Government appoints an 11-member management committee for Zammit Clapp Geriatric Hospital. And they’re Labour geriatrics.
Eleven people, eh? You’d this think was a committee to plan an assault on the White House. And not one of them is going to be able to get a word in edgeways, with Ritchie Matrenza chairing their meetings.
Chairman: 77-year-old rabid, rancid, overbearing and insufferably pompously bearded buffoon Richard Matrenza, the Labour government’s political appointee as High Commission in London when Sant was prime minister
Deputy chairman: 85-year-old Mintoffian Edwin Grech, Sant’s Minister of Social Welfare during the 1996-98 government
Here are the other members.
1. Martin Ellul Mercer, who is a failed Labour Party electoral candidate.
2. Anthony Mifsud Bonnici Giordani (because Mifsud Bonnici isn’t a distinguished enough name, so we have to tack on Giordani), who is another failed Labour candidate.
3. Carmen Fearne, who distinguished herself by giving birth to Labour MP Chris Fearne, constituency rival to Silvio Parnis and now enmeshed in ‘whistleblowing’ aide Vincent de Bono’s schemes of revenge.
4. Susan Mulvaney, whose bloodless face and voice were a permanent fixture on Xandir Malta during the Goltin Years of Labour. She is married to Charles Sacco, who this government has put on the Public Broadcasting Services payroll with the job of looking after the TVM website. His father? The absolutely awful Mintoffian parasite Remig Sacco, whose name will be familiar to anyone who had already reached adulthood in those Goltin Years.
5. Josephine Cassar
6. Doris Vella
7. Isabelle Aquilina
8. Salvu Borg
9. Mario Ellul
All those other names are pretty anonymous. I mean, exactly how many Josephine Cassars, Doris Vellas, Salvu Borgs and Mario Elluls are there in Malta?
But if any of my readers knows anything, you know the address by now:
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Maybe they wanted only ‘in-house’ members. It is convenient living so close to where you work. In the case of these 1950s socialists all they will have to do to get to work is walk down the stairs in their dressing-gowns.
Jekk Salvu Borg kien jahdem mal- TeleMalta/Maltacom/Go huwa maghruf bhala Salvu il-Hex.
Susan Mulvaney was on air when I was five.
Is it an 11-member Labour geriatrics committee, or is it a football team of Labour veterans?
Matrenza, Grech, Giordani, Ellul Mercer, Fearne and Mulvaney got what they deserved.
All decrepit nincompoops.
For once, meritocrazija
Fi zmien Gvern li jipremja l-meritokrazija, kemm fost dawn il-persuni studjaw dwar geriatrics ?
The 10th appointee is missing – Marion Mizzi.
Maybe Muscat was right, for once. Who better to make up a management committee of a geriatric hospital than a bunch of old agers? Who better to judge if the incontinence pants work?
Zammit Clapp is now a home for the elderly run by Care Malta. Wonder what a board is needed for ? It is no longer a hospital.
What, no Eddy Privitera?
That’s why Eddy is posting so many stupid comments on any comments board available. Still waiting for his iced bun.
The problem with him is that his comments are giving me the chance to write about Labour’s violent, evil, scandalous, corrupt, disastrous – any more adjectives? – past about which those under 40/45 know next to nothing.
And he will not have any answers to my replies which are based on well-documented facts. In fact he was more than once asked to ignore me.
Why does Zammit Clapp Hospital need a management committee, when now it’s a government home run by the private sector under the PPP scheme? The Zammit Clapp hospital management committee, to my knowledge, was renamed the hospital managmenet committee when the services offered there were transferred to Karin Grech Hospital.
So if there is a management committee for Zammmit Clapp, then there must be a committee for each and every Home for the Elderly owned by the state. If not, why has one been appointed for Zammit Clapp?
Casa Bottega.
Labour needs 11 people to unscrew a lightbulb. Nice.
Since Mintoff’s days the Labour movement always did its very best to destroy the memory of the “Blue Sisters Hospital” and its great usefulness to those many Maltese patients who wisely shunned St Luke Hospital as long as it was possible to do so. Now, as Zammit Clapp Geriatric Hospital in Muscat’s days that tradition is going to be maintained.
Hawn biex ser nghabbu? Xjuh akka fil-parlament, xjuh akka fil-bordijiet, xjuh kull fejn titfa harstek, xjuh akka fil-korp diplomatiku.
Dan il-Moviment Il-Gdid, dawn li holmu li ser jaghmlu POLITIKA GDIDA ghabbewna bi xkejjer ta’ antikalji li hadd ma jara xejn gdid fihom.
Ghax ma jmorrux ibennu lil prim ministru u jwessghulu ftit il-glekkijiet b’ punt hjata.
Owen wrote a Poem “The Parting”. New Malta Labour is writing an epic “The Return”. The epic unfolds in episodes of astonishing saga from the past.
Quiz question: Which former St Michael’s Teacher Training College student crapped in one of the bathrooms’ sinks leaving a note of ‘thanks’ to the Christian Brothers upon leaving the College?
Eat your heart out Yana.
Richard Matrenza is also on the Public Contracts Review Board:
He was also given a number of consultancies within Marie Louise Coleiro’s ministry.
How aptly you describe Ritchie Matrenza “buffoon”. He was always one even in his Lyceum days.