansitra jigi mzebblah kemm-il darba ….u miskin ma giex rikonoxut minn JM.

    Lanqas bicca midalja (li m’ghadx ghandha valur daqs qabel ) ma gie moghti.

    Ghandek tghid kulhadd xortih.

    Hu go fik, Eddy.

  16. edgar says:

    Minflok taqta l-bajd biex tinki l-mara, taqta l-bajd biex tiehu Gieh ir-Repubblika.

  17. Bubu says:

    She looks like she gets botox every morning along with her korn flejks. I wonder if she gets JPO to do it for her.

  18. Rosie says:

    “Malta gharfitni bhala bintha”. WTF? Another 10 ops and anyone can still tell that’s a man.

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